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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PrezesOi

  1. Everything you see in the chat (including lobby), it is stored in one file - chatLog.txt, which is located in: [path to your Steam] \Steam\SteamApps\common\Naval Action\Client_Data
  2. Such feature is not yet implemented.
  3. War movies? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_and_See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse_Now_Redux Probably 90% of you are familiar with only one of them ... Oh. And one more thing - War. War never changes.
  4. Worth seeing because of the first phase of the battle (0:40 - 04:00) - perfect attack of our entire team led by Winterhawk + my demasting/trolling, resulted in rapid annihilation of the enemy Constitution.
  5. You're trying to create internet utopia here. Beautiful plan, but still - hopeless. Well, but you will always be able to say in a year or two: "Oh, that's not what it was in the past. It was the Golden Age!" or even better : "I was there, I created this wonderful world! Unfortunately, everything fell!"
  6. tools we can use - I suggest you start with a basic tool for testers - forum. Developers repeatedly wrote about these matters and about current production plan.
  7. PrezesOi


    That's easy http://illustrations.shipsofwar.net/illustrations/45/03/796684765515328/original.jpeg
  8. Could use an experiment - for some time completely turn off external camera and UI (just like current ctrl+h option), then watch as 1337 hardcore realism lovers are changing their opinion
  9. Optional? Why not, sure. Default? No way.
  10. That will make demasted unicorns neutral?
  11. if telescope_inverted then flip_my_screen else ragequit end if
  12. My first move for such scenario will be shrinking "your" wind/compass rose and moving radar/minimap directly under it Something like this: + alarm color for external circle if another ship is invading my "personal space" (collision course/range).
  13. The discussion rolls back like a mantra - ascetic interface! Why it have to be so ascetic? Easy to read? Yes! As much as possible, but not poor! One of the fundamental advantages of Naval Action, is detailed damage model, trajectory of missiles and so on. Not everything can be show directly on the model of our ship. Part of the changes occurring in the structure must be reflected by the UI. For example - I would like to know the status of each cannon, not the whole battery. I want (on the basis of the reports of my crew) to know exactly WHERE leaks are, or what section is burning and how hard fire is there (for examle - easy/hard/impossible to stop by crew). etc etc etc That's why I would like to see at least star&portside mini diagrams of victory when sailing victory. https://bensimonds.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/turntablescreenshot2.jpg But that's probably impossible...
  14. One and only Top Gun game I have ever played: https://youtu.be/50d3ZUWX3Rk?t=54s
  15. It's IPBoard issue already reported/known to Invision. There is user made workaround available, but I think it's better to wait for official fix.
  16. Publication approved by the author - http://navalaction.pl/index.php/mr-doran-treatise
  17. Kiting in NA and Potbs is totally different for one reason - endless amount of repairs in PotBs versus just 3 (3 too much by some of hard-core players) in NA. In effect, kiting in Potbs was closer to griefing than tactic. But here in NA? Kite for demasting until enemy squadron is like powerless tuttlepack, is one of the best way to win battle. Horse archers vs blind elephants.
  18. Yes, windowed NA, and select "Allow Desktop Capture", which may be inactive (greyed) if Windows desktop is not in Aero mode.
  19. It probably was not intended by the originator, but I think that such procedure would have quite a positive impact on testing. Such random configurations, would provide data on the strange scenarios that do not appear in normal matches.
  20. Good game, one of the best I've played Video speed x2 to make it less boring (good idea by Klava) ;-) http://youtu.be/StUR9Uk0TD4?t=4m4s
  21. I have a different view as to "clean desktop". I mean, I always want to have one, but due to the non-gaming activities , there is organized chaos on my desktop. From time to time, I do cleaning and return to the ascetic perfection, similar to the Admiral desktop. Currently I'm using this background
  22. http://navalaction.pl/index.php/tutorials
  23. I will not command my crew firing their comrades-in-arms on the nearby friendly ship, only because the captain of this ship is an idiot. No enemy is worth it. This is my private role-playing. If I happen to do this unconsciously, I apologize.
  24. Naval Action & shanties
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