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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. Please don't reopen locked discussions, they're locked for a reason.
  2. Pandora will be granted to players when the game is released.
  3. You need to more clearly state your example please. I"m not sure what you're saying.
  4. Currently, the code should not make it possible for you to, for example, encounter a Rattlesnake in a first level solo mission. Since ranks are different for each nation, it may be possible that you are choosing a mission of a higher rank than you are expecting. When choosing a mission, know the rate of the ship you are sailing right now (e.g. a cutter is a 7th rate ship). As you are looking at the mission, pay attention to the recommended rate for that mission - if you're in a cutter, you want a mission that says to bring a 7th Rate. If you're absolutely sure that you chose the correct rank of mission, that it was a solo mission and not a fleet mission, and you're still seeing a rattlesnake or multiple, higher ranked ships, please press F11 and provide as much detail as possible. I have personally sailed a large number of Midshipman Missions for 7th rates and have never seen an enemy ship other than a single cutter, or a single privateer.
  5. They shouldn't, nor should they sail a heavy frigate, and they certainly should put in an effort. However, days and days and days in the basic cutter - it's a starter ship. Wouldn't it be ok, to allow them to easily advance into a brig/snow, and then above that make it far harder? There's a psychological factor in being jammed into a "noob" ship and forced to stay there for a long period of time. I know it will get easier/more affordable to not be in a free everything ship as crafting comes online, but you really should hook them early by giving them an easy level or so - make it easy to get into a brig or snow - let them spend their "grinding" time in a ship that will encourage them to learn square riggers, which are most heavily represented in the game. Make earning millions and heavy frigates a long term goal - I encourage that. But allow some very early, easy advancements to set the hook and keep the player.
  6. Alright, please F11 on the server, filling in as much detail as possible. Then post here with your character name so it can be investigated. Thank you.
  7. I think that was just on the testbed for test purposes. I thought I recalled Admin saying that PvE to PvP mark exchange wasn't going to be on the live servers.
  8. When was the last time you played the game and saw your outposts and redeemables?
  9. Hi there. Before we can help you we need to know what is wrong. Can you please describe the problem you're having?
  10. Both of these Captains are correct. Only need boarding to board a live ship that hasn't surrendered due to sinking.
  11. NPC ships are no longer capturable. Having a fleet also now requires a perk.
  12. You have to come to nearly a stop next to the sinking ship - as if you were boarding it. Once you're slow enough and close enough, the prompt to press X will appear. Be quick! You don't have long to get things off of it before it slips beneath the waves.
  13. It will delete their current XP and Craft XP, but if they still have their XP and Craft redeemables to use, those will not be deleted. In short, they shouldn't redeem anything, then delete their character and change nations. The redeemables will still be there to use. If they HAVE redeemed their Craft or XP redeemables, then the Forged Papers is the only option for them to switch nation, in which case they'd want to sail any assets they have to a freetown prior to using the papers.
  14. I also got Caguairan and Crew Space (both grey). Completely agree on all of your points!
  15. Please log into PvP EU - I'm assuming you didn't have a character on PvP2 US, which is now the Global server.
  16. I'm assuming you haven't been on these forums, the steam forums, or the SubReddit in those last three months either? The XP you had before the wipe is still there, but only on the server(s) on which you had a character at the time of the wipe.] Since you say you logged into Global, I'm assuming you were previously on PvP1 EU. That is now the PvP EU server. You will find redeemables there to regain your previous XP and Craft XP. Please read all warnings prior to using the redeemable. Please also be more polite, especially when news of the wipe has been plastered all over every Naval Action related communications channel for the last few months.
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  17. Pandora will be gifted to players at release.
  18. Consider yourself...well warned.
  19. I worked 400 hours of overtime one summer for a company during the .COM boom. I learned a few things. Talented developers won't hang around when you work them like this. IT is too hot a market to put up with slave driving. It works for folks fresh out of school and desperate for experience (and who don't know better), but experienced developers with good skillsets will walk when worked this way, and it takes a VERY long time to get a new developer up to speed on the project. After about 50 hours, the brain stops being able to easily deal with the complexities of coding. I overwrote the same config file 6 times in an hour after working a 90 hour week, including weekends. Mistakes and bugs are entered into the codebase at a far higher rate when people are fatigued. This work isn't ditch digging (though industrial accidents also go up sharply when longer hours are worked). The problem with cranking out one week, is then it becomes expected. Next thing you know, you're working that every week and management (or the playerbase) is yelling at you when you say you finally need to take at least one weekend a month off. It's time to get back on topic. Feedback regarding the contents of this patch. Comments on the developers' PR, work ethic, patch timing etc. are off topic and are not welcome in a feedback patch thread.
  20. Please do not open duplicate threads on the forums. Feedback related to the server split can be provided in the topic linked above. Thank you.
  21. Most of those have been added/updated in the main thread. If they have not, please let me know specifically which ones and I'll look to getting them added. Thanks!
  22. Hah! Ok, two posts with rules.
  23. You know, when a team is working their tails off, trying to finish that one last item that is going to prevent a lot of heartache and problems with their playerbase by allowing them to change nations after they have used their redeemable, preventing a lot of "oh well, you get to start over loser!" moments when a player makes a mistake with their nation choice, and they're struggling and working extra hours, giving up meals and family time, burning the candle at both ends.....posts like this really reward that hard work and effort and lost time and make them feel appreciated. Bravo sir, for such an educated, informed, and poignant post that encourages the team to give their best efforts for your benefit. There's one, count it, one final feature that is holding up the patch. They likely thought they could get it done in time, and maybe something broke or popped up at the last minute to prevent it from going out on time. Check your entitlement at the door. Deadlines have always been "if possible". They don't treat them cavalierly, and they do make a significant effort to meet them, but sometimes ship happens, and when it does, you can wait a few more days. You'd likely be the same person leading the torch carrying mob and screaming "shame" if they went ahead and pushed anyways and something wasn't complete or right.
  24. There's actually only one true thread with rules. There are a number of posts in that thread, and I agree it may be time to clean it up to a single post.
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