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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PrezesOi

  1. It is obvious that it will be a full wipe. It will be easier to accept this if you understand what you bought. We are not users or players, but testers.
  2. Brig? Pretty good boat. Well positioned cannons (angles between them) & possibility of using 18pd carronades. You need to adjust your style of sailing/playing to the characteristics of each ship, and not expect that all the ships can do the same thing - as in your example, stern camping in Cutter.
  3. Btw, admin, maybe add this link ? As far as I understand, different time zones are confusing for some people...
  4. I'm not sure how it will be in full game, but for now, after months of testing (playing) I'm using that 8 gunner often than both first rate ships (Santi & Vic) together. Because it's awesome.
  5. http://www.navalaction.com/preorder/ Legal Information: The purchases/contributions are handled by our legal entity Test Idea Please Ignore, registered in UAE, Dubai. The developer for the game is our Kiev studio Game-Labs LLC, Ukraine.
  6. I'm happy to hear that. Let's hope that will work also for darthclide and.Raatha If yes, then I think it should be described in proper pinned thread
  7. This suggestion appears fairly often as a solution to this problem.
  8. No. No bit impact. Geforce 660ti oc. But water settings can make such boost or drop.
  9. I'm not saying that this will help, but ... it's easy&safe to try out: For high-end CPU's like yours I7, some people reported stability issues while playing Unity based games, when they had Hyper-Threading enabled. You can try to disable HT in BIOS.
  10. Guys, always start with motherboard (chipset) drivers, before graphics card - in this case - Intel Try this http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect
  11. Exactly. Massive Multiplayer Online Avatar-less Naval Action game.
  12. Same for another Nelson famous - Battle of Copenhagen. Anchor and arty spam ;-)
  13. That's impressive piece of hardware Your bios is extremely outdated. It was never updated I guess. most recent is 2014/06/18, (Description: Improve system stability.) and yours is 2012/04/08 BUT In your motherboard case, BIOS conversion is needed before updating, so if you are not sure how to do it - do not do it . And of course - i can't guarantee that this will solve your problem.
  14. Can you please check & advice your motherboard model? DxDiag report will be helpful too.
  15. One question-is your hardware (CPU,RAM,graphics card) overclocked?
  16. Any proofs or that's just trolling? What a load of crap. Discussion when "arguments" are so detached from reality is waste of time. EOT for me.
  17. Pretending that something didn't existed looks like hypocrisy to me. So maybe instead of changing history, just add educational layer/value? Unless we assume as Sin Khan, that players are idiots, and they take games as morality source/example for mindless reproduction in real life
  18. Lack of options - Trafficking treated differently depending on the historical period, but always in accordance with the history, and the attitude of historical fraction. Sure, we can pretend that there was no slavery, women dominated the Admiralty, and pirates were not thieves and murderers, but romantic adventurers.
  19. One of the best Trafalgar ever-extremely exhausting but awesome. That's how it started: ..and, due to time limit, battle is over: Part 1 Part 2
  20. The same in my case, just a little earlier, since Diablo 1, Quake 1&2 era. 33.6k Modem...
  21. Cmon, Star Gate was science fiction, BSG was serious stuff! ;-)
  22. Of course not. Pyramids were built by descendants of Battlestar Galactica crew.
  23. In my opinion, killing of other people is a crime. XVIII-XIX Navies were killing tools of colonial imperialism, based on the exploitation of conquered countries. Therefore, I suggest removing PVP and PVE of the Naval Action. We, the people of the twenty-first century, we can not find pleasure in re-playing such crimes as imperialist war.
  24. This is one of the better ideas regarding forum I have seen here. Such dedicated subforums will not only make easier to find information, but it can also become a great source to build a wiki. Setting wiki is not a problem - http://navalaction.pl/index.php/Main_Page
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