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  1. Does not this mean that you personally with this record will not have to craft anymore. Lets say you cap half of your ships. So. You have 350 pvp marks (on average) + 35 capped vessels. And just lost 7. I don't see where you ever have to craft. Someone will have to craft or buy average ships from NPCs. Rates will be rare (extremely high end content requiring effort). And everyone will have to pass through the OW - giving you pvp options. + Instead of sitting in port and clicking on the button in the building traders/crafters will sail trading the resources (not creating unlimited supply through alts). We don't see a problem.
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  2. Just buy them - whats the problem? They are not fine and are imported or produced locally sometimes in good quantities. I am sure people will bring it to your shipbuilding destinations if you pay a good price.
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  3. You don't have to craft. Buy from crafters. Building ships is a big part of the game. PvE server allows free capture and you don't have to craft even more.
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  4. if you sailed to enemy waters ...you should expect that their home waters are protected. Luck favors the prepared mind
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  5. Fine woods were RNG and turn everyone into wood cutter. + there was no other way to make a 3-5 ship because you had to RNG the woods. NPC supplies are not RNG and turn some people into traders. all ships have 5 slots now anyway. this fine woods 2.0 talk is honestly bullshit... please read the notes and think before making such statements.
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  6. stop your fleet ship sail close to it press x exchange hold/crew or even switch the ship.
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  7. If you survived first revenge battle you will at least have some invisibility to reposition yourself.
  8. We don't know yet. We are thinking of making it cost pvp or pve marks.
  9. does it happen in enemy waters or in your home waters?
  10. yes and ?
  11. solo rattlesnake can't tag a group of 5 ships sailing close together. Remember that new curves are in effect. To attack a group of 25 ships you need 25 ships now.
  12. disinfection + drink + price issues it was 6.8 per crewman before and should have been higher from the start. we either had to do this or increase sugar price 10 times.
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  13. Proceed here for further discussion
  14. Hello captains New hot fix is being deployed to testbed server. Governors of regions announced a monopoly on all woods except for oak, fir and lignum. Imported resources (like teak) will only be available in the regions that imported them historically. Other woods will only be sold by NPC traders in the region. Tunings and fixes. Remember that all parameters are not final and are provided for testing and feedback. Don't sharpen your swords just yet. New trims added to game. Some trims removed New wood types added to game When new resources are introduced it will take time for NPCs to build up the stock. Invisibility added when exiting battles under following conditions When battle is closed for entry for reinforcements the system determines the Battle rating of both sides. Side with the weaker Battle rating will receive 1 min invisibility on exit You cannot be attacked or attack during invisibility Invisibility persists even if you die and spawn in port (lets say Free town) This feature is new and might require turning in case players find loopholes or exploits with it. Cannons can now be stored in the warehouse Cargo destruction in the open world has been made even slower (25 seconds per stack). This will allow privateers to get some cargo if they tag the trader in time. Rum repair changed (due to previous pricing mistake) and now fixes 1 crew per bottle (instead of 10 crew per bottle as previously) Port crew recruitment is now 68 per crew member Copper mine building removed, copper removed from all blueprints. Ship blueprints updated and now require provisions. Ships in general became more expensive to make (especially higher level vessels) New spectacular bugs are probably introduced. Discuss.
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  15. the requirements will stay. but NPCs will have a mark up to promote ship purchases from players.
  16. thats temporary its probably going to change this week already
  17. it was before we broke the supply that could not get fixed without the wipe. (remember when NPCs suddenly started supplying everything)
  18. ну на лайве я точно знаю что на лафеты всегда был спрос позволяющий зарабатывать миллионы
  19. Actually it was in reverse. We started this project as an arena World of tanks style game. Once we tested the combat and people loved it we started to add ships to finish the game and asked the community what we should do next. The majority requested the open world. The first prototype had no cities at all - and wowed the users. I still remember the statements from players like @maturin saying "wow - you cannot see another side of lake maracaibo". And all the other testers were extremely happy too. This made us believe that we should temporarily abandon the arena game and focus on the MMO. We were too optimistic about the amount of work required to make all parts of the mmo work well (crafting, fighting, economy, balance). During the development we were trying to combine arena with the OW game and this was a main mistake. This mistake is fixed now. Arena game is being developed. OW is getting all arena game elements removed. Players who want fast action should not try to eat the cactus and just wait for the arena game. Open world MMO no longer wants or tries to satisfy their needs in the Caribbean. Arena game will be a killer app for them solving ALL their problems. So you are incorrect about your statement. Combat only (arena) game was first. ps the long term plans are to have several products for the age of sail fans. easy access combat only game, multiplayer world, single player story based game with no instances, and eventually walking on deck going down to ship holds or captains quarters we get more competence. Imagine smoking a pipe on a balcony of your third rate in battle. Its a journey. Consider NA as a great stepping stone. Its a great game for the first attempt.
  20. We have nerfed the trading missions to reduce its monetary inflow into the economy. Several other inflows (ship capture) were removed as well. But they will be adjusted and tuned weekly after the wipe patch is installed on live during the work on the interface. By the release time we will have to have fully tuned money income sources and money sinks. Currently - most profitable activity should be supplying the shipbuilders.
  21. it just sinks too fast.. the sinking time is random right now and maybe too short.. If the ship has already sank on the server you cannot loot it (but you still can see it) we are increasing sinking time as it is indeed too short to be somewhat useful
  22. are you going to provide feedback in the required form - like whats wrong, why and how would you improve it? Or you going to continue posting useless posts in feedback topics?
  23. moving the discussions here.
  24. Hello Captains. Hotfix is being deployed to test bed Rumors Rumors of National government takeovers of special woods production started circulating in the Caribbean trading circles including live oak and some other trims. Some captains with the connections to the West Indies company and Casa de Contratacion reported that several new woods are being research for use in the ship building. Use of new woods in planking and frame construction is also being considered. Shipyard masters are hesitant to allow making ships with old trims until more information is unveiled . (details) Fixes Important: It now takes some time to destroy stacks of resources in your cargo (current time is 10 sec per stack - it will be increased in the next patch) Important: Cargo will now affect speed in the open world (properly) - bugs causing slowdowns eliminated. Alliances tab disabled temporarily until alliance rework Victorious port battle defenders now properly receive conquest marks. To receive conquest marks you have to damage any enemy ship (any ship even one ship) above a certain threshold. Empty port battles will not give conquest marks. Conquest mark distribution. 3 for lineship ports, 2 for frigate ports, 1 for shallow ports. Several instance crashes bugs fixed Repair cool down increased from 10 mins to 15 mins Minimal crew requirement lowered on all traders Several minor bugs fixed
  25. its still a hot fix
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