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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. Joking in feedback threads is an extremely poor idea. Read it as ALMOST NOBODY then. Either way, it's not the common occurrence people make it out to be.
  2. Acting as a community means: Follow the forum and game rules.- and just about the rest of what I'll put here is right there in those rules. Be respectful to each other, but more importantly to the owners of the forum and their staff. See something that is anti-social or a violation of the rules, report it. Moderators can't review every single post every single hour - often if one person is getting away with something and someone else is not, the first person just isn't being reported. Be constructive. NOBODY has EVER been banned simply for disagreeing with the game's direction or a decision that was made. Everyone banned that I've seen was breaking one of the rules, in most cases more than once or egregiously. You don't have to even try to find thousands of examples of people disagreeing with decisions or not liking features and they're all still here. I don't know of too many areas of life where you can act like a jerk while demanding things and get what you want. If you think the way to effect change is to be abusive and abrasive, you're going to be sorely disappointed (and you won't be posting here for long).
  3. Cleaned up. Thread will remain closed pending comment by Game Labs. Reminder:
  4. Sharing it here is bannable. Submitting the bug the way you did is great. Submitting a PM to @Ink with proof and replication steps is also good. Thank you for your help in keeping the game fair.
  5. The topic is Strategy on the PvE server. Stick to the topic. Warnings and posting suspensions have already been handed out, don't be next.
  6. Thank you. This will be observed by Game Labs, I can't guarantee any response.
  7. Thanks for the followup Tom!
  8. Please use the in-game reporting features for behavior that is in violation of chat guidelines. Thank you.
  9. Network latency on your side, not a cheat.
  10. Without video or other evidence, there is no tribunal.
  11. The challenge is that brand new players don't understand this yet. They're not used to how the game works and have no idea how to sail their ships. If we want to grow the player base, we're going to insist on seal clubbing, and we're going to insist on no automated protection for these players, we need to teach while we sink. Try to help them out a bit so they'll stick around.
  12. I don't see this thread going anywhere productive. Locked.
  13. Stay on topic or additional warnings will be issued. Treat each other with respect or warnings will be issued.
  14. Locked since y'all can't keep it on topic and civil.
  15. This is definitely the time for all of the people who complain that newcomers don't stick around/complain about server population to show some gentlemanly behavior and ensure that newer, clueless folks are having fun. Beat them if you must, but do it in a way that doesn't ruin their night and first impression.
  16. @Da Hool Wow. Just wow.
  17. To be fair, National News is rarely moderated unless the violation is egregious. We let a lot of insulting and banter go in there. I keep my in-game personae completely separate from my forum personae. It makes accusations of bias far easier to disprove. That said, we're volunteers who play the game. Just because there is a green name in game doesn't mean they have to drop everything to moderate - volunteers get to quietly enjoy the game too. The report function in game is there for a reason - using it gets far better results than demanding a moderator intervene.
  18. There are always claims, whether a specific rule pointout is provided or not. People love to claim everything, logic doesn't factor into it.
  19. Missing stays has some serious consequences in the real world unfortunately. What a terrible loss.
  20. Thanks for the clarification! Waiting on developer response then.
  21. 800x600 seems a bit small to be playing this game. Can you use a higher resolution?
  22. Ahhhh, got it. Well, the word "epic" is in the title no???
  23. United States is the older, less accurate Constitution model.
  24. Copied this rule here as it applies both in game and in these forums.
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