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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. I believe because we have an OW speed hardcap while in instance we have none. But not 100% sure about that. (pls delete when mistaken)
  2. In battle instance my rattle did 15.6 kn I could catch every Indiaman, lgv, traderbrig and trader snow easily and fast at ever angle. But in open world I struggled to keep up or it took me a lot of days at sea / ridiculous travel distances to close in at the same angles that were no problem in instance. I know the rattle speed itself is ridiculous but it was necessary to catch traders. Otherwise the trader had to be AFK to actually tag him before he hugged a fort , AI fleet or just vanished in the next port. It was even very hard sometimes impossible to catch a trader with perfect wind for the rattle between MT and Tortuga because the distance was to short. Especially the lgv is very fast close hauled in OW while she was very slow in battle . Edit: most of the time the traders weren't speed fit.(talking about wood or inbuilds can't say anything about mod)
  3. Really like the changes. Only 90 people online at the testserver and on my 1:30h sailing trip I saw so many players using the OW. When I compare that to the live server With 90 people you will never see one because they all sit in port. Can't wait to get it on live servers.
  4. The battle result screen is in my opinion kind of weird when it comes to your fleet. There are to small windows. the left one shows your fleet the right one shows your ship loottable. When You capture a ship its in the left window. To sink the captured you have to get this ship in the right window ( picture 1). Therefore click on "to vessel" then you get to picture 2 When its in the right window you can tell "sink ship" This kind of screen isnt in my opinion self explaining. Give the two small windows a heading like Unassigned loot has. And rename "To Vessel" to something more self explaining. Picture1 Picture 2
  5. The game is playable even with 2-3h . If someone wants everything at once Ofc he will gets disappointed. There is so much rush outside take your time and enjoy. Grab a fighting ship take traders as escort sail to your trading outpost sink or capture ships while doing so have fun. And the next day sail back fighting for your goodies. Counter attack enemy's while your traders sail away sink greedy privateers. Tell me what have you done in your 2-3h as you played NA.
  6. One port out of how much? If we start talking about French Swedes Danish Spanish US and pirates it was way to easy to ship goods between the towns. Consider an other crafting port get out of the green circle. Play safe and sink a lot of time that's how it should be. Pay people to do the job if hauling doesn't suit you. Look what we had 600-800 people online I bet most of them were in port so we were left with 50-200 people actually using the OW world. Why I say that? OW now on the live server looks mostly the same as pre wipe announcement. So I am glad that devs decided to do something against this circumstance.
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  7. Don't know why people think less teleports make the game harder and more time consuming. On the live server you just can teleport everything to a freeport. And than sail it in 2- 10min to its destination. Players doing so are adding nothing to the game. The are not available for OW content. With nobody or just a few actually sailing on OW while the other are porting around you spend Ofc a lot of time to get OW content. With the upcoming changes I am confident that more player have to get out of their holes and actually have to use OW. That means more player at OW less time needed to get access to OW content. Ofc hauling stuff takes longer. But don't forget the changes coming to ship holds. Ships in your fleet share the cargo hold. That means fighting and hauling at the same time. We can do 2 things at once. If that isn't time saving I don't know. Break the cycle of old habits. Don't to everything one after an other. Do it simultaneously. Be a part of OW content.
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  8. You would force people to take shitty outposts. And with their limited slot number I disagree. Tp between outposts and not to Freetown's is in my opinion a good compromise
  9. I am all for tp between national outposts but no tp to Freetowns
  10. Oh and I forgot: I am missing the time as finding a wreck was a challenge.
  11. Might be true that not all old players could get that feeling again. But at the moment the game rob this experience from new players. The feeling to be proud on yourself while you achieved something like that has 1000 more value than OK I am there what next. Starbucks Coffee sucks in taste but the feeling of the ambience is what people drives them into their shop. If NA misses to sale a feeling to people NA is doomed in the long run. Why people left recently? Because it was a experience you can get in every other game. Nothing special about it.
  12. I am missing the feeling when I got a perfect landfall after days at sea without spotting land. I am missing the need of planning a trip. At the moment I can sail blind just have to check coordinates from time to time. I am missing the feeling when someone told me where we wanna meet just with landmarks as reference and I finally got there. I am missing the feeling of being lost. I am missing the advantage of being good in navigation.
