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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. - Increase cooldown timer to join battle after leaving port/leaving instance to 180 seconds / equal to battle join time - "what you see is what you get" - ships must be in the OW. - Decrease port conquest cooldown to 24hours/1 maintenance after being conquered - enables fast paced counter attacks - Remove Award of PvP Marks from sinking Trader ships.
  2. You can do the exercise. Find a small inlet in OW. Screenshot. Your ship model almost occupies the entire inlet entry gap in the OW. Now, tag an AI, enter battle in the same spot, or sail there. Screenshot again. Oh look, it would need a lot of ship lengths to actually cover the gap So, to accommodate for that "scale" difference and I do account for the position of my bow in OW as being the approximate spawn point. I do not use the center of the ship.
  3. Space scale in OW is not the same as in battle. As a rule of thumb use your bow as indicator. Simple.
  4. Map size is meaningless when a part wants to do only the 25v25 "trafalgars" and the other part wants to roam around hitting the others. Their playstyles will never meet unless forced. Map size is only meaningful when game scale in space and time is 1:1 Original idea makes no sense. The PvE server ( needs a nice name btw ) has earned its own community and is simply a "SP mode" with social aspect.
  5. I know Soda fleet sounds perfect when the enemy ships go down and start bubbling, maybe ?
  6. Not disagreeing with your statement but hardcore permadeath games have also thousands of players regularly. With environment and other players to contend with where mistakes really zero your char and assets.. So it is kind of a moot argument to throw this or that game style. There's literally thousands of games with thousands of players regularly. Caribbean server PvP infrastructure may well be supported by unchecked and untouchable PvE which is exactly the discussion. No chance to stop the machine that feeds the war, that builds the ships for the fleets. If you look at it, not being open to PvP is a "waste of time". You sail and click. Better would be if you'd just click and sail with a pvp ship immediately, no ? Maybe that's the unveiled desire, the unspoken truth of the mmo instead of the true grit of the age of sail simulator. The only similarity between both servers is that both have exactly the same PvE opportunities. What sets them apart is exactly the PvP. There's no around zones unless we have always ships on the fly whenever we want them, and that is - right now !
  7. Not a bad idea to change the "cooldown". Add that any "timer window" cannot be reused during 30 maintenances.
  8. Mechanics must work always, not now, not then. They must be blind to present, past or future considerations. Hence the questions - Why and how. Describe the specifics and the benefits to the whole game, all nations, all levels of gameplay and above all, to the whole average mass of playerbase.
  9. Agreed. We should have everything auto. Level playfield. Let the handling of the ship alone decide anything. Equal fights only.
  10. You can do it whenever you want. Choose a faction, attack everyone else. No mercy. Like a hastag someone posted a while ago #Idontdopolitics #thanksforbattle
  11. Was not a nation in itself. It had its own infrastructure, that is all. It went bankrupt once the NATION stopped lending support. Plus it was lobbied extensively in the house of lords so the NAVY was assigned to HELP them But hey, gameplay > historical credibility. By all means necessary.
  12. "In nations you are forced to play with certain guys, it can destroy your gameplay experience" Well, it works both ways. Actually four ways as some players relish in destroying game experience before disappearing to some other game once they get bored. In any case I am supporting the proposal. Let's test it. Say bye bye to the group of players I mentioned, that's all. No need to justify yourself sir.
  13. Yes, standard. Same as the (demi)Control.
  14. Perks are kind of fine. Fleet 1 is fine. Liq idea of having a "Prized ship" perk is nice. ( who would use it when marks are definitely more valuable !? okay, for a nice 1st rate captured... )
  15. Let's shun away everyone that comes to NA looking for age of sail simulation and historical credibility and reinterpretation of the era All good. We get the game we wish for, right ? Clan based FTW... wooo...hoooo....!
  16. Captains, Do not make assumptions of each other's lives. Real lives. When in game, then we game. When not, it matters not. Stick to GAME...Please.
  17. Otto, suppose everything starts from zero tomorrow. Both veterans and newcomers start with nothing. That's how I read it. The biggest thing a clan can offer is indeed - experience and knowledge. A new player needs to carry social skills though, which in itself cannot be covered by any mechanics or clan rewards. Maybe upcoming Tutorial can help in this ?
  18. Ready for that since the 1st day of EA until the last day of EA. As should we all, Early Access backers
  19. Normal is discussable But what you say, is true. Personally speaking is easier to play a computer game during the week in the evening than on weekends. But majority of people do buy finished games or when they back/KS alphas they either know what they are up to or they wait until release ( like I did with 3 recent big games, didn't touch them through the entire test EA ).
  20. Elevation screw was not faster, actually the opposite, and was found wanting to the ever shifting of the combat at sea. Still was much better than the blocks and the rods due to precise elevations when needed.
  21. All about HP now. Must buy another Pen.
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