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  1. We recover ships in case its the game's fault. Also we can partially recover some ships (usually 1 ship 1 upgrade) if you can prove your kids deleted the outpost (confirmed by logs) but this only can happen once per steam ID.
  2. yes i understand..But the problem is that the assets are handled by a machine … it does not know if you are making a mistake or not. We could lock the outpost deletion until you remove the assets, but in this case you could be be stuck with assets in enemy ports forever. There is a need to remove outpost with everything if you cant recapture for example. We will review the usability of this feature eventually... right now the focus is on localization and port ui - we plan to give out port ui asap.
  3. there is a "Condent" flag on the pirate flag list - its rectangular not triangular.
  4. There is always a warning when you delete the outpost that states to the player that all assets/ships will be lost if you close it. Message always applies. Thats why it is there :). But we understand its frustrating. In this particular case you could apply to @Ink for partial compensation (he can provide one time courtesy recovery first time it happens) pm him and he will investigate.
  5. most likely you have a corrupt item hold on.. maybe it can be fixed but worst case you will have to wait for monday.
  6. maybe it (hre flag for sweden) should be done for the german speaking community as there was no prussia when most german players went sweden. Maybe on a blue Bavaria background
  7. live server is also a early access server. UI changes are painful. and cant be changed on the fly. Thus testbed was absolutely required for the UI and missions. Economy changes are easier (especially knowing that there will be partial wipe on release of the game that will remove abnormal gold generated from mistakes in economy)
  8. Why don't you provide the real quote - we take misquotes of our statements very seriously here. If you cannot find the quite please remove unproven statements from your message.
  9. артефакты - будут исправлены это вызвано разницей в БР которые будут финально устранены в патч или сразу после него
  10. Yes. Single pack No info on pricing yet Yes. You can only see and use flags of your nation. But if you switch nation you will see other flags and lose ability to use pirate flags.
  11. Full collection (pirates already above) Future flag additions will be added to the Naval Action Flags DLC for free and will unlock automatically. we know we need to add merchant french and some others but do not have time now. Please propose in this topic if we missed anything
  12. норм может и после локализации если хорошо пойдет. Клановые docking fees отличная идея.
  13. Seems like you want everyone to sail just a little bit. Not too much, just a little bit. But why stop there. Maybe all battles should be done from port then? And maybe long battles should be avoided too to save time? Add a button to port - claim rewards and get done with it. The faster you click the more rewards you get - like Clicker Heroes. Finally casuals will be satisfied? PS If Hispaniola has a very large concentrations of lineships it will actually reduce the time to find a target if you want to hunt for ships of the line. You just move to hispaniola and hunt there.
  14. There are 1538 bots in the open world right now. Once killed the NPC ship/fleet spawns on the assigned route again (somewhere in the assigned port area)
  15. Filler system was undersigned and does not provide incentives to move to enemy waters. British ports should mostly have british shipping around them. Nelson did not search for french/spanish fleet near london. He sailed to Spanish Cadiz.
  16. in one of the next patches bot distribution will drastically change to provide for easier hunt mission targets. There will be zones with only lineships, zones with only frigates and such.
  17. 1538 bots 2500 players
  18. 1 pood and 1/2 pood edinorog guns (unicorn/licorne guns)
  19. ну закрывать доступ в порт совсем слишком жестко да. мы говорили что возможно привлекательность порта станет для кланов и войн кланов максимально интересной если земли в порту для зданий и рынок товаров будет доступен только клану - а остальная портовая инфраструктура включая транспорт между аутпостами останется для всех идея интересная но болезненная для одиночек.
  20. Предложение было не закрыть вход, а дать губернатору порта (владельцу) эксклюзивно пользоваться зданиями и рынком порта.
  21. мы думали о том чтобы разрешить постройки и пользование рынком только для клана владельца и френдлиста не уверены на сколько это испортит игру )))
  22. Please keep in mind This book is FREE on Archive org and elsewhere. https://archive.org/details/privateeringandp24882gut http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/24882 but of course nothing beats a good printed book (or manual)
  23. Captains We understand that men sometimes can hate a ****ing weather or opponents and will use strong language - this happens and we take an understanding view on this (i sometimes can say stupid things i immediately regret it) and hope players can understand the heated nature of pvp combat. But sometimes people cross the lines and start behaving like ****les - the best way you can do is report them and put on ignore. We get lots of flak for bans in reviews and here for moderating chat - it shows that it works and people are getting banned. Sometimes its not as fast as it could be or as you want it to - but punishment for consistently breaking chat rules and steam eula is inevitable and comes every friday.
  24. yes. You could only use flags of your nation.
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