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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Captains, please avoid offtopic discussion in support threads
  2. Indeed there is a problem. WIll be fixed according to priority list.
  3. Captains, on the server graphs there indeed was noticeable player drop by the time reported, but there were not issues on server side, the reason must be related to temporary connection issues on side ISPs or Steam issues.
  4. Captains, the issue is fixed, please check the Hercules redeemable.
  5. Captains, We will review this feature after port ui is complete. Meanwhile the workaround is to avoid sailing near land as enemies can try to attack you to block reinforcements.
  6. @Edward Edwards Captain, please launch connection test report via Steam Launcher 3rd option.
  7. Closed
  8. Captains, patch notes are updated
  9. Agreed (between both sides) green on green is not against the rules indeed, thus the case is closed. The rules will be updated.
  10. They won't be converted, you will keep it.
  11. charcoal and other stuff that is not used in current gameplay - just in case someone still has it in warehouses. Provision most likely will be kept as crafting material and you will need to craft it to built a ship (just like now).
  12. Ink

    Tagging Bug

    This problem will be fixed within new user interface
  13. The case is closed as both sides clarified the situation.
  14. Appropriate actions were taken after logs investigation. Warning has been sent.
  15. We have checked the logs, Captain John Sheppard has been informed.
  16. In-game currency won't be wiped but denominated, e.g. you currently have 1000 of gold (currency), after the patch you will have 20 of new currency (just an example). All prices (ships, modules etc.) will also be updated to match denomination.
  17. The issue when you lose a ship once you created outpost (and did not delete it just before) will be fixed in one of the next patches. Meanwhile, once you are about to delete an outpost you are currently in, make sure there are no other ships besides your active one as if you decide to re-create outpost, these ships will be lost.
  18. This is a known issue, will be fixed in one of the next patches
  19. Captain, this is not a bug, please check this threads:
  20. На данный момент наша основная цель - это закончить переработку интерфейса, после интерфейса будет локализация игры на основные языки. С примерами обновленного интерфейса Вы можете ознакомиться в темах про обновления (например тут и тут) Окраска кораблей будет (она и была, но временно отключена для дальнейшей переработки) Помимо интерфейса, сейчас готовится обновление, связанное с изменением производства и игровой валюты
  21. Captains, for chat abuse please use report function in game as the first and sufficient step. You can also use ignore function after you reported a player.
  22. We have identified the bug with sail colliders that sometimes give no damage to sails - fix in progress
  23. We are aware of this problem, it is under review at the moment
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