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Everything posted by admin

  1. There are multiple player personalities and the group you think you are describing will gain nothing from insurance. Also we have stated quite a while ago that players who do not chose pve server in a full loot pvp game cannot be called casual players. The fact of logging in to a full loot pvp server even to pve makes them hardcore players. No wiggling is possible around this fact.
  2. Automatic crafted ship insurance is not only about the money but about the reducing the loss and changing the reward system, which is one of the goals for the insurance. Here is the practical example. Assume there are only 2 players. Player 1 loses in 10 from 11 battles. Player 2 wins in 10 from 11 battles Cost to build the ship is 300k and reward is 300k (150k*2 pvp bonus) + pvp marks and combat marks. Rewards were always increased during early access because they were supposed to increase incentives to go out and fight, but this was a mistake. Here is what happens now.. Player 2 sinks 10 ships, earns 3,000 (3mln) + marks. This 3 mln increase price pressure in the market and is increasing the recovery cost for the Player 1. Player 1 loses 10 ships, recovery cost is 3,000k (3 mln). He loses more and more every time and can only recover by PVE. Grind also brings money into the game, generating even higher prices. Grind is forced onto the average player until he can acquire skill + inflation goes up and up. Grinding is not giving the player 1 required skills = wastes his time. So the obvious benefits are Insurance allows to restructure rewards to the appropriate historical levels which removes the inflationary pressures, and reduces recovery loss, loss is less painful because you are not forced to regrind. Gear fear is lowered and cost of loss is minimal (especially if Player 1 crafts the ships). Grind is not forced on those who dont want to pve but cannot yet win consistently. Crafted ships start to matter more.
  3. Economy rebalance will reduce the price pressure on resources.
  4. no.. because in this case you can use it to generate unlimited money by passing the ships to friends through capture. Crafted ship must end up on the bottom of the ocean in your battle to claim the insurance.
  5. Not all players will reap maximum benefits from this feature. But the majority will (those who sail with basic mods or no mods whatsoever).
  6. Insurance should have appeared long time ago, but its better now then never. We have only seen the benefits when reworking economy and rewards systems. 2 main reasons are - help the new player recover faster and not get stuck in the permanent vicious cycle of losses, and control inflation (counter intuitive, but insurance will actually reduces inflation, because it allows to change the rewards to more historical and less inflationary ones).
  7. Good news everyone. In one of the next patches crafted ships will be come with navy insurance. Insurance at base price (ship material cost + small %) will be automatically paid out if you ship sinks in a battle (to a player or to an NPC vessel). Insurance will only be provided for the ships crafted by the players (not for the admiralty ships or imported vessels, which are not covered by policies).
  8. Hi all. This will be unpopular but here is the thing. Tow to port is a temporary feature. Its not going to exist in the future. It is the unstuck command that players use for travel. In the future its only going to work if you are really stuck. And this future is actually very close.
  9. admin

    Comparing 2 games

    Activity trackers? Thinking that notifications and alerts make a game and comparing a small indie developer team with the BD developer (quarterly revenue 120 Billion korean won) is just stupid. Topic locked
  10. Do not rely on the forums much in this.. He will change his mind like 10x times over the next 8 years… There are many playful toys that require some minimal programming that you can do together.. Like nintendo LABO or lego
  11. проверим скорее всего вызвано тем что она ниже сидит в воде чем старая конста поэтому и происходит поломка
  12. Точно можно поправить только резко уменьшив скорость движения в открытом мире (что вызовет намного больше недовольства) При текущей скорости возможны артефакты - чтобы их исправить можно стандартизировать расстояние в инстах но на это надо время на проверки - пока интерфейс важнее
  13. @Hethwill the Harmless found it Et pluribus Unum (but t is omitted)
  14. Little help from our USA captains? what is written on the banner? its the flag of the revenue cutter service 1799 version
  15. did casa de contratación had a ensign (like EIC or west indies company)? cant find any reference
  16. Ink is investigating and will reply to you in private. But clan code is very stable and impossible to hack - someone you have trusted the officer role promoted them. Or they were officers, changed names and decided to leave and take all with them. Right now the only mechanic to kick is to find the founder. Clan issues can only be addressed after localization, we added the logs recently (that help a lot) and plan to continue improving the clan functionality. BUT. Having played EVE we know the only way to not lose resources is to keep them in your warehouse because even the trusted online friend can betray. pill sweetener. remember the wipe will come on release so you have not really lost much and they have not really gained anything.
  17. You are not thinking it through. If officers could demote - then a rogue officer can just kick everyone (especially in the case of missing founder) and take over the clan. Now. Officer could only invite alts to clan, promote and steal everything ONLY in once case. You were far sighted enough to hire such officer. Do not promote people you don't trust with you FULL WAREHOUSE. if you trusted them - you should be ok with them taking it all out.
  18. Discussion of moderation is usually not allowed, but moderators should never cross the line and break the forum rules themselves. If they break them you can complain. Moderators are volunteers, and do not have to reply PMs just like you dont have to. The post does not contain anything to discuss. When filing complaints against moderators please provide the subject of the complaint. For example if you complain about verbal abuse (its against the rules) - quote the verbal abuse.
  19. Схема пока такая Энергия определяет пробой - чем выше энергия тем выше пробой Диаметр ядра определяет урон обшивке уточним что чем выше скорость энергия тем аккуратнее будет дыра (лонги) медленное ядро вырывает больше обшивки тем самым нанося больше урона щепой команде (карронады) Шли обсуждения что возможно диаметр не самый лучший определитель урона обшивке и структуре Но пока никуда не привели (есть как доказательства за так и против) Пример - в отверстие оставленное от 24ф ядра даже нельзя просунуть пальцы. Или тут (по моему тоже 24ф) вообще если смотреть по тестам - урон корпусу от ядер не просто минимален - …
  20. Deck guns do not work if deck difference is too high. if you attack one decked ship the guns on the top deck do not work (cant aim that low). Hercules has a technically 3 decks. There is another ship like this - Prince.
  21. This is something that will only work if you hide enemy commands and only know them in the next round. Pick a command according to your knowledge of enemy ship and crew - and commit. This will remove ping dependence - and i think this is a way to go.
  22. dev version. allows to switch to old UI
  23. Flags functionality will be added in the next patch. But additional flags will be introduced gradually both as lootable items and as cosmetic purchasable unlock that will unlock all flags.
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