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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. It can be now...with some imagination. Iron cannons had to be scrapped if damaged for example. Bronze guns could be reforged.
  2. You captured, there's no rewards. The Ship and the Cargo is the reward. There are penalties if you hurt friendlies.
  3. Captains and their crews would be more focused in keeping the ships afloat than blazing guns at each other. That's how realistic it goes.
  4. How many of you were against the Constitution ?
  5. Truth be told Histwar Napoleon RC3 has a year or so. If Histwar developer went to work with Norbsoft, no idea. Napoleon TW I like NTW3 more than Darthmod. But Darth kicks hell on Empire TW ( my favourite post-sprite TW ).
  6. Fine with it if the hardcap represents the fastest ship equipped and manned for speed.
  7. The Hyena Privateer is already hitting 14.9 with ease. It suddenly breaks off there and stays. All fine , is a Fir, Speed and then added proper Jib strength. Not sure if the 14.9 was with plating or not. Had the 12 Longs 6 pounder mounted already. Nothing in the cargo hold ( if it even matters ) --- I am on the wagon of the OP. Half some of the knowledge outputs.
  8. Absolutely I jest sir. I would say up to rank 3 anyone could change nation proving no crafting level above 10.
  9. Totally this. Takes time to learn, to get used to but is the closest to proper academy kriegspiel. Glad I pre ordered when in development so all packs came by some 50 euros or so. ( hardest is to let go of micromanagement and trust the subordinates ) Similar to it ( and putting SoW on the side ) Histwar is a good project that I want to see through fully.
  10. "something that would require the least possible amount of development time" - that would be full wipe. What is extremely important is a really HUGE notice in the nation selection screen. "Are you sure ? Are you really really sure ? Because if you are not sure this might happen. So are you certain ? 100 % ? Okay...!"
  11. Testbed can be odd but taking from breakdowns on maritime prizes taken during the period the AI isn't that far off. Best cargo prizes being sold at auction at 100k/200k dollars before expenses ( being the exception rather than the rule ), the grand average being at 20k before expenses. Pretty sure AI is not modeled as a substitute of proper PvP raiding. AI is no challenge after a while. While we could have a XP token for boarding action.
  12. Just note to add. Ships crafted from players will be top grade construction. It is a damn good prize that can be used and sold by a hefty sum. Normal AI ships from the OW will always be the "rotten" wood. Fleet ships from players will be whatever they are. Can be a handsome crafted model as well.
  13. *headshot !* Nice ruse sir, nice ruse...
  14. I dare you to try that on testbed.. in earnest. try to cook it like in live and see how it develops. Had two test battles a while ago doing just that for testing. Was interesting to feel the difference.
  15. Totally agree with that. Hence we call to specific issues. Newcomer issues are not veteran issues, and likewise the opposite. Being the major being presented the Ship Knowledge and Cannon prices I don't see the first being an issue and the second not being a obstacle. The old adage "Don't fly what you can't afford to lose" suddenly becomes also true in NA like it is in some other OW / sandbox with pvp games. Remus presents a good display of how it was and how it is. One thing he has right, once a new player hits the two mast brigs that is where the social and veterancy is very welcome for sure. The freshman has passed the basic controls, has setup game Options, has seen a bit of the surroundings and ( if nuts like some, has already did a big sail around the map ). He needs to pair up with a veteran and start to explore playstyles in earnest.
  16. Let's not disrupt the thread intention, which was a honest review on how people are going to play on upcoming PvP Global server. A bit of respect towards the OP would be cool huh !?
  17. @BorchI shall disagree. I wasn't forced to do anything. I would go out, fight, return and "owww shiny, new things with a plus sign" oh look, and new rank. That's what I said about natural progression. Playing Rear Admiral mindset and trying to test as a newcomer won't work.
  18. So far experience as a newcomer player "fresh out of navy academy" has been interesting. ( one thing impossible to simulate is being newcomer in combat, so let's give a bit of room on the Free Cutter ) The Free Cutter can stand up pretty nice and does the job. The free ride on everything, repairs, cannon, crew, is a good "Starter Pack". After 4 missions had 3 Ship knowledge slots and 1 Captain perk. I couldn't find a Cutter being sold nor a Lynx so I got myself a Privateer and equipped it with 12 Long Cannon. Money went on the "barely enough for food" zone but was on the positive. Went out there, no repairs, no medicine, so I knew I had to do it right first time, there were no second chances. It really make a difference. Did a two missions more, elevated the Privateer to second slot, and raided two traders for some extra cash. Next day set my mind on getting that Cutter or the Lynx. Found the bug with Cutter price and found myself a Lynx. Not a good fighting build but would have to do. Gladly still had the 12 cannons from the privateer so saved that cash and went out to get the needed ship knowledge, as I need the 3rd slot on the Lynx to be able to work on my precious Privateer. Three missions done, again with no repairs and no medicine, on one the battle ended right on the water edge. Sadly I'm stuck. Need to "learn" the Cutter to proceed further on the Lynx and given the "buggy" price I can't afford it. Ended the string of being a freshman for now, on the profit side in excess of 25k and owning two ships ready to roll. Two afternoons of playing, maybe accumulated of 4 hours. What I like: - there is a sense of progression. It is quite natural and if all sloop/schooner models are available at all ports it becomes a enjoyable ride from ground zero to Brig level. - the time spent is deceiving. The rewards are fair and the ranking up / unlocking ship slots and captain perks is there and comes fairly fast. Maybe the boarding actions should also give XP ? What I like less: - fairly confusing Ship knowledge thing. Some ships, given similar sail plans / tonnage / crew etc could act as a "group" for progression. Example being the Lynx and the Privateer. - the Admiralty store Books could be grouped [1-3] [4-5] [6-7]
  19. Correct. No XP, no cash. Only loot or ship. Someone will lose. So far no way around it.
  20. Regarding permanent presence within the enemy territory, whereas before was done by establishing Free Ports as naval bases, now it requires conquest. Carve a enclave and operate from there. After all, teleports to nation ports with outpost are in game. The other raider option, obviously, is operating from the frontier areas into the enemy waters. Free Port still a options if a captains plains a weekend of raiding of course. Sail there, during the week. Logoff. Return on weekend and raid. Given limitation to one ship survival mode is on. Fighting along the borders with enemy nation is always more "safe". You have nation ports close by and opportunity to keep a squadron of ships in your outpost.
  21. Different points of view can be discussed without resorting to the usual bait and trolling. A few posts hidden and edited as they were more personal affairs than thread subject discussion.
  22. Schooners, lynx absolutely, privateer for sure, some brigs like the snake. Endymion. Not natural but certainly fully trimmed and equipped and trained. This is highly correct. Sail plan of a frigate or a 3rd rate for example are pretty much the same in the horizon. Enough mishaps happened due to these identification errors, most of the time captains thinking it is a indiaman and showed up to be a 74 gun or a heavy frigate. This. In 1700 "A bronze 24-pounder cost £156, compared with £75 for the iron piece, but the initial saving was offset when the gun wore out. The iron gun was then good for nothing except scrap at a farthing per pound, while the bronze cannon could be recast "as often as you please." 156 sterling pounds of 1700 equals 30 thousand dollars in 2017 equivalent A Santíssima has more guns than many land armies ( mostly 6 pdr and 12 pdr ). Artillery was by far the most expensive arm.
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