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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PrezesOi

  1. Numbers (google transle from http://www.bsap.pl/gazy-bojowe-zatopione-w-baltyku/ ): It is believed that the Baltic Sea is located approx. 40 000- 60 000. tons of chemical weapons, including from 12 000 to 13 000 tons of chemical agents. It is possible that the numbers are much higher.
  2. Spanish Navy repels attack of modern "eco" pirates. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f02_1416067462
  3. That's up to NA Armada founders, but maybe you can consider following - instead of title of commendante using historical ranking structure? http://www.todoababor.es/vida_barcos/organizacion.htm Don't get me wrong, but Commendate reminds me guerrila commander like Che more than Armada proud officer :-)
  4. If knowledge of Spanish that ends with "hola" is no barrier, then please count me in.
  5. I will also join Armada Española - for same reasons why I did it in PotBS. The Royal Navy will be obviously overpopulated (mostly by Jacxks Sparrowwscx11 wannabe ). And France is not an option for me. RAMJB, I was also member of CdA. Not to forget:
  6. It looks great. I'm patiently waiting to join sea trials...
  7. Ship interiors? The decor of the captain's cabin? Avatar? Uniforms? Feathers in the cap? No offence, but such passion for Sims like aspect always amaze me. I look forward to fighting in formation. To see and hear sails. And guns. Lots of guns. Large guns. Huge guns. Guys, do you remember first time hearing huge guns broadside in Potbs? Orgasmatron My avatar can be represented by a few pixels that make up my nickname.
  8. You'd be surprised Rifle training and effectiveness of the infantry was paradoxically much better in the XIX century than in the XX century. Of course, guns have become much more technically perfect and more accurate. However, these paintball-like guns killed statistically (ammo per kill) much more than the M16&AK, mostly because of training.
  9. Oh.. anyone remember Smuggler ? I loved that show. Smuggler boat was not first rate, but this guy was ex Navy In the 80's were only 3 TV channels in Poland, but everyone could find something interesting to watch. Now there is around 200 channels available and there is nothing to watch. Sorry for offtopic.
  10. I'm last person to judge anyone, because my own English is very weak and I can imagine what intellectual effort for the English / Americans must be deciphering "what the author had in mind?" while reading my posts. But cmo''n , I'm not,, talking,, about ,anguage, ,,,,but about ,,,,respect to th,e r,,,eaders.,,
  11. Imo this account was created solely for the purpose of trolling. It is impossible that someone wrote such things in such bizarre way.
  12. Kickstarter is available only for companies/projects located in:
  13. I hope this is joke. What next? The crew that takes into account the needs of sexual minorities or disabled people in wheelchairs, etc, etc.? As far as I know, Naval Action is about this, not this.
  14. Cmon... GT730, 64-bit memory access? That's good for very basic games. Vanilla GF GTX 660/750 is minimum. Dagann, what about upgrading your old PC by replacing GC now, and later (after grinding enough gold ) upgrade mobo+cpu+ram and whatever else you like or need to change? Since PciExpress standard seems to be solid for near future, buying new CG will be not throwing your cash out of the window.
  15. At the beginning - quote (source: http://mysite.du.edu/~jcalvert/hist/navalwar.htm ) : Any chance to get snipers in game? Maybe in future? I guess we all know how effective sharpshooters were http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fall_of_Nelson.jpg In the game, sniper kills could affect the effectiveness of individual batteries (by eliminating the gunners), or on the speed with which ship maneuvers (elimination of officers).
  16. Based on what I see in the movies on youtube, NA is already quite realistic, consistent with the history and physics when it comes to artillery combat. Boarding? Sure, would be nice to have it too. But on one condition - only if it will be at such high level as the sailing and artillery is. And that's impossible. Current computers are too weak to simulate realistic boarding, combat in which hundreds of sailors and marines could be involved. If it has to look like in PotBS (Benny Hill style running around deck), then better don't do it at all...
  17. There is about quadrillion of avatar focused games available. And just one which is going to focus on realistic sea combat. Please, let it be so.
  18. I assume that we all want, above all, to have fun. Hardcore, but without exaggeration. If the game goes too far in the direction of the simulation, it will not only disappoint me - this will also be the cause of pushing the game to a niche ( as I see admin post-that's not only my opinion ). The game must be playable. I don't want to check the humidity of gunpowder before combat or sail 4 hours to join battle, just to die in 4 minutes...
  19. PrezesOi


    PrezesOi Torquemada reporting for duty /salute PotBS veterans & Game-Labs crew I'm going to preorder NA this weekend and already purchased navalaction.pl domain :-) I belive this game will be "better potbs". I loved 2008-2009 PotBS - for port battles, pvp, but mostly - for community & common-sense/mature FLS staff. Later it changed into a swamp. Naval Action is free from magic "click that colorfull button to inflict 178,54% more damage"? Eventually! Hallelujah! Glory to developers, who apparently are hardcore gamers too, that's perfect.
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