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o Barão

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Everything posted by o Barão

  1. Not at the moment. There are plans to create a ship pack with thousands of ships for the AI to use, but initial tests show there are some issues with some designs being loaded by the game engine that will compromise the save file and the game experience. We need to find what is causing this issue only with some ships first, if that it is possible anyway. Errors like this:
  2. From my understanding, it is the same system since the beginning. The same thing with the magnet bug issue, that it is related to this mechanic.
  3. I have no idea. I just noticed yesterday a difference in the values because "warspite96" mentioned an issue with the ammo values in vanilla game.
  4. I went to check just for curiosity and you are right. It is half the value now for all guns. Before, the standard value was very close to what was used IRL for most guns. But no, it is not the same value for all guns. As an example, for the 2" is 265 per barrel, when before it was 530. An 15" it is now 55 per barrel. Before was 110, which is very close to what was used in the Bismarck IRL (108 shells per barrel) Note: this is are global values applied to all guns of the same caliber.
  5. Historical reasons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wittelsbach-class_battleship There were a few BB that were armed with 9" guns, so I need to keep that option in game. I don't know how the AI in RTW designs the ships. I remember, the only advantage RTW have is the fact that you can set the armor for the lower belt and the upper belt. About how the AI designs ships in UAD, I need to make it short. It is possible to write a detailed guide about this and do lecture for students for a 2-month period. In essence, is the combination from 5 files: params - some important global modifiers are located here about how much room is needed for the weapons and how big the guns should be. The weight and hull instability modifiers are also located among others. shipTypes - Per class min and maximum speed, armor, gun caliber and other things (note gun caliber can also be set individual per hull in the "parts" file, that is why you see 9" semi armored cruisers in NAR) parts - hull stats, size, how many sections, speed, "styles" and components being used, minimal guns requirements, etc... randparts - Is where "styles" are being created. I call it "styles" a combination of different parameters to tell the AI what to do when designing a ship. Note that a ship can have one or many different "styles" for the AI to follow. partsModel - Is where you choose and edit the guns 3D models that are being used by each nation and ship class, and mark variant
  6. Great stuff! It will be added in the next update! Thanks!
  7. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that are errors made by you, but instead errors due to different languages settings between the programs. If you are running the game on English you can in the shipyard click to create a new ship and the game will pick one from the list. Repeat the process until one name using accents appears. If showing correctly, then there is no problems and is only instead a limitation of the language I am using in notepad++
  8. There are some writing errors with some names. I don't know if will cause issues in game, so I will apply only the new ones that don't have any problems. Thanks.
  9. Thanks!! Hulls list: moga_hull_a_var2 moga_hull_a_var moga_hull_d moga_hull_a I will try the unity explorer later today if I see I can find the mounts you are asking. That would be interesting. Yes!! And from my testings the best way to help the AI on designing ships is to use only one global rule that works well for that hull. I am seeing many vanilla ships with 2 or 3 rules to follow, and the AI goes nuts trying to get a working design sometimes. Changing to only one, makes the life much easier for the AI. Some examples: if the hull have a limited front deck, then use "Tower_forward" The towers need barbettes? "Barbette_need" No need for barbettes? "No_barb" I am mentioning these 3 variants because it is the ones I am focusing more on editing in the past week, mainly for light and heavy cruisers. I still didn't touch these variants for Battleships. I am going to try to add "and(!tag[g4])" to all funnels for all CL,CA,BC,BB. If it works it should help the AI a lot. Recent there was a modern spanish CL, that no matter what I did, the AI still refuses to place a main gun in the stern. Strange things like that.
  10. o7 @NathanKell!! I noticed that you were not active these days, and I was about to send you a message asking if was everything ok. I hope you are feeling much better now. Correct, but first, if possible there are other things that should be done first. Yesterday, I updated to the latest UAD version, and it seems to be working with your latest Taf, but if possible check if everything is alright with the code, because I noticed the devs added new features and I would like to be sure everything is working well. About ship designs, three features: Add this new modifier: ai_min_caliber_main(?) so I can force all capital ships to have a minimum limit, so it will be impossible to see 9" capital ships. Remember you said to me that if there is available tonnage, Taf will let the AI go above the speed limit? I will need to ask to remove that freedom. It is not an issue if the AI build use around 80% to 95% of the total hull tonnage. