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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PrezesOi

  1. In short-to make it more clear for testers, you can use linked mod for server status announcement http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4284-global-forum-message/ For example: "Server is ONLINE" "Server is OFFLINE. Back online ETA: hh:mm or dd/mm" Its up to you what timezone you like to use, just give us info what it is http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UA.aspx?city=Kiev Dont get me wrong, i'm fine with server status thread on forum, but as we all can see, every downtime ends with "OMG I can't log in, something is broken! Help!" spam, and counterspam with explanations.
  2. When he said football manager, he meant football manager :-) http://www.footballmanager.com This is one of the oldest, active series of computer games. Apparently so good that used by real managers and trainers.
  3. If I decide, that high risk (like in your example - small ship ramming bigger one-it will usually end with smaller ship doom) ramming can make difference, and in effect -help my team/squadron/fleet, then I will not deliberate if that's nice or not - i will just ram. That's tool for victory, total destruction of enemy fleet, achieved by all means. Source-‘Appendix IV: Memorandum on Sea-Power and the Principles Involved’, printed in Nicholas Tracy (ed.),The Collective Naval Defence of the Empire,1900-1940 (Navy Records Society Vol.136, 1997), p.7.
  4. As it happened to me and I am still using ramming as part of the game sometimes - did above righteous gentlemen association have qualified me already as impolite and unfriendly?
  5. Brickomalee? Here is diagram of pefect battle map for this ship (2 scenario available - east-west & west-east): http://www.advantagelumber.com/images/pressureprofiles/2x10.jpg
  6. PrezesOi


    I wonder if portalus broken cyborg aka Fodderboy bought NA preorder and is playing with us. Oh God how I liked FLS 2007/8 crew and PotBS forums of this time.
  7. My suggestion is "double planking" for "armour" replacement. This method was used in AoS era.
  8. Leaving aside the historical debate (I agree with Subutai, comparing artillery capable of effective fire on the 20km and one that lost its effectiveness after a few hundred yards? really...?) - in NA, easiest way to get under the waterline hits, is such ramming which let us reveal interesting fragments of enemy shell (by raising it). And then it is a good time to double [load] penetration ;-)
  9. What r6751 said + NOT unlimited ammo and gunpowder. Micromanaging water & food supplies will be bit too hardcore but i would like to have this too.
  10. Game-Labs - to make game more user friendly and fun to play, please reduce ships to just one model (victory), and buy AWP aiming model from Valve Counter-Strike. By the way-about practice: "A typical broadside of a Royal Navy ship of the late 18th century could be fired 2-3 times in approximately 5 minutes, depending on the training of the crew, a well trained one being essential to the simple yet detailed process of preparing to fire. The British Admiralty did not see fit to provide additional powder to captains to train their crews, generally only allowing 1/3 of the powder loaded onto the ship to be fired in the first six months of a typical voyage, barring hostile action. Instead of live fire practice, most captains exercised their crews by "running" the guns in and out — performing all the steps associated with firing but for the actual discharge. Some wealthy captains — those who had made money capturing prizes or from wealthy families — were known to purchase powder with their own funds to enable their crews to fire real discharges at real targets" Seriously-in my opinion, people are disappointed with firing difficulty level, because they try to shoot at extreme (and not realistic for age of sails) range.
  11. Unfortunately there was not enough space for Central Europe in a poll ...
  12. I didn't wrote single word about sights integrated with canons, but it could be my poor English. Current aiming system is fine or even "perfect" for me. But-there is captain telescope already in game (shift key). It's hard for me to believe that captain will not use his device to correct his crew fire - to give them orders to shorter/longer shots. Currently it require switching views,and that usually ruins canons set up (angle). That's not realistic-using telescope should help, but currently it distract aiming. Something like this:
  13. My idea is to add an optional (on / off) mini view through captain's telescope on artillery-screen (while shooting) in form of "picture in picture".
  14. I5 4570 3.2MHz GF 660ti 8 GB RAM High ~70fps Ultra ~30fps
  15. PrezesOi


    I am constantly surprised by the level of tolerance for arrogant laziness.
  16. navalaction.pl domain is at your disposal...
  17. To join Sea Trials you need 3 things -Valid, working email connected to paypal -Paypal -Steam 1. buy preorder : http://www.navalaction.com/preorder/ with your paypal 2. wait for Sea Trial invitation email (account connected with paypal) 3. make sure you have Steam installed. There is no need to connect your paypal with steam. 4. activate Naval Action key on Steam ("Games" menu, "Activate...")
  18. I would like to suggest adding console commands: /disconnect = back to lobby /quit = obvious
  19. You guys realized that Steam is required? 1. Download & instal Steam http://store.steampowered.com/ 2. Activate key (one you have received by email)- "Games" menu, "Activate" 3. Naval Action will show up in your Steam library. 4. Now you can start game. If server is active, you can try PVE or PVP action.
  20. QFT. Like admin officially said - "If you prefer to play a ready game it is better to wait for the Early Access or later.".
  21. Sunday 23:55 first invite will be given...
  22. Admin, what's wrong with Half-Life? Why "infamous"? 'https://www.facebook.com/NavalAction Steam is a PC game store/platform made by Valve - creators of infamous Half-Life.
  23. I guess that in his own world, today facebook announcment = "i keep getting mails about alpha testing,,then they all say to sign up in the forums".
  24. Cmon guys, calm down. Is this your first ever game release (early access, beta, alpha, whatever)? I'm calling Murphy Laws! The probability of bugs appearing is directly proportional to the number and importance of people watching. The likelihood of problems occurring is inversely proportional to the amount of time remaining before the deadline. :]
  25. Thank you for posting this here, I'm not using FB (yes, that's possible). Good news before going to work http://renoutfitters.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/huzzah-poster.jpg
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