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Everything posted by admin

  1. global chat won't be removed.
  2. Hello Captains We would like to remind everyone entering passwords into the external sites - remember it might be not safe and you don't know the intentions of the person collecting the data. Please use passwords not related to your passwords on steam or GL forums. (also enable double authentication on steam as soon as possible).
  3. Please try to ignore such problems on the testbed which might happen because of uneven or random maintenance times. A lot of things reset/or depend on the maintenance and doing it late or early will move PB times as well unfortunately.
  4. We want to add xebecs (1-2) but it will all depend on other factors.
  5. recoil was present in game during early testing. Because of huge number of draw calls in large battles it was switch off. recoil ruins FPS when there are 5000 cannons in battle (25 v 25 100 gunners)
  6. it is not. the compass in instance does not have NSWE indication but the sun goes the way it goes in the OW
  7. speeds are the same across servers
  8. Any examples? If you name 3 we will try to fix them all if you can show to us that they were really pushed for advantage ps We really need players to guard us from such things. That's why we always say to speak up if you don't like something
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  9. Remember they don't despawn when you attack them. so a group of 12 can get it done if supported by war supplies. We plan to change the distances they are sailing to so they somewhat stay around the capital of the region.
  10. what ai buffs? You can sink an NPC lgv in a basic cutter. Ask DAS to help you.
  11. Captains who have not programmed at least one MMO NPC system should avoid giving programming advice to us. Because of 2 reasons They don't know what they are talking about. Because they have not programmed something like that on scale they have no idea how it works By doing so (talking about things they know nothing about) - their other statements where they KNOW what they are talking about (e.g. gameplay) might get devalued. TLDR. Dynamic spawn systems don't work in persistent MMOs, When you are limited by a number of agents. If you are limited by a number of agents you cant spawn despawn bots live because you might destroy persistence in some locations. Thats why in wow, those murlocs are always there. waiting for you. If our bot is on the route carrying iron somewhere we cant despawn him. He has to get to the destination.
  12. You will have to kill them over and over yes. Bring war supplies and top up with PVE. If enemies are there - just sink them in pvp and raise it by pvp. If they are not there they will come or not we don't know thus pve is the way to go. All instant PB set ups (flags, and such) are exploitable and not going to work.
  13. There is more than enough. You probably did not notice, but those county bots don't despawn once you attack them. They are unlimited.
  14. yep max number of bots server can support. (because of bot engine calculations)
  15. total number of bots 1536 number of regions (73 less capitals) * 6 = county bots for hostility the rest of bots are for normal PVE and trader hunting.
  16. if raising hostility is slow then defenders will not show up NOW. they will come in the morning and grind it down.
  17. There must be a player with the same problem as you. Why don't you ask in chat and maybe cooperate? You only needed 3 players to fully support santisima production and with the reduction on the number of buildings it is even easier now (your probably need 2 players).
  18. pirate county capitals already have pirate county bots fleets (by fleets we mean ships from 1 to 6 ships depending on the region)
  19. why is it a problem? Build a iron mine and you have iron for yourself and maybe others. Because there is no NPC supply players will be forced to build them. And supply will appear
  20. it would be better to reduce time to gain hostility but increase degradation to 100% this will force attackers to finish hostility set up during one evening. AND also force defenders to come protect the port NOW because if they don't come PB is guaranteed to happen and they won't be able to grind it down later.
  21. pve. every county capital has 6 fleets assigned to them sailing to 4 nearest ports. war supplies as well - but it can be exploited by alts (war supplies still work up to 50% of hostility) raids (in the future) What's changed is that defenders Must PVP or be lucky to get hostility down. There will be no hostility missions for defenders soon they will be just fleet/group missions for pve. not for hostility. For conquest you should be on OW searching for NPC fleets or players to get hostility up. I wonder what your recommendation means? Should we ignore bugs?
  22. This will be a much lesser problem because you can't sit in BRS anymore and if you login you don't have invisibility
  23. Assuming you are a defender. If you want a PB you don't show up If you don't a PB you must show up and get the hostility down using OW bots or PVP. Hostility from missions will be removed soon (in one of the next hot fixes). The only way to get hostility down will be luck (if some enemy fleet sails into that port) or PVP. War supplies as a defensive measure are under consideration as they still allow alts to do things with them.
  24. new hot fix has been deployed. please continue there.
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  25. Captains Patch is being deployed to testbed. Here are the contents Fixed bug that did not allow you to craft even if you had a free slot in the port Fix bug that shown the pve/pvp marks conversion rate for knees and furnishings Fix bug that made captured derelict dissapear if their owner exited the battle before assigning crew to them (to allow their capture for others who are still in instances) Fix bug that allowed ships added to fleets without the perk in outlaw battles Fixed several bugs with hold informational updates Fixed bug that allowed bots to repair guns indefinitely Fixed bug that increased deceleration on the Cutters Fixed resource mix up when crafting the following wood types – Caguarian, Sabicu, White oak. Changed NPC production limits on certain resources Invisibility is now 1 min for both sides (on battle exit) Port battles now properly allow PB battle points for recently killed captains (including pvp marks) Port battle capture of zones can only begin 10 mins after start of the battle Discuss
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