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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. that's the beauty of it... we got a german at the helm. Like damn clockwork he knows how german clockworks work. hence the problem of both mentioned captains. Like water unto stone. A drop at a time... Edit: Funny enough we did rescue 125 russian sail ducks. Maybe we could use them as a preemptive strike on Swedish holdings and see what you deploy to counter them ? Let me guess... Wasas and Frigates...
  2. Swedish captain #1 - "I'm sorry number 2, your 1st rate will only be ready next week..." Swedish captain #2 - "What do you mean number 1 ? You said you had everything! I even gave you my hours..." Swedish captain #1 - "... well... got jumped by some $#"%&" little $#%&%& that got all my traders... with the parts in them..."
  3. Thank you. It makes things more clear.
  4. A very valid one. Thanks for it. *PING* ( number change ) NEEEEEEXT...
  5. Thing is, only a trader ship can make use of contraband flag to operate from enemy closed ports. Hence being attacked by warships doesn't correlate. But, if a port is neutral/open/free then warships can operate at will, smuggler flag doesn't matter one bit. So, are these ships trader models ?
  6. We surely expect more Wasas and Frigates to be deployed to counter raiders. It is a sign of... erm... sound tactical choices, Sir. Definitely very solid tactical deployment of rocks to kill fleas. Carry on, carry on. I wonder why, historically, so many nations sent their officers to the swedish naval academy...
  7. Really sad how the daffy duck "you lot" can mess up a nice RP thread with such amount of dung. Seriously, you guys love to argue a lot. Like fishwives, like port nancy back in Shroud... Get a grip and get back to scrub the deck. It smells.
  8. Some entrepeneur trader types been supplying the usual "corsair havens" with repairs and rum. I saw more than eight hundreds of sail and hull repairs at three different free/neutral/open ports yesterday. Obviously the groups that operate there will dry them out as needed, I reckon when I returned after the cruise there was none left. Business is good for those brave traders. Maybe they need to ramp up their supply lines ?
  9. Word of advice - do not post anything about your private life routines online.
  10. Yes sir. We are all right, we all do see reality in different perspective. No one sees it entirely. Together we can build a complete scene ( after all, I am a old fart "kid" playing with toy ships anyway, so no illusions there ) Now that we are over that... TO WAR !
  11. Now now gentlemen and fair ladies, - we are not all of the same age - we are not all of the same upbringing - we have different amount of hobby time and budgets to spare What brings us together is NA. Otherwise we might not even type to each other.
  12. there's a similarity between eating and sleeping also unless you sit in front of the screen using a gamer bib ( chuckles ). Just jesting. Now, how does a weaker force beats a much stronger one... oh right... unconventional methods. By the way, who are the trve vikingar ? Danes or Swedes ?
  13. The Cloggies cannot be martyrs to the Swedish greed There's plenty of meat for all from the fat in the east ... "Raise high the black flags, my children. No prisoners. No pity. I will shoot any man I see with pity in him." - vide quote -
  14. Some coin was diverted through untraceable means ( ain't hard, it is the 19th century ) to fund corsair incursions to established trade routes and rum-runs. Special prizes put up for Swedish national goods. Several ships hoisting the privateer jacks of the black chicken seen at different "open" ports near and inside Swedish waters. A investor that shall remain anonymous did quote - If before we had a reason to raid their convoys, now they gave us a perfect excuse to do so in the open.
  15. Damn politicians... *sigh* There's a ton of nations in game. Say it, c'mon, you can do it, SAY IT ! "Nations of the free west indies, come help the Dutch against the upstart swedes. We didn't want to start this war but we had no other way. Who will stab them in the kidneys when they least expect ? Who will help us and make them spread their forces ?" You know, something like that Not a ... speech.
  16. War...are you ready for it !? Really !? First of all you need to learn to fight together and smash the usual Maracaibo raiders. That area is a open world shipyard... *sigh*
  17. Classic political answer... Sir, I ask again. Are the Dutch asking for help ?
  18. Dutch... ... you asking for help to the other nations ?
  19. National ports can only be exited via trade ship. Neutral ports/Open to all ports/Freeports can be used at will. Can you please be more specific which port was this ? Many thanks.
  20. Nope, I don't keep tabs on the numbers, just noticed and surely others noticed it too. IIRC there was a thread going on about the builds, on the economy and crafting, that skimmed on that subject.
  21. Mind you that the tax revenue might be misleading. Many trader-smugglers are feeding "enemy" nations with tax revenue (to increase their own greedy pockets) at the expense of their nation's income.
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