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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Amount of ball ... not so much... amount of prepared gunpowder charges ? Maybe. Let's say the baseline is 75 broadsides of prepared charge for the Constitution. ( baseline because it was noted in the reports the exhaustion of charges after 75 broadsides along with safe distance for rig repairs ) Honestly...how many battles do we shoot 75 broadsides ?
  2. Pay to "have an edge" because... ? That's why "alts"... ? ( honest supportive customers have second accounts that seldom get played and the dlc btw )
  3. At a point my collection of schooners was indeed...obscene... ( I can imagine the leap towards schooner and brig orgy if paints were added at that time... ) Maybe slots by "volume", whereas a 1st rate needs the amount of 6x 7th rates.
  4. I suggest the double. 100 slots. That way I may have the collection ships, 50 so I can press sail and admire the model, and then 50 more for the fighting and losses, if that ever happen. Plus infinite slots for the infinite Pickle builds .
  5. Sure Sven. But with teleports the information, despite being nice on the lore side, becomes useless in less than 15 minutes.
  6. Every time I read "money sink" it comes to mind that the excess money being handled. or whatever. Just out of curiosity, as it has absolutely no influence whatsoever in the game as it stand, and for a sense of perspective. And compare the values to what we make in game - bill for contruction of the ship Torrington ( trade snow ) in Philadephia, 1729 - - bill for the construction of the Delaware ( trade snow ) also in Philadephia - Now let's look to the actual cash trade in the very first haul of the Delaware Funny how everyone wants to be given lots of win-win and then ask for money sinks once devaluation hits hard. But hey, the examples given above was trader career, that man would never be a naval officer but was a very successful businessman. He couldn't just walk up to the Admiralty and request a frigate for the weekend fishing trip S!
  7. Check historicalgamer, xtrg and tortugapower for great Rule the Waves series and cross campaigns - for carriers, totally my thing, well... Pacific War AE been unbeaten for a decade and more, xtrg restarted a series on it. having a mmo wargame modelled on either game would be epic if players could take the heat.
  8. ...c....c....CA ... CARRIERS ! ...take my money ! Thanks for the heads up m8 S!
  9. Most ramming, and out of the blue a incident after the battle of them Nile where a corvette was boned by a 74 guns and sunk fast with great loss of life, was...an accident. The 74 was badly damaged as well and had to go for repairs in port and didn't see action until Napoleon was already out of Egypt. That's how ramming should work ?
  10. Staying under the guns on the leeside has been used since NA exists. It is not new. Equation between tactics credibility must work both ways, if you resolve to pull "historical" deployment of whatever rates and compare RL tactics to game tactics, and not only when it suits or if it suits a single purpose.
  11. @Wraith Like good buddies meeting each other in a game in opposite sides, without even knowing, and having a laugh while they try to "shoot each other down". Anything wrong if that happens because there's no names ? What's different ? Can't measure chances before engaging ? Who cares ! Newcomers have no godamn idea - bless them - who the players are. And honestly they have the best slice of the cake. We are sadly educated in a ton of forum trash - yes, pun intended given the juvenile trolling - of whom we do or not want to play with. Newcomers, average players are, gladly immune to that. But onwards to the comfort talk you pull with ... names showing or not... Just to put it in perspective, EVE with its massive LOSS potential or WW2OL with its factual bragging rights of winning wars, and LOSS of wars, not just word in a forum. No look to NA, a spectuacular never stopping combat game in the age of sail. Everyone gets a ship anywhere fast to go to combat. To engage in naval action without delays. That's all that matters. That's how comfortable we have it. And you still claim a specific name in the OW makes or breaks it ? By neptune's beard sir, I embrace this new age of comfort. We never had it better. Outposts. Production buildings. Teleports. Ships in a bottle. Admiralty handouts. No need to produce anything anymore. No need to engage enemy nations in earnest. No loss involved, truly. Just pure fun in the open world of naval action. oh my oh my... give me the names
  12. Again you ignore the only MMO posted ( funny that it plays with no instances - full 1:1 timescale ) that hides the names/ranks except when at engagement range. Oh... oh.... NA does show the names and ranks at engagement range ... wat da... *ouch* Let's get over it and move forward.
  13. On Synapse you select the mode you want.
  14. *cough cough* WW2 Online ? Oh wait sorry... that's not a mmo... or is it ?...Is a 24/7/365 wasteland arma3 server a 254 slot mmo ? is a dynamic war il2 server not a mmo ? bloody hell, it has more depth in its simulator and support wargame with supply lines and pilot perma deaths than some of you mmo guys ever wanted for this, so let's cut the sleeves and be honest at least once or twice. The ship names in the OW... It is a test. And not everyone likes this or that change. Do not confuse liking unconditionally with supporting further testing. Want no names, want names, sure, whatever. As long as more people fight and not always the same guys over and over and over again Is the change goood in that respect to bring the average fellows out to fight ? Rests to be seen and statistics are usually more factual than your street word.
  15. Friendly - attack button is disabled. Enemy - Attack button is enabled. That's how the mechanics are. They are blind to human considerations.
  16. We are discussing ideas, not people. Quoting a player - we are here to fight heroically. Get out there, fight.
  17. We all had our time to make it work - social AND war. Given the "less than desirable" results now we focus on WAR. Enough social interaction with cannons roaring.
  18. Of course. Totally supportive of that as always. Still it is on the player to know that when SAIL button is pressed it opens the pvp on the pvp server no matter what their aspirations are. And here the OW expectations did crash like waves unto rocks. aka. PvP only when I want, please. ( how many times we heard this one way or the other... ) But we are over that now. Everyone PvP's now with superb, read again, SUPERB, rewards. No excuses. No tears.
  19. Isn't PvP everywhere other than safe zones ? PvP zones are really also the only spot for PvP Mission areas, correct ?
  20. I am a player first. Volunteer Moderator second. Not a developer. But I know both Ultimate General games are released already and both been widely acclaimed. I hope you know that Game Labs is not Naval Action only, right ? Hope it answers your question.
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