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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. That sounds to me like you are having a network issue that is blocking the server. If you're not getting valid pings, the required network traffic that the game needs isn't getting to your computer. This is usually a result of a problem on your end. Firewall, "Internet Security" software, problem on your local area network, or if you connecting from school or another "public" network, port blocking. Can you tell us more about how your internet is received and your network setup?
  2. Please see this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8473-error-wrong-client-version-actual-26228-requested-26307/
  3. Animated crew are "expensive" on framerates in a multi-player game. We're all hopeful that once optimizations have been made later in the testing process that more crew can be added.
  4. Every time you crash, please, before restarting the actual game, choose the "Send Crash Report" option in the little radio button popup that comes up when you launch the game from Steam. Doing this will allow the Devs to see what's going on and potentially help you personally with your issue. Please post here the next time that happens and you've submitted your crash report so that attention can be paid to the crash. Thanks!
  5. Try this please: Right click the game in the steam client. Go to properties. Go to updates tab. Drop down menu on automatic updates. Choose high priority. Reboot steam client.
  6. That's the Port screen. Are you at sea in your ship?
  7. What specifically are you trying to do - which buttons do you expect to be on the "Main Menu" screen?
  8. Nothing from the client is uploaded to the server (other than "requests" - e.g. "Please apply right rudder", "please fire cannon", the server then receives the request and determines whether or not you're able to perform that action at that time - if not, the request is ignored. Even the individual waves in the battle instances are generated server side and sent to the client.). This is to prevent hacking and cheating. Data loss may be possible due to a bug, though this would be data loss that is entirely on the server side and not the client.
  9. As of the wipe (I don't think they changed it), only XP is shared between those two instances. This is to prevent abuse of either server to profit on the other one.
  10. Please right click and report them through the interface.
  11. Thank you Mr. Perry. I've pointed your post out in the moderator chat for attention.
  12. Please check this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7082-connectivity-issues-lags-disconnects/ And post there if nothing in that thread helps you.
  13. That's usually a Steam problem. Please restart steam, and then keep trying to log in until it's successful.
  14. Sounds like a network or internet issue between you and the game server. Check firewall/AV, check your local network, etc.
  15. Restart Steam, keep trying. That's a problem with Steam, not NA.
  16. The Quadro cards aren't really built with gaming in mind. They're not "normal". Please do follow Bungee's advice, but be aware that a Quadro has a different approach to things that may not be ideal for gaming.
  17. If you already have the game, you need to update it. That's last night's version.
  18. The game is not up yet. Hang in there for at least another 40 minutes.
  19. To be fair, unless you were a Pirate, you couldn't fight neutrals anyway. In fact, with a PVE server, the neutral faction is totally unnecessary. Admin has stated that if you want to form a new nation, you'll want to go Pirate.
  20. Not so fast. There are a lot of assumptions there. Two major architectures are possible for the current server(s): A shared DB between PvE and PvP, and different DBs between the two, with the assumption that current XP is pushed between them on log in. Since ONLY XP and Character (and XP is likely in the same table as Character) are shared, it's pretty simple to switch back and forth. Moving an entire character and all his assets between two servers, PvP to PvP in a different region, is, however, not trivial. IDs have to be reset, relationships updated, and the data itself transmitted safely and securely between two geographically different locations. It's not impossible, but it's hardly the same as the current PvE/PvP situation.
  21. In my opinion, swivel guns and sharpshooters should come into play any time two ships are in close proximity, regardless of whether or not they're attempting boarding. The volume of fire should directly correspond to the overall number of crew, with gunnery/boarding focus increasing the volume of fire, sailing and survival reducing it.
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  22. Please see Barberouge's response (as quoted) above. Multiple characters have been removed for EA only because more complex options can't be implemented in time for EA. To prevent people from raging later by removing abilities from multiple characters, they'll be removed for now further features regarding multiple characters will be discussed and potentially implemented. The suggestion above regarding requiring a single nation (all alts would have to go pirate if one did as well), shared labor pools and whatnot may be a good one to pursue. Let's please simmer down and discuss this like reasonable adults.
  23. Please post further connection issues in this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7082-connectivity-issues-lags-disconnects/ As Olav mentioned, all servers are currently down for maintenance and Early Access release preparations. Thank you.
  24. No, the game is not currently ported for Mac. That said, with good enough hardware, there are many people playing it using Bootcamp.
  25. Free Towns are designed to provide a Nation a foothold from which to Outpost and launch an eventual counter attack, even if they've lost every last port on the map other than their Capital. I don't believe you'll see Free Ports disappear any time soon.
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