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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. All good. It is intended for those that want to test indeed. o7
  2. Why panic ? Is a game. A comfortable pass-time. No panic involved except when the enemy ship in next to you in fire shock, then you can panic. Get wiped ?!... no Sir, all the knowledge about the game you acquired by being a player-tester during Early Access will never be wiped !
  3. Several threads about AI behaviour /feedback have been merged into here. It is advisable to keep a unified thread, for easy Developers access, than to create multiple threads everywhere. Thank you.
  4. Testing is the main purpose of everything during Early Access. After release, enjoy what you can get and what you are able to keep.
  5. Take&Hold. Yep, been suggested before, and it never gets old and totally worth to bring back.
  6. I live with it everyday. If they remove that "almost gone" part, OW makes no sense and better have Legends.
  7. Then don't expect anything else but safety.
  8. Nope, absolutely not. See, there's a problem of communication there and maybe i wasn't clear. Not... right.... outside ....under the ports.... under....forts....and towers. Enough safety is enough and drives more more away from the danger and combat of War server. Alas KILL missions close immediately btw. No timer. Sorry if i sound dull but... Fighting game, everyone should love to battle and be respectful, less salty and enjoy the age of sail pvp.
  9. Sure this is a good one but the past has shown one thing > Rear Admirals that have no idea how to get rid of a schooner of a snow brig because they simply rank up too fast and they get mad that this or that ship is op. Careful what you wish for, for we have tested it and while it delivers short term excellent results, in the long run creates relly bad habits. But is good. I'm just wondering if the Kill missions distance being dramatically reduced means they are going to be, again, located "under the skirts of forts to please the cowards". That is all.
  10. There's nothing about circles in my post. Just different objectives for each side. One goes for kills, other goes for control. One will meet the other of course, there must be combat sadly. Sorry.
  11. Duty of the Port owner is to destroy the Invading Fleet. Orders of the Invader is to destroy opposition fleet or, failing that, gain control of the town. A Defender that does not destroy ships loses the port. An attacker that does not takes indicated areas or destroys or forces 50% of the enemy fleet to flee ( whatever loses the battle. Different objective for both sides, having the same objective is odd. The winner side of a port battle will see its captains which lost their ships in the line of duty, receive a note from the Admiralty for a Ship Note of the same model in their closest outpost warehouse - sadly all specific arrangements to the rigging or hulls are lost with the ship.
  12. 1- is no problem. is decision making. risk of recapture worth the risk of the prize ? is on the player, not you individual, but the player in general. Can also go with the old maxim - take what you can, leave nothing behind. And this is something a newcomer must aprehend. This is not World of Rubber Ducks. This is NA age of sail. From the start the newcomer must start to mold his own... career... 2- without perk and crew being created out of nowhere, we cannot simulate it correctly. So the balance between having to have the perk and also having "1400 crew" in our pockets is a given fact of NA life. One means the other IMO. 3 - you are right. we don't hurt the enemy Nation, we hurt the individual player. But i tell you that is because "we" the players want it that way via years of development. Correct resources map was deem too harsh by the community and Nations would conquer to control access to resources which then drove many players to simply call it quits. Was tested ( kudos to northernwolves for making it possible through his extensive data ). 3.a - privateer ships could be expensive or not at all. same as in NA 1+2+3 - outside a player imagination ? You are right. Little war, little decisive action in War Server. Your final conclusions bring me to a far past, but apparently anything that moves away from - quick access to everything right now - is often disregarded by the majority. I'm okay with that. Doesn't give me that feeling of a grand strategy with wargame battles i would wish, but is highly entertaining, the best age of sail.
  13. Hence the interpretation between hitting trade and hitting warships. One giving more XP, the other more reals. I mean, 63 XP for a Trader Snow is next to nothing, no one is going to develop "abstract skillz" by hitting traders BUT the pvp multiplayer raises it to something like 160 if i'm not mistaken, for the same model, a mere trader brig. My notion is - if you going to attack enemy trade you will do it for 2 things - denial of resources -OR- capture of prize. Not simply because grief. The intent must correlate with the result, else it is nothing but a mere game of brutes. As many raided fellows notice if they pay attention, i never sink a trader if i can help it ( i try to bring it to home base and open to recapture, i want the prize and also give the enemy the opportunity for recapture ) or if it is totally empty i might ( returned some to the owners as well ). The prizes are just too good to pass by. The XP is negligible, the Reals are not. But as i said, i struggle with some metagame notions... sorry.
