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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. http://steamcommunity.com/gid/[g:1:11602907]/announcements/detail/486793062805976937
  2. Control ( as mechanic ) + high damage ( not the tiny slight touches we have now )
  3. Of course they were. No risk. No time lost. The road to NA.Arena
  4. This was implemented since 9.98. 30 minutes cooldown after login.
  5. One use only every 3 hours ? Same as OW Tow to port. You'd use the exact same option. Good for calling it a night if you keep it not used until utmost necessary.
  6. Given there's no more teleporting, we must assume solution must: - not use teleports other than the "tow ship" with cooldown - must not allow hiding inside for more than 15 minutes. I'd say we should be able to use the Tow Ship from the instance once BATTLE OVER. Cooldown as normal instead of complicating more. Any power-gamer would simply attack anyone in sight, runaway just to unlock the 3rd consecutive battle.
  7. How do you capture player ships without teleport ?
  8. This is a discussion about how the Fleet perks. Are 4 ships ( 9 points ) better than one ship all pimped up ( 10 points ) ?! They aren't equivalent. The perk points are the same regardless of rate. The only limitation is crew allowance. I am used to fight against the odds ( or with them, to be honest I don't seek fairness although I risk more than not ), fleets or not fleets. I appreciate the advice though.
  9. Sailway is one option but lacks the age of sail glory of Naval Action of course. Elite is spaceships and you take as much doing a round trip for a profitable trade route or ambushing space truckers and then going to your favourite black market. NA has it on par with similar OW MMOs.
  10. I'll pay with my body ! . I mean, my body will be there working as the cook.
  11. The amount of gamers that stream for 6+ hours...daily... is more normal than one would think ( it is really absurd and scary, especially considering they are young adults or in their late teens ).
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  12. I am not for fleets. Never was. Right now we can't teleport the prize away. We need to adapt if we wish to capture instead of sink. Plus the prized ship may force the fleet to move slow ( given the fleet moves according to the slowest ship at any point of wind, just a info for those that do no know this ). Transforming a prize into a "ship note" could be an weak idea on how to force the "slowest speed in fleet" mechanic. IMO > 1, 3, 6 points for fleet slots makes up the 10 points. Question... do 4 ships surpass the 5 slots of ship knowledge ? They do. Totally. I would reduce to 2 slots at 5 points each.
  13. No one is answering the question and simply staring at the mirror without looking around: - how do I tow a captured player's ship with no fleet possibility ( and no teleports ofc ) ?
  14. How to capture enemy player warships then ?! We need to tow them with us in a fleet.
  15. Free ports can be used for the ships being "smuggled under the table". Perfect meeting spot for arms dealers with the latest fashions out of the foundries. Or highly sought resources.
  16. There's other Boards and Threads where you can measure your "sport". Do not clutter the discussion of the hotfix with off topic and other unrelated posts.
  17. Yes, there's a miscellaneous amount of mechanics that need addressing. We have no idea how Conquest will be given the devs still thinking about the hostility stuff. While the 46 hours seem benefic at first I do not think they worked well and driven ( same as full teleports ) to a "road to arenas". I still see the whole new open world as a return to proper screening action. 30 minutes cooldown, no teleports, and ( for good or bad ) no exit to port for BOTH nations, so the more responsability to screening fleets. After all you cannot have ships everywhere despite being able to TP to nation ports. A clan ( gameplay acting Station / Navy wing ) will be able to plan and cover accordingly but so will a decided attacker.
  18. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/19703-forthcoming-changes-in-the-next-testbed-patch/
  19. You are presenting examples where teleport was active. Let's return to the time before TPs everywhere, as example of wars KOTO vs US, Dutch vs France, Dutch vs Sweden, Danes vs Sweden. You'd work with planning. You'd work with whomever was in the area to help to counter a squadron. Oh, you had to play with the Nation. ( we had no production building back then if you remember, all resources had to be contracted )
  20. Not counting the dozen of ships already made, as a reward for our interest in the EA of the game ( plan was 10 ships when Trials buyers got the game ) we also going to be presented with the Pandora http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/19501-important-news-first-full-asset-wipe-exclusive-early-access-frigate/#comment-385305 I think it is pretty clear that we are going to be rewarded for it with both a good release and a nice ship for the collection. Let's stick to the topics of the hotfix. Please.
  21. There will be a OW battle and losses will mount for both sides. Conquest will be a planned thing. What I see happening is way more screening fleets from both sides having a absolute crucial part to play.
  22. Devs have been implementing community based ideas since the very first OW iteration. Let them do their own mind this time. We will have 3 game boxes instead of one.
  23. Regarding the PB issues, you have a Triangle effect. Wargame planning and battles --- durabilities lost --- time to replace lost ships --- I'm totally not seeing "risks" becoming irresponsible to the point of throwing yourself another durability into battle just...because... Valuable ships will need a purpose to be used - you won't throw away durability especially because they might be valuable for the Wargame of conquest or for some muscle in the OW. When you set yourself to conquest you will measure all possibilities and play for victory, including the retreat in case of a defeat. If victory is achieved, well you control the region you can setup a new "naval outpost". IMO teleports were simply not needed and we saw what they caused especially at the Conquest level if not at the raiding level.
  24. Everyone is deviating seriously from the Hotfix 4 topics. If you need to discuss something else, please do open an appropriate thread
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