The current workaround is to empty additional slots to when the warning does not shown since the warning window mechanic considers only materials at the moment
In case there was any major connection issue there would be more compaints, but the fact you both use the same ISP indicates that the issue on your ISP side, lets hope it will be solved soon.
open Windows Command Prompt (press Windows + R and type cmd, press enter afterwards), type:
for PVP 2 US: ping -n 25
for PVP 1 EU: ping -n 25
for PVE: ping -n 25
then check the packet lost statistic
The issue I believe is using enter (new paragraph) instead of alt+enter (new line) in a spoiler boddy:
test spoiler1
test spoiler2
test spoiler1
test spoiler2
There is no dedicated mobile version, IPS 4 should be mobile freindly by default. Perhaps you are just thinking of it as mobile version?
This how it looks via my phone:
Hold optmization perk increase hold in cost of speed as you can read in the perk description. Once it is active your ship speed is affected. Once it is not active - ship speed is not affected.
Could you please clarify or rephrase what the bug is? We just tested crafting with active perk, then reseting officer and speed changes accordingly.
Rewards are given once all fights within the event duration are done, e.g.:
it ends at 12:00, someone started a fight at 11:59, so once it is finished, leaderboard will be updated and rewards will be sent
Captain, still the issue you have described is very similar to overheating with following thermal throttling. Once it happen again please right away check both CPU and GPU temperature graphics and send ingame report via F11.
Also, to clarify - is your character name Gaizka?
Captain, as this issue might be related to your PC, to clarify - have you tried general workarounds like:
1) reinstalling the game to a different hdd or sdd if there is such option on your PC;
2) monitoring temperatures of CPU and GPU;
3) make fresh install of GPU drivers;
4) adjusting graphics in the game.
Captains, regarding PB entry, as we have said in the patch notes,
A battle closes in 5 minutes in case noone from attacker side have joined the battle - so this is not a bug.
Alliances in OW will be updated tomorrow after maintenance, this is a known issue that was caused due to updating to the new system (3 weeks) from the previous one (9 days), it must be fixed after some time with the new system, we will continue to monitor this situation and fix any bug spotted.