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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. ... sorry Victor. I play in worldwide communities in many games. ( sorry to my luso brothers, but i do prefer multi national and common english communities ) Is there anything wrong with a worldwide game ?
  2. If I am not "online" status the API doesn't read my individual activity. It reads "offline" instead of "playing Naval Action".
  3. Similar words ( cause and effect ) are used in many other projects. If you go through the library of games and check the same stats, you will see a pattern regarding US market. Not new. No idea why, but it is not game related.
  4. (some) in-game nations will get Clans from all zones. Other in-game nations will keep as they are. Unified by language and timezone. Restricting themselves. There's some that understand that the clan is the community, not the nation. Others make the nation their club. Time to move on and develop nations as in: - common international english to attract as many round-earth earthlings as possible - the Nation belongs to no one, but to all communities playing under its flag.
  5. "don't get what is needed where it is needed" Why ? I can, faintly, get the boring part until a raider shows up and the chase is on. By removing one part on own benefit the other side is simply shut off. A big chunk of content is removed at the moment, but it is okay. I expect many more ships to be born in safety and more pvp ( whatever form ) happens... Right ?! Right !?...
  6. Post not the 2 last weeks, but the whole time versus the right now. Please. No idea how you work in your gaming circles but I find it fairly easy to promote NA. Is it that hard for States and Canadians to keep the experience going ? If that data is even to be considered, what marks the difference between the majority of the EU states and the North American continent ? Gaming culture maybe ? Something does not correlate...
  7. Problem ? What problem ? Transport ain't a problem in my eyes. It is content. It is an activity that puts ships on the water, for ill or for good, with a purpose and part of plan. Isn't trade a vital and credible way for the game to represent the age of sail ? At any given point there were roughly estimation of 600 deep water trade vessels sailing around the caribbean in the early half of the 18th century. The number didn't change much in the follow up half, but the amount of cargo did, with bigger cargo spaces being used. From a "bucaneer age" it went to true private wars where corsairs did hit each other Nation's routes. There is a problem indeed, the lack of trade wars. Thousands of privateers unemployed... trade raid ships rotting in the docks... all because of Protected Zones Act that span entire coastlines, engulf entire archipelagos, and overall promote a false sense of "we can do it!".
  8. Offtopic posts will be removed. Discuss the thread core in good order. Use Clubs for your "politics".
  9. You mean other than Steam, FB, and tweet snip and the pink lettering on game logon ? I agree, HMS Alert should sail to each one's homes and deliver the news
  10. Do not discuss moderation. Stick to the subject.
  11. I can think of a ton others. Like firing cannon at high heeling... No sane captain would do that in the age of sail. They would aim high or aim low, the pieces... not the ship :). No cannonade at the extreme hull angles like we make in game without risking serious damage.
  12. Yes. Also demands less canvas open to even being able to turn the yards and not injury any crew if it fails.
  13. Interesting suggestion and interesting reply. I'd suggest no safety zones involved and let trade wars come back then. Want to protect your trade ? Sail out and pvp the raiders out.
  14. I suggest that people can be invited into battle group at any time but can only leave battle group when in port or logoff.
  15. People refuse to sail out and chase the hostility runners for some reason... I guess it is the same reason they Cat&mouse pvp. Either you attack and rise up to a epic challenge or you will not. Assymmetry will always be a given. The majority of combat will never be fair. So better to sit on our hands or actually damn it all and sail out on ships we can afford to lose ? C'mooon captains, we have seen it all and not once, not once have we seen 99% of players out there in pvp no matter what. It is a mindset Grab the NPC shop ships and fight. No reason to cry why oh why did my beauty sunk... Deal ?
  16. Yesterday all the action was on the East the time I was logged on on EU, late evening and early night zulu time.
  17. Hostility Missions are open the entire 90 minutes. They are a lattice in themselves. How many did you jump ?
  18. The simple answer is, as I look to it as a player, as a costumer - Naval Action is a game about the age of sail experience. In all aspects. The same way as any players would step into a Battle of Britain warbird in a sim. Is there a point in learning how to handle the plane of choice ? Why would anyone even take-off ? All about the experience. And that is what digital entertainment is. Being part of an experience that the game delivers.
  19. I will disagree and I did a full campaign in Global pair with plenty others in EU. Only nation I did not campaign for yet is Spain ( and the new ones ). You find what you search for. I know I do. But right now... trade wars are inexistent at a 1 to 12 odds. I understand the lattice idea, but I find it a faux feature. A game cannot force players to pvp when they don't want to pvp. That is the bottom line. Cheap ships are good enough to pvp. Captured ships are good tinder boxes for pvp. That's how cheap pvp is I hope your idea works.
  20. With the supression of the trade routes, yes, it became unused. (aka. immunity trade zones ) I assure you that all those quadrants are marked on my old captain's log with prizes and amazingly the biggest ones were actually in the big center- Do we even know what we want ? safety or players being content ? Decisions...decisions...
  21. I'd say Localization Language might help. I say the best bet is to get the Americas population up to life. With so many US/CAN/SA/SEA/OCEANIA players, what the hell happened to the 24/7 server ?... Bring your buddies back, invite new ones. Populate it.
  22. Territory control of the seas extends as far as the reach of the guns. That's my opinion ( and I am sure it is similar to something someone important said back in the grand age of sail ).
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