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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Thanks for answer guys. What you say would be the perceived angle of depression ? 45ยบ ?
  2. How did they, the swivels, fare versus the lower deck ships like brigs and schooners ?
  3. Yeah, I see where the issue lies.
  4. It is, of sorts. Raise the damage threshold for tag in instance. Mechanic will be blind and affect everyone equally.
  5. We don't tag indefinitely, Sir. We attack once and finish the engagement, either by taking the prize or by retreating. Non stop Attack! with no chance to do anything is something we do not do. And that is indeed griefing. So, is winning a combat griefing or is non stop tag griefing ? I'm lost now...
  6. Don't you dare touch their ( now mine ) Wasa !!!! She is great as she is.
  7. Nope. Snow is a Zero. Melts under the guns. Anything else or are you going to keep sending rocks to kill flies ? We don't mind. We appreciate the gifts.
  8. Nah, you will have to practice, practice, practice in that wind until you know the value of separation versus guns angles. Plus we talking Snow, right ? Or are we suddenly changing to Surprise ? I have a feeling I was right where this is leading
  9. *yawn* nor wind is your energy, right ?, but hey, to each its own. Keep turning with a ship that has way shorter length. The Thach Weave was a well done tactic by the frigate captains and they ain't flying Hellcats, but it worked perfectly. ( by the way the entire subject is about the non stop tagging by smaller ships to bigger ships. I get that. I simply don't get that the mechanic isn't brought up when is the big ones tagging the smaller ones non stop when they have absolutely no chance to do anything... like a damn peasant Wasa trying to grab hold of her Majesty the Privateer, but hey, was fun to make fun of her... here wasa wasa wasa... here wasa wasa wasa... until I simply got bored... *sigh* )
  10. A boom'n'zoomer should not enter a turn'n'burn fight.
  11. Please no not even kidding... If anything really pulls me to age of sail and NA is really the schooners and the brigs and all the stories of bravery that involve them and the sea rover types. Maybe one or other frigate but not even comparable, interest wise...
  12. @Ink Is the friends list synchronous in both ends ? Like in Clan A and Clan B are friends, so it shows in both. Then Clan B removes Clan A from friends. Clan A gets removed from B list. Would Clan B get auto removed from Clan A list as well ?
  13. That extrapolated with number of ships & BR difference as well, not only class. Very old suggestion btw. Glad it is never forgotten.
  14. National pride ships, like Victory, and other similar models, should be under Admiralty rules to be used in the proper way as directed by the rules of war. Meaning, as per the rules of engagement they shall sail only when in company of a retinue. More so, they shall only set sail in the most dire and consequential of conflicts, such as Napoleonic threat to Mediterranean and West Indies trade routes by seeking and destroying the enemy fleet. Otherwise will be kept in port or in station, relegating other patrol duties and blockades to the more capable 74 guns.
  15. Unlimited repairs in OW, to simulated the time it took to refit the ship after battles. Limited repairs/surgery on board to limit the "urgency" and limitations of acting in such systems under cannon fire and dangerous environment.
  16. Does a Bucentaure count ? Wasa ?
  17. User has edited the post after warned about personal attacks. Stick to the subject, not the person.
  18. So you mean that a small navy like the young US navy had to fight the might of the Royal Navy in the RN terms ? You telling me that the yank privateers didn't raise hell and beyond in the british isles ? Didn't the RN had to deploy 17 ships to hunt 1 single ship ( Prince de neuf... ) ? I mean, what is the issue with playing a realistic role in NA ? Does every player have to emulate Nelson ? Or do we have space for other role models ? How about 1 to 10 odds on several occasion in history ? C'mon Redii, give us something more palpable. NA doesn't allow us to mess your rigging with hooks, or to shoot your helmsman, 7 times in a row, killing 7 of them as they took the wheel. That's how it was done to stop your ship and not let her run in the wind at will and make her stop. There are a ton of other ways. Instead in NA we keep winding down away from a boarding... NA doesn't force you to 15 minutes tacks or break your tops due to sharp turns. Nor does it force you to follow a proper naval career where you are assigned a station, but instead it allows you to choose your station, your ship. In the end... All ships are OP.
  19. Honest question: What is the difference, to a 1st rate, between being jumped by a squadron of 7th-6th rates and being jumped by a squadron of hunt frigates ? Yep, exactly.
  20. Ah, correct. Thanks for coming back on track.
  21. Oh I agree wholeheartedly sir. Totally and 100% agree. Sad I didn't stream the absurd behaviour of some yellow jack navy captains. The blade cuts two ways sir. And it cuts deep. But let's get back on track.
  22. Correct. A 1st rate alone can be a prime target for a squadron of corsairs. Alone...alone....alone.... versus many... Alone... But, as proven several times, we have come up against excellent captains which won the engagement by forcing the corsair force to retreat due to very very good use of the ship strengths instead of trying to work around its weaknesses. That's a win for the 1st rate.
  23. Redii, You are moving from combat to alts. Make your point please, do not move the subject.
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