  13. @PIerrick de Badas in my opinion it's a good step. Capturing and to use these ships starts to make sense. Capturing gets stronger as sinking. That's good. It even can reduce ganks while there is not much to share for many when they just ganking one.
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  14. Late April Fool? Sorry I am out of suggestions
  15. At the moment pirates are like every other nation. Except they cant join alliances and are at war with all nations. ( But alliances may turned off for further review). So at the moment its just a question of the flag that you prefer. At the testserver pirates can attack each other but when they do that they create a special battleinstance which is open for everyone and everyone fight everyone.
  16. http://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/allnews/
  17. Steam library -> Naval Action (live server) right click -> preferences ->local data -> check data for error. (Names can vary have the german steam version)
  18. @xAzDKr Its not a nerv its a Buff to the game. So yes it will be worth playing.
  19. It shouldnt be possible on a PvP server to convert PvE marks to PvP
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  20. while you cant send back a ship to port anymore. you have to sail/escort it home. Therefore it looks intended to me. The fleet control perk should be renamed to "Pizecrew size" The bigger the prizecrew size the more ships you can take home^^
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  21. More infos
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  22. Dedicated traders should get the option to obtain more building slots.
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  23. First of all I like the general direction this patch is going. Admiralty, marks and Shipknowlege I never checked the admiralty store in the recent patches so I would say I am in a way a new player to that kind of new feature. As I first look at this feature it was very confusing, The same item for different rates of ship and its not quite clear what they do. Ofc I know out of my experiance what boarding ladders do or ballast but as a new player I wouldnt know for what I spend my marks. Furthermore there are items in store (refrering to the figureheads) they are OP and looks like they could get the new meta. 15% more HP or 5% speed + turning speed looks to me that they are a must have in PvP. Therefore to be competitive I have to grind marks. And ofc I can grind pvp marks. I just have to look for new players or uneven fights. All that makes me think that the way the admiralty store and marks are in the game isnt a good choice gamewise. Ofc it offers content but in my opinion its just fake content, In the other hand I really like the shipknowlege. Even it is hard to find in the firstplace. Intuitive I looked at my rank XP to find my current ship XP. It took me some time till i figured out that i have to hover over the empty ship knowlege slots in the equipment tab. In my opinion it would be better if we could have a drop down menu when hovering over the rank xp with all kind of earnd ship XP and XP to next knowlege rank. Furthermore it should even be vissible in OW but just for the current ship. Battle resultscreen Battle resultscreen. I got the perk fleet control and captured a ship. Call it habit but the first time I messed up to take the ship with me, because I forgot to assign crew as the battle was over. After I understand that I have to assign crew first and leave then. It was very confusing how the battle result screen looked like. I didnt know what to to with the captured ship. Is it in my fleet or is it not? I just had 2 option take or sink. The third option that it is in my fleet wasnt clear in the firstplace. I just thought screw it and left the battle without doing any more clicks but luckily that was the right choice. So I would recommend to make it more clear that this ship is currently in your fleet. Tagcircle I like how the Tagcircle changed in comparison to the live server. Less big that makes tagging in crowed areas resonnable. The tagtime reduction is nice but in my opinion it could still be more. I would love to have 10 or 12 seconds till battle start. The distance you sail currently while tagging is far to long especially in some places of the map. I know OW speed is under review but tagtime goes hand in hand with OW speed. Please keep that in mind. Teleporting At the moment it is possible to teleport back to capital without hold or between outposts without ship. I would go so far that I would forbid teleporting between Freetowns and national ports and freetowns between freetowns for nation player. (For pirates it could still be possible) In my opinion teleport (if it stays) should just be possible between your own national ports. The grey inbuild color The advantage of grey is that even colorblind people have no disadvantage. I know UI isnt final. But at the moment its light and fine grey letters on a dark grey background. That makes it hard to read. If you want to stick with grey letters make them thicker or give them an other grey color that is not so hard to read. Exploit I can kill myself in a basic cutter with minimal crew and get the "recent killed debuff" and deny everyone in that time marks.
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  24. I am going to make a screenshot stay tuned
  25. mods like ballast or ladders and ropes but for certain ship ratings.
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