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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. Missions are really designed to be solo endeavours. If you really want good Group XP, sail to an area full of enemy AI (or enemy players) with your friends and take on larger ships such as Brigs, etc.
  2. Missing C++ redistributable possible?
  3. When you say progress, do you mean something other than XP?
  4. Wow, ouch. I'm very glad you got it working though! Hope you're enjoying the game.
  5. Thank you for the report. Admin was mentioning this morning they're working to reduce boat humping incidents such as this one. Practice safe shipping!
  6. What did you do differently to get it to work?
  7. For such a large source of games, Steam's systems really leave a lot to be desired in the areas of speed and reliability.
  8. In the Events tab in any port, there are quick battles you can get into, but you only can use the ship you are in at the time (there is no advancement like there was in original Sea Trials).
  9. Dang, this will take a little more knowledge than I have here. There should be a Developer along to take a look in a few hours.
  10. Fairly recent video drivers?
  11. What are your processor and video card specifications?
  12. I'm having trouble finding the measurement, but here is a photograph of a woman standing next to a piece of one of her original foremasts:
  13. F11 was submitted, however, no screenshot was attached to this tribunal. As such, I'll lock it and advise Admin to look at the bug report. If there are one or more screenshots you can provide, please PM a moderator and we'll reopen this discussion so you can post them. Thank you.
  14. The Yacht will always be there, don't feel like you have to rush in and get it right now.
  15. The PvE server is currently offline to apply a hotfix that we hope will fix the chat problems. I don't have word on when it will be back up, but it shouldn't be too terribly long. Thank you for your patience.
  16. If you have logged in in time to get the head start redeemables, they will appear as 1 time only redeems on your account in the next few days. Bear in mind if you redeem a 1 time redeemable on the PvE server, very likely it will not be available to redeem on the PvP server.
  17. Your ship sits there for two minutes (if you log out and select the option, you can sit and wait while the timer counts down). During that two minutes, you can be attacked. After that two minutes, if not attacked, you disappear. The next time you log in, you're in the same spot and can resume playing.
  18. Please click "Play" on Steam, and then select "Report Connection Test" in the popup and click Play. Select PvP One by clicking the button (if it doesn't light up, let us know), and then click Start Test. Once the test is complete, please put the report number into this thread and I'll point it out to Dev. Thank you.
  19. How do you get internet? When you say you're on the "LAN", whose LAN is it?
  20. Green on green damage is not permitted, period. Firing on a fellow national will cause you to be a pirate.
  21. Please take screen shots and provide them. Vague statements will not allow anything to be done about it.
  22. That sounds to me like you are having a network issue that is blocking the server. If you're not getting valid pings, the required network traffic that the game needs isn't getting to your computer. This is usually a result of a problem on your end. Firewall, "Internet Security" software, problem on your local area network, or if you connecting from school or another "public" network, port blocking. Can you tell us more about how your internet is received and your network setup?
  23. Please see this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8473-error-wrong-client-version-actual-26228-requested-26307/
  24. Animated crew are "expensive" on framerates in a multi-player game. We're all hopeful that once optimizations have been made later in the testing process that more crew can be added.
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