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  1. nation change item (forged papers) is a complex feature. But it is absolutely required for a wipe patch to help avoid tears caused by lost XP redeemables. Though this tears could help with the supply of salt. thus wipe patch will happen once this item is coded and checked.
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  2. We hope its 15th but still not sure - thats why we indicate in news and announcements always - dates are preliminary and might change. When we are sure (like with patches on testbed) we say - patch is being deployed NOW.
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  3. We expect the unbalanced replacement costs to reduce certain ship supply. But reality could indeed be different.
  4. If only Titanic did not rush its content its arrival time - we would not have the good movie
  5. 4 ships lets decide right here we are thinking, privateer, suprise, indefatigable and a trader snow.
  6. Titanic movie has been delayed by 1.5 years mate. If delay is required it has to be done.
  7. indeed. we are looking into a potential bug with the cutter. It stops dead against the wind.
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  8. previously - everyone sails the USS Constitution after patch - not everyone sails the USS Constitution bringing more variety to the open world.
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  9. testbed allows fast changes without fear of backlash. we can expect the actual wipe patch to live once we finish the nation transfer item, add all skill books and add all regional trims.
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  10. ? dont understand
  11. Certain new items were added. You will find out the use for them very soon.
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  12. hmmmmm initially OW did not have port battles. Port battles were requested by players. Just like crafting and alliances and buildings. hmmm
  13. You are just bitter for some reason and we have no idea why. Test bed WAS for giving out content as soon as it is ready - thats is why it will always look like something is shipped in small pieces. regarding your 5 months content. Count the number of patches and look at new things first before trashing something you know nothing about. After you counted the number of patches try to imagine this. Its 1765. Ship leaves Louisiana today and arrives to Toulon in 3 months, it takes time to sail. Same with content. The fact that you did not see something for 5 months just shows that you have not seen the ship sailing. Some content takes time to make - sometimes 5 months. I have to defend my developers against statements like yours, as they clearly show that you have no idea how ships sail or content made.
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  14. We have not. And its not a mistake. Did you for example know that there are more PVE players buying the game and playing the game since October. Do you know why this happens and will happen even more? (until of course some pvp players change their mind and start doing something about the reviews they leave because they don't like mods or devs)
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  15. All player fleets will be capturable soon.
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  16. lgv and indiaman do not require marks or permits.
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  17. I wonder if you can provide detailed explanation on what is the reason? Was it caused by the fact that it was just too easy to make a lot of money (based on your posts).
  18. Your overreaction shows that you are too passionate about the pve subject. Despite the fact we posed it as a question you attacked us for asking this question in the open. You are so sure about your position that you are blinded by your hate and ignore the fact that truth could be different and the opposite. People like you will turn developers like us into Electronic arts - and will force us to talk using dry press releases and/or in closed invite only areas.
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  19. As far as i remember sinking first rate grants you 10 pvp marks, cutter 2 marks (the range is not final). We implemented permits to naturally limit the number of high end ships in the open world. Everyone can sail them, but not everyone can afford them. Conquest marks are hardest to exploit (i think). Alternative would be to just increase the amount of resources for first rates 10-20x fold. And then conquest marks can be removed. We do not have a final position on permits but are willing to experiment. If permits go away then we will have to make first rates will cost 10-15 mil in resources (at cost) (in line with price differences of mid game and end game content in other games)
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  20. 1 durability ships will stay until release and beyond. The die is cast.
  21. That guy is just a hater mate. He did not even want to lift his ass to check who voted, but still spitted his comment about "rigged poll". You would just save a lot of time by just ignoring him
  22. PvE server will have everything for the PVE marks. PVP server we dont know yet. We do not have the position on this question : should PVE players be rewarded on the PVP server?
  23. No plans to change that. Every mmo has daily maintenance. Its just we dont do it daily on testbed.
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  24. We take our reputation very seriously. Provide proof or stop being CNN.
  25. port battles are set up after maintenance - if there is no maintenance battle will not happen.
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