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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. The Pen is mightier than the Sword when the Pen is wielded with more skill than wielding the Sword.
  2. I wasn't justifying anything, I was just sharing what PvP means for me in any game. Not necessarily NA only.
  3. PvP is not when I want only. PvP is also when the enemy wants it. And it might be when I don't want it. We are all content in a PvP environment. Very very very easy to understand. Alas we, me, you, everyone, the individual player, must voice our views as to how to make the game the game I, ME, MYSELF, want. Not what you want
  4. Am I ? Never felt like it, according to your description. But let's not derail the thread
  5. I am sorry for misunderstanding.
  6. ? how does this relate to "discovery" points in the map and whatever "life" can be brought ? reckon not everything has to be related to conquest / pvp...
  7. As a newcomer to the OW the first days out were stunning. No map (!). Discovering the coastline and looking at all the details. And was with the old terrain model Old salty veteran dogs have seen it all. They are unimpressed. That being said a lot could be added, true.
  8. No idea. I play sims and wargames, not mmos. That's why I came to NA. Thanks for the synopsis of what a MMO is. Makes sense why I don't play them
  9. I think we suggest a lot of things looking at "what might be the result" instead of "what is the purpose of it". I know I do
  10. I believe you might have been around when missions were never in the region where they were taken but always in a region away so players had to sail. Example of this would be . take a mission in Gustavia region, the mission would always be in Oranjestad region. Please, remember us all how it ended ?... Yes, we, playerbase, ask many things but forget that we did not like them and voiced against them
  11. Have owner port management have that option ? - enable tow on/off - After all, they conquered it. It is theirs. Not everyone's.
  12. why not attack the R fellows when they attacked the us coast but rather side with them because it was easier to kick the "noobs" ? Oh brother, give me 100% chance of winning and 100% of bragging rights, not a headache
  13. If we advance towards fearless heroic pvp OW age of sail then - battles must start with equal chances, meaning equal access to all resources in port ( mods, books, whatever ) and equal ( or inferior ) numbers and ratings when being the aggressor - the player that presses attack button. So aces can attack even when inferior numbers. Non aces can engage knowing everyone, including themselves, have no upper hand in numbers or ship setups, just handling of ship and wind and broadside timing. ( a lot involved in the synopsis up there including RoE ) Economy ceases to be important IMO in such scenario.
  14. Correct. Was just a radical solution idea and not totally thought over. In truth sailing should promote groups clashing into each other.
  15. We all get what we wished for. Maybe not what we expect
  16. We have to take them. They are not granted But sure, I get what is meant. In the end the fast access to pvp from free ports means zones are close and camped and port ambushes happening all the time - bait and rush port sitters.
  17. *cough*.. *cough* radical solution. remove the zones. remove free ports. except Shroud.
  18. Swivels shot will go through the stern windows without the need to blast it to tinder. Shooting down into lower open deck is also great. Still it is a funny ship to play although I agree that, being a ship that has been transformed from a trader into a raider, she would be "crewed" by non-maritime trade folk but by hardened sea dogs that can pack more knowledge and refit it it better. The option to open more slots is a good one. Does it make a option for the meta gamer ? Of course not , but it is a fun ship to play with for non metas, same as a Navy Brig or a L'Hermione. Experiencing NA versus Winning NA. ~S~
  19. Sir, you need to read what board you are posting into. Not everything GameLabs is about NA.
  20. Even if the gains are marginal, I rather make sure I win and bring the numbers for a 0.1x rewards, rather than the toss the 1.0x coin for a "not-so-sure-if-we-win" situation. In a general sense that is. Sense of security - sure win - will always beat the challenge for supreme reward. Hence we stand where we stand today
  21. https://dawlishchronicles.com/hms-mediator-at-odds-of-five-to-one-1782/ In this dramatic action, in which boldness and confidence had proved the decisive factor, a single 44-gun ship, with a crew already depleted by provision of manning for earlier prizes, took on a force deploying 132 guns and 634 men.
  22. Video evidence is the best kind of proof.
  23. Yes, I know. Did use it many times in raids. Great to take over traders in convoy. Still prefer the smaller vessels for the purpose. I think ( might be mistaken ) that what Z asks is , what is the "real" OW purpose now of a trade raider LGV ? ( or any other trade raid purpose built )
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