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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. 5 slots... perks and books to select from ?.... oh my head...it hurts.... why can't everything be free Out of joke, the design of the perks is intended as specialization of the Captain ( perks reset is a comfort item ); actually mortar gunner crews weren't even navy
  2. Ah ! Thanks for the explanation. Is appropriately more clear and explicit.
  3. You received way more than me then IIRC the one i used was Caguarian/Crew Space. received something like close to 3k if memory don't fails.
  4. Can you explain exactly what is the issue ? Thanks. Did sail warship with trader in fleet ( snow with lgv in fleet ). Did intercept traders with warships in fleet ( one example, trader brig with hercules in fleet ). War server.
  5. ... i saw someone wanting to exchange reals for dubloons by means of the market... aka - "I give X reals for each of your dubloons!" Is there anything else i need to understand ?
  6. Okay, fair enough. That's how you see it being better. +1 It took time to adjust but now I like the risk of carrying the stuff on my hold, not automatically into the chest. But that's me.
  7. 1 nassau patrol gave 7k plus a couple good catches. No need to camp Port Royal for a month anymore and everyone CAN access it.
  8. Maybe was coming from US coast ? I think they don't do the full sailing but are generated "as if..."
  9. Saw macjimm wanting dubloons, he place a contract for them ( i won't disclose the price in reals he was paying ). Knowing him as a dedicated trader, i had absolutely no problem in fulfilling his contract for 200(?) dubloons in exchange for his Reals. Worked perfect.
  10. The Captain that was sailing the ship in the combat instance in which it was sunk. Example: - commandeered a Rattlesnake Heavy from a pirate. Was crafted by some other player. - used said ship in Nassau port battle. ship was sunk - I received insurance
  11. It has been announced that was going to be given with a delay after the patch, like the week after. Very honest as it was posted by admin in the very day of the patch notes. Yes, seem correct. Need to test some of the combinations. I found out that less stacking seems okay so far, albeit some odd situations of prevalent stacking been detected ( copper with hull refits ). My question is more - what happens to the ships that were already equipped. Do the combos work ?
  12. Seems like it. Try to grab a few pirate/privateer friends in the upcoming days and force a trade blockade. ( example, live oak port )
  13. Ships crafted by (player) will be insured automatically. You will receive a mail with the details. ( crafted by Admiralty not covered ) Captured ships are not covered. Only if they get sunk.
  14. ... why ? Why not give the chance to win additional loot to the "loot you got" to another enemy players ? Also, it may well be random, but i think there's more factors involved - unchecked and untested but... can you please take note of enemy player ranks in two equal ships ? What is your perception of rewards IF enemy ships is fully equipped and metamegawarz0rz compared to being just a flat shop ship ? I'm figuring stuff by testing here, so i have a lot of questions but zero complaints at the moment.
  15. Dubloons are in the holds. Sometimes just the ones for that battle, sometimes more from the victim previous loots. The Battle Report ones go directly to the Chest. The others don't. If i'm correct, the idea is for the rewards not to go directly to the chest anymore.
  16. Oh definitely. Especially in your opinion, and mine. We might disagree on many things. I am certain you believe your own game design to be better than everyone else's as i do believe myself. Alas have to play with what developers design. Fact is, there's a player made economy for currency exchange and that you cannot deny. You may ignore and don't care about it, but hey... that's what we have at the moment.
  17. A Prince and a LGV engaged a Herc, Trader Brig, Xebec and 2 LGVs ( all with guns ) inside the bay of Atwood under a martello tower and fort. Wasn't random ( was random given we had no idea what he was carrying ), it was dubloons treasure being carried by one of the ships. No ships were sunk as i had only time to transfer some repairs and the dubloons over before I made my escape with the loot. As I see it, I could've lost them as i returned to base if I was attacked in pvp... didn't happen. I'm happy. Was one of the most interesting heists to date. We managed to get out by the smallest of margins with the shiny stuff. That's pvp for me - ow chance encounters, but i've had some pvp of other types already. As it goes i've never ever ever seen so much shipping in never-before-used parts of the map. 😮
  18. You can check La Tortue for prices but they are really wild *chuckles* Honestly i'd say fair and square exchange would be 8 pieces of silver buying one piece of gold but this isn't the real world, so... think like this... how much is 9000 Dubloons worth to you ? How much do you really want that 74 gun ship ? That's their price.
  19. The Stock market idea, that directly affects currency value relating to commodities is a good one and fairly complex though, but is doable. Given some commodities affects directly the performance of vessels - especially module building resources - those are fixed and ever higher prices which in turn can "cheat" the dynamic stock and in those i foresee a problem.
  20. 1 pvp encounter. 2976 dubloons. That's the reward of pvp, apart from the entertainment value.
  21. This is nice and been suggested before. I'd say a clan member could "donate" an amount of his own docks to the Clan Docks. That way, the dock amount remains the same BUT the clan organization benefits from it.
  22. Has anyone notice any difference in relation to player ranks ? I may be wrong here, but i swear i had two distinct rewards values ( flat drop, no hold loot ) in equal ships but ... didn't see if the player ranks were also different...
  23. LGV is 5th rate, if that helps. But missions can be fulfilled by pvp kills as well ( indiaman is 5th rate ) , not only Ai kills, if it comes to that.
  24. Correct. Captains already selling dubloons on the market by the hundreds and thousands, for reals. So, captains that want to exchange reals for dubloons can buy them, and if you want reals you can sell them.
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