  14. Think about everyone starting with Zero anyting, imagine post wipe if you will. You start with nothing. You think the XP and sinking of a trader is anything ? ( 999 reals plus some xp ? ) Prize treasure is the main goal for attacking traders... at least from a age of sail perspective, i will leave the metagame out of the way as i struggle to understand it. Reals from the prizes, for example 68k reals from a single trader hit ( AI not player; from player i get way way more...), a lucky fortune for anyone, newcomer or veteran alike. Don't want them ? Hit warships, they give far far more XP than a trader. Just a different POV. None of ours is right only the Devs one is.
  15. We don't have rigging getting fouled at any point in enemy or friend. So let's cut the realistic slaps a bit shall we ? One can ram someone out of boarding ( that really drives me mad, literally... ) or into the eye of the wind and the rigs won't entangle...ships won't be immobile for a time while the winning crew tries to disentangle the ships !? Give me a break... That's arcade
  16. If anything War Supplies mechanic must be a Tax war mechanic, meaning no linear threshold. If a port tax was 100k at 10%, then supplying rebels or whatever you wish to simulate, must be equivalent - 1mil worth of supplies. Supplies must be split into "national supplies" available only at Regional Capitals. So a Regional Capital controlled by GB will spawn GB War Supplies. Supplies cannot be stockpiled in warehouse ( they immediately spawn inside Active ship ) and will disappear the next maintenance - act of intent.
  17. IMO a senseless suggestion, as one rule to rule them all - but - reward for sinking a trader should be naught, zip, nada, zero currency award. sole reward for trader should be the prized goods. just my 2 reals
  18. Devs do exactly the opposite of my wishful thinking. I start with number 1. Career mode with dynamic rank up and down as you play good or bad or as a coward - see RN rules of war for that. Alas i have to use my imagination, it is...okaaaay. They never did it... *sigh*... There's 9,999 more points like that one. Gritty wargame rp. Alas as i still enjoy the game a lot i play it. Don't you ? So cut the poor boy chase of biting other puppies tails. Devs do whatever they want, it is their game, me and you and all others just feed stuff. Devs select the ones they like the most. If your ideas are jelly... well, they are jelly. No my problem. I have no reading comprehesion. I want a No Safety world. Got it ? War and Peace servers, separate. And i play both. End of. War server means No Reinforcement zones, no timers, no safety. Total war. And if a nation gets defeated, then it gets defeated. It rebuilds and strikes back. Snappy salute.
  19. No secret that my position in a pvp wargame is the attritional effect of everything that happens in the OW and Conquest, meaning blockading and hunting enemy trade, along with protecting yours, is age of sail. That's why having a full safe haven is good for the individual, but embarrassingly boring ( in the long run ) for the wargame "with no victors, with no defeated". Maybe i like the collective more than the individual, and i'm sorry if i cannot understand the need to protect the individual in the War when there's Peace.
  20. Nothing at all good sir. I admire the brave Yanks and know many do engage in battles and is a great nation to be. Glad you and others like you will change the overall feel up there, and as i said, despite all shortcomings, one of the most interesting communities. I rather bathe in some nation chat blood than constant pro salt. o7
  21. Etiquette is definitely not my strongest, nor yours, but we ain't going to duel over it. Peace server has a lot of players on my playtime "my dude" ( very american nowadays it seems ), more than Global ever had plus with a lot of old veterans that simply only have 1 hour to "waste" in a game but still love the game for what it is - naval combat ( guns roaring, masts falling, crew cheering ) in the grand age of sail - and not the usual of late juvenile salty jungle. Some of us have kids and grandkids with more age than half of the "pros" so there's as much as one can bear regarding toxicity "brother", that's why the Peace server is awesome ... The description even says it - No negative interaction between players. I hope you understand why numbers are on the rise and it has ZERO to do with timers.
  22. Simply because you state false info. That's why. You have your opinion, but backing with false info is simply a shoo.
  23. You don't really ever play Peace server do you ? shoo
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