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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. I am totaly fine with the ship knowlege system but why has the shop to sell even more stuff? I thought we are going away from all that mod stuff. A shop with just visual stuff would make grinding a choice at the moment you are fored to get stuff like 15% more hp or something like that. You can grind PvP too. You just have to flog new players.
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  2. Yeah to me it looks like just an other grind. The items in store are again a must have so. Yeah the grind is real.
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  3. The battle tag timer still seems a litte bit long. We got this small tagcircle so why not adjust the timer to 12 or 10 secs. At the moment its still possible to dance around the attacked ship while waiting for the timer.
  4. you have to choose the fleet control perk + you have to assign crew
  5. Here is what I think why it is just the way it is.
  6. What do you dont like?
  7. Is it intended that the surgeon only restores crew that was lost in the battle but not crew that wasnt there at the beginning? They just could lay in the sickbay and be sent up as soon the battle starts ;-)
  8. did you redeem them? I had them still as this patch got live
  9. I have a aga vic + pavel but was on testserver before the new patch^^
  10. guess its because the testserver was so low on population how would you earn pvp marks? ;-) only pve makes sense for testserver
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  11. would be handy to have percent instead of HP how should I know how much HP i need without checking my side HP and doing math Better would be" Repair 80% of hull for 15 kits" or something like that
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  12. I just finished a battle and i am sure i had over 80% on every side. But in the battle resultscreen my side hp is down 0%: Seems I got the status of teh ship I sunk. Report Nr NAB-60940.... Report by testserver captain Z4ys
  13. Was thinking the same. But unfortunately it isnt possible to report hole topics.
  14. We had a player proposal 2017 and I suggested: More customization would be so awesome.
  15. what about summing up nations in a mainnation and subnations. US could be a subnation of France while Dutch could be a subnation of etc. That way we reduces the overall nations but it would still be possible to add infinite nations to the game without creating underpopulated ones and it would be better game balance wise. Like I said with Heths suggestion it would make the spanish appealing for me.
  16. I had the same issue but in my case it wasnt Firefox it was Kaspersky.
  17. I think what heth was suggesting is that we should consider splitting nations into smaller ones but they are all under one big flag. That way we could make even spain (which Scotland-Irish nation) would belong to appealling for more people.
  18. Long join timer just lead to that people stay in port and wait for action popping up right in front of their nose. When we look at the upcoming changes that should bring people to the open world why we need a tool (long timers) to be lazy again? And in my opinion in a crowded open world you will be thankful when you fight what you saw. At least I would.
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  19. When removing teleport to capital what happens in case someone build a deep water ship in a shallow port? Will deep water ships building restricted to deep water ports only?
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  20. That is the exact thing they did last year. How many have left because of our suggestions? The only thing we could blame them for is listening to us. But i wouldnt do that. I am glad they did it.
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  21. @admin What going on with the kickstarter ship pack? I know it got screamed down by selfish people who wanted their ships in first. But is such a campaign still considered?
  22. Buy a fighting ship and fight ;-) Use the fleet cargo hold and take a fighting ship and a trader with you. escort yourself out there. the upcoming changes make it possible.
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  23. I am a litte bit concerned about marks for teleports and marks in general. In my opinion allow teleports or dont but dont bypass that by marks. By allowing to bypass it through marks i believe it will get game meta. Like you have to use a heavy rattle for shallow port battles it will be "you have to have marks to tp to portbattles". That forces player that want to paticipate in RvR to grind marks. Grinding is a bad gameplay its frustrating and boring. So please "Yes" or "NO" but not "In case If"
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