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Everything posted by Ink

  1. This is not an exploit or bug, once the UI is refreshed by a player correct amount of runes will be shown.
  2. Greetings, The Bonus key meant to be redeemed in the launcher to get access to the current stage of game. Later, once the game is available on Steam, your Steam key will also be sent to you
  3. Greetings, could you please clarify if you sent F11 bug report as well?
  4. Please follow this workaround: open Windows Command Prompt (press Windows + R), then type: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts There will be the settings.xml file
  5. Once you are stuck in shallows and there are no ways to escape it, a tow option will apear in the left bottom part of UI
  6. Greetings Captain, NPC ship does not affected by the Circle of Death in Patrol by design - to avoid intented NPC farming
  7. @Der_Nachfrager Please check private forum message for additional information
  8. @DreamMaker на видео видно, что до Вас не доходят входящие сообщения от сервера (в левом верхнем углу два счетчика i/o, счетчик incoming). Если была бы глобальная проблема с инстом, выкинуло бы всех. Просьба пока сделать следующее: выключить раздачу wi-fi на роутере (если есть), отключить все другие устройства от роутера, оставив только свой компьютер, на самом компьютере отключить все сторонние программы типа teamspeak, браузера и т.п. (что потребляет интернет) и попробовать поиграть, если проблема возникнет вновь, сразу об этом напишите
  9. Greetings, Could you please make sure GPU drivers are updated. Also, please try to verify integrity of game files in Steam: right click on Naval Action in Steam lib, click on "properties" then switch to "local files" tab
  10. @Der_Nachfrager Greetings, could you please try a different browser or open the link through mobile browser?
  11. Greetings, the link to download the launcher is included in the receipt email. Please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  12. Greetings, Please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  13. Greetings, the link to download the launcher is included in the receipt email. Please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  14. Greetings, Please check private forum message for additonal clarification
  15. Greetings! Could you please try to reinstall the game? You do not need to buy another copy of the game.
  16. Greetings! Could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com with a brief description (you can copy your message here and include your forum name)
  17. Greetings! We do not plan to release Ultimate General: Gettysburg on Android tablets
  18. Admirals, Planes are a complex feature and will only be considered after base campaign is delivered to users and plays well
  19. Просьба уточнить - у вас эта проблема наблюдалась в течение всего сражения? Как часто и в каких сражениях (маленьких/больших) возникает данная проблема?
  20. Greetings, the link to download the launcher is included in the receipt email. Please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  21. Greetings, Please check private forum message for additional clarification
  22. Greetings! Please check forum private message for additional clarification
  23. Captain, no bug spotted after investigation. You started the battle within frigate patrol zone
  24. Ваши случаи еще исследуются. Предыдущие подобные ситуации были связаны с тем, что приоритетным владельцем был не автор репорта, а другой игрок, нанесший больше всего урона по кораблю
  25. No, Loki battle is not tied to your k/d ratio
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