Greetings, the key is for Xsolla launcher. Steam key will be sent to you as soon as the game is available in Steam Early Access.
Regarding the link to download, please check private forum message for additional clarification
unfortunately Steam is down again. You might be unable to login in the game for some time.
Apologizes for the inconvenience caused
servers are live, although some players may experience login issues due to temporary connection issues on Steam side.
Apologizes for the inconvenience caused
the servers are stopped to deploy a hotfix for a bug that cause incorrect loading into instances after tagging NPC in certain cases.
Apologizes for the inconvenience caused
Просьба выполнить connection test report (третья опция в лаунчере игры в Стиме) для пве сервера и скопировать сюда номер репорта (номер будет скопирован в буфер обмена сразу после отправки репорта)