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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. I see nothing wrong with going away from a game in development still in Alpha revision and return at a later date. Many of the testers did the same for months on end. It is not a sign of anything, it is a cycle necessary and quite refreshing. There is nothing that is forcing the "bleeding" other than "hightened expectations". Salute !
  2. What a befitting title. Had to laugh out loud. And good chronicle writing as well.
  3. That is why some of us have good and harmless fun spewing ficticious log entries, official letters, and other snips of lore instead of wanting ( if you feel like it you can use a kay in the respective place ) to feel "boss". I respect anyone playing the game until they burst the blisters of my left foot. So far only a triplet of names which are simply obnoxious to the point of insanity and not establishing the difference between a game, a forum and the person beyond the character. Glad I am from a pen and paper generation rather than a absolutely atrocious CS crap kindergarten.
  4. Again, Port Battles will be tiered somehow and linked with Naval Bases which should redirect energies and planning of port battles. If you rummage through the last week admin posts you will find this info. IIRC it will be the shallow, normal and deep ports with limits on the rates as we have with the addition of Normal wich is 4th rate upper limit. Regarding the bigger numbers, this is always limited by technical factors but, as I said in another thread, there is no barrier to anyone planning a port battle. Anyone can organize and buy a flag. There is no need to be waiting for "someone else", so everyone can have fun. But that is a player side thing, not a mechanic thing, to fund port battles whatever mechanics are, money, resources, etc.
  5. " I picked a crown from the gutter and placed it upon my head! " - Panoleon Ponabarte ​Monsieur deGrim, ​The sublevations that might have swept the French Nation colonies have naught but been looked upon with contempt by the good citizens of the United Provinces. ​We shall trade ourselves into a glorious future alongside the other Nations of the caribbean as the most gallant and diplomatic of all and nothing short of brave and gallant.
  6. Let me add one thing. There are a lot of ports with more than accessible Flag crafting prices. Lowest I saw was 75k. This gives any irregulars a good chance to have a mob fight without having to rest upon the shoulders of the more organized groups. I think many folks don't realize this yet that they do not have necessarily to follow the crowd but can effectively gather a crowd themselves with as little as 75k.
  7. What about the Flag Carrier which is not intended to enter a battle, as by tactical decision ?
  8. To co-citizen Swieb, Given the recent events leading to a rotten multiplural consulate the Progressive Party, of which I am but a mere member in the freedom assured to me by our most free republic, is adamant in pursuing a policy that retains both wealth and growth of the colonies under the rule of the United Provinces. I cannot but notice you bring seditious ideas to your letter, maybe you know more than we know, we the honest citizens that build day by day the future of our Nation in the colonies? Rest assured that apart from rogue privateers, under the colours of France but in truth being funded ( yes you read correctly sir, FUNDED ! ) by British interests primarily in gold and resources, all the other French captains have shown more presence of spirit and honour than many of the representatives we now elected to a most disgraceful parody of a senate. Captain Hethwill Eskeath. Terre-de-Bas
  9. This should be quoted in many other threads already.
  10. Seventh day of March, Year of Our Saviour, two thousand and sixteen to the most esteemed and respectable Secretary General of the Dutch Consortium Representatives and most Honorable Delegates and Officials of the United Provinces I have received the news of the establishment of the Consortium on our most Eastern colony at Terre-de-Bas after returning from a sanctioned action of reprisal against Swedish shipping and held territories, which can be traced by charts, presented and freely consulted at our most beloved Naval Academy at Macanao, as not being part of their Colonial Enterprises, as such and through contacts at St. Petersburg the same exact information is also present in the official documents in Europe. This incursions served entirely as a measure of counting sheep after the success, which my most honorable patrons, which will remain unidentified, against the British shipping along San Domingo coast and which yielded no less than a share of 1,000 pounds in gold, roughly 10 years navy salary. But I digress and for that reason I must apologize. Directly to the subject at hand. I, as a citizen of the United Provinces and captain of the Antilles fleet, feel, that despite we being represented in the consortium by our own Delegates, all the other honest and hard working free men and women of this nation are being, violently and without precedent, coerced to join organizations to make their voice heard. As such I expect this Consortium to deliver the exact measure of justice and equality as proffered in our Liberal Constitution that rules our right to these colonies and the establishment of a New Holland in this new world. Not all organizations are listed. Not all interests are represented. The Guild of Traders, the House of Shipwrights and above all the Common Citizen is not represented. Liberty. Equality. Progress. Your most faithful servant of the Nation, Privateer Captain Hethwill Eskeath port colony Terre-de-Bas
  11. Godamn, love all this happening in Alpha... Can imagine the severe hailstorms when going Gold
  12. Welcome to the party. Would be useful to use a unified template somehow for organization titles, such as [nation].[tag].[name].[server]
  13. You have a fair point there Quineloe. Unless there is a Conquest bundle of mechanics that make Ships of the Line be properly used as Ships of the Line - meaning a massive chunk of a Nation's treasury to build and maintain - the reduced durabilities fill in the gap of "usable when it really matters". On the other hand, as I posted above, getting any 3rd and 4th rates is absurd and has no link whatsoever ( so far! ) to the true power ( amount of ports ) of a nation.
  14. Also at this point in development, alpha revision and alpha build, holding on to whatever you achieve is absurd. You cannot find many of the not-so-clear mechanics if you do not risk it fully, and as the Devs said they like the "dark souls" method to let the player find things for themselves instead of having stats delivered on a plate. One thing that would totally revamp the pvp way of life is xp multiplier by BR difference. I wouldn't mind 3000% multiplier when I get to face a herd of sheep now and then and drown in fluffy waves of poor quality wool.
  15. Well done sirs. Good to see some wolves amongst the herd of sheep.
  16. ​You can join any side already. Make sure you are Neutral or Pirate. Please disregard the Pirate issue of not being able to join both sides if pirate vs pirate. Again, you ask for pvp but find a lot of excuses not to go out and waste duras.
  17. Surrender should, simply and most effectively and ellegantly resolved, give the ship to the enemy. Never to friendlies. End of exploits.
  18. You have already a pure PvP server - whether you want to do it or not is all your decision sir. Take your ship, your rank and get into a enemy nation waters, set an outpost in a free port deep in their turf and do it. I am totally in disbelief with the suggestion given the opportunity is there already. What stops you from doing it ? That is my question.
  19. As a community it is imperative to work as whole especially because not all of new comers and early backers actually wish for the same exact things. It is great that many focus on the big strategy and port conquest. Others call to attention to open sea combat situations. We all have ideas, we all have different academic backgrounds, coding, history, and above all hobbies and passion for this game. No idea is lost. Many will be disregarded as not doable or not in scope but some are definitely included.
  20. Yes it would be beneficial IF the crafting notes system would be final, which is not the case as it will be reviewed and adjusted by rate. If anything 1st and 2nd rates 1 dura, 3rd and 4th 3 dura, rest 5 is fine. Would simply remove the Free cutters from any possibility of pvp gain of xp and credits. It really doesn't matter that they have 5 duras, they are immortal sponges of xp and creds without any risk of loss
  21. (( shhhhh... we creating a New World here ))))
  22. Agreed. Fire = everything stops until it is out. Only the man on the wheel sticks to his post.
  23. Damn, was hoping for a Provence revolutionaire. Anyway, good luck and see you soon.
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