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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. "proper 5th rate frigate" - And that is... ? ( Herc is a 5th )
  2. Good point. "PvP only when I want and not when other players want" Server. I mean... can make sense... but... duno... it doesn't.
  3. Can you provide lateen sail RL curves to support your suggestion ? Thanks.
  4. ... say it.... c'mon, say it...Ain't that hard... "Modules and Knowledge make ALL my ships OP" Repeat as much as possible until you actually see why. Oh DLC frigate ? What is the Hercules if not a cruiser frigate ? *Le Sigh*®
  5. Need another "key west" franchise location near Batabanó so the indiaman stargate gets permanently camped.
  6. They do by design. Want Teak ? Contract. Want LO/WO ? Contract. Amounts to build ships can be "limited" already.
  7. Do not stay between the fort and the enemy even if you have to manoeuvre a lot, always keep the fort line of sight clear. It is not that hard... honestly.
  8. Would be beneficial to layout a suggestion as previously pointed by the devs - add tags to the thread title ( this helps the devs browse the suggestions at a glance ) - - explain the suggestion thoroughly - - add Pros - - add Cons -
  9. Yeah, sure We go round and round and round around the ship but i see very few willing to axe what makes the ships "impossible". Because mods turn ALL ships into CRAZY builds. Not only the 6th rate xebec, not only the 5th rate Hercules, not only the 3rd rate Bellona, not only the 1st rate L'Ocean. But hey, I don't mind that the Xebec is "upgraded" to a 5th rate. If you look at it... it won't change a thing. Can still raid the same way. Can still be used as a port battle ship. Let the tears flow, let's blame an entire ship for things that are not even the ship's fault, it is just the shiny new thing. - "the other ships are always OP, mine is never OP" -
  10. Free for all at nation level. Why limit ourselves ? Everyone is a "enemy player". And that's good.
  11. Can craft several 5th rates in 24 hours. Can only redeem 1 dlc 5th rate in 24 hours. Can craft more than several 6th rates in 24 hours. Can only redeem 1 dlc 6th rate in 24 hours. Can craft ANY wood type DLC. For maximum number of ships crafter in 24 hours, must limit to woods that are nearby. If anything I would simply remove special woods from the DLC notes and have only the basic ones from Forest buildings.
  12. Practice practice practice. Despite this being about the Exams, listen... Do not get used to overpower the AI all the time to maximise rewards vs time spent. It only turns a promising cadet/commander into a numb fighter. Always try to fight the AI on a 1:2 odds or worse. That's what the Final Exam clearly shows, whatever excuses you come up with - veterans pve farmers do not fight the AI, they farm it, and when faced with a simple 1:2 odds against a AI script they find it too hard.
  13. Her construction is a rib cage nicely planked up. How can she tank as much as she can - especially IF angled - is maybe a technical issue. Thickness and HP should be reviewed. All our ships sail too fast. Given this, the gap between what any ship does in RL and in game becomes very evident and the gape very very wide, as we see both in OW and in battle. But we, community, are adamant that the need for speed is spice and spice must flow... except when it is the enemy... right !?... Regarding the broad reach and with the wind from the back with the xebec lateens... same thing as some other ships I guess. Balance of the ships gets shifted all to the front, maybe that has a definite effect !?...
  14. Pickles or Privateers. Oh wait.... 😎... I see where this is leading...
  15. https://ancre.fr/en/monograph/18-monographie-du-requin-chebec-1750-.html
  16. As per 1752 - 5 officers, 240 men https://ancre.fr/en/basic-books/42-nomenclature-des-navires-francais.html 1760 british system places her as a 6th rate - 20 - 30 guns ( 1st consideration is rigging type, 2nd consideration number of guns, 3rd tonnage ) French system 1669 places her as a Cinqueme Rang - 18 - 28 guns https://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=ship_rates After the review she is fine, modules&books will enhance her as much as modules&books enhance other ships. DLC versus non DLC merits and shortcomings is a discussion on its own, in my opinion and nothing to do with how the ship is perform at the present.
  17. No reinforcements available during OW battle, only when you are attacked directly, yes, that is the rule. Combat Order in Zone closes imemdiately, so what would be the point of reinforcement ? Attack the NPC is a normal OW battle, not a combat order.
  18. Just a note, as I see the same "syntax" misinterpretation over and over again. - Reinforcements are not replacements. They are not intended to substitute the player. The player has to fight for his ship life in most cases, so please stick with the reinforcements and stop running away. It is your best choice.
  19. Must be done with good rule design. Else it will be just a question of grinding what's needed. Cannot be a question of grindable "resources".
  20. This is not entirely a fact for everyone out there. Many do play multiplayer and rely on other players to fulfil different age of sail roles. Raiding provides materials while raiding ( or at least did in past patches ). Sailing back with the loot and voilá, your best crafter buddy builds you a brand new replacement. Many raiders out there even had specific contracts in exchange for specific ships. But none of that is a mechanic of the game, but player done. It is listed nowhere. It is called cooperation and enough Endymions would be build with catching just 1, just 1, indiaman convoy transporting materials to build ships of the line without having to wait 24 hours. Now it is even easier. Kill, marks, kill, marks. Exchange for new ship, because crafter cannot be arsed to go hunting and he will appreciate the marks in exchange for his crafting.
  21. If the Xebec has provoked any discomfort on the established status quo, then i would say it has made justice to its RL counterpart. No one is against the correctness of ALL ships and that includes the Le Requin. When ALL ships are part of the same game, ALL ships must be under the same rules. So if a ship is "broken" because of a mod then ALL ships are broken because of a mod. The playstyle of the Xebec was done before, with players in the sloops and schooners. Is not new. A pair of Princes could effectively bring down a frigate where the frigate captain was ineffective. Even a pair of Privateers would bring down a Trinc or a Indef. Been there done that. The Xebec still over performs due to modules but ALL ships do, like speed Bellonas or hugging Belles or upwind L'Hermiones. The perception that it is a "Problem" is more exacerbated because the ship is not accessible by non-dlc. So, honestly and comparing to "pre xebec" era where shallow ships did already overpower ppl in zones and did effectively kill frigates - what is wrong with xebec that other ships don't also have broken ? I tell you - before only the aficionados would grab the "small shitz". They required love for the challenge and fight against odds. Now no. A Xebec is, globally, equivalent to your run of the mill cruise frigate, it is not "small shitz" so you see a lot of them.
  22. "this all means it's happy days for capital campers and gankers and why shouldn't they, they face NO adverse consequences whatsoever" Pulling the string. That line has absolutely nothing to do with DLC ships as well. Just pointing that some reasons are not exclusive.
  23. Enemies can enter during 10 minutes in the Zone. They have only 3 minutes if not in the Zone. Why do we insist in playing with fire and choosing the 10 minutes option ? ( note: reinforcements are not replacements. )
  24. Sail force bonus is not represented on the hard info speed. Only the percentile values bonus. Always been like that. Is not wrong as the force value and resulting ship speed is not a linear thing but changes according to angles to wind, so it may give X or Y depending on angles or the yards, etc.
  25. I still wonder why many captains rather risk the 10 minutes battle entry against the 3 minutes outside the zone. I mean, being in the zone is a huge gamble of "maybe nation will help". The Xebec is a hit and run raider, historically and in game. Go in, hit hard and fast, get out regardless, either victorious or escape superior force. But is limited to the entry timer... so 10 minutes versus 3 minutes. I know what I would choose. Risk management is a part of the game.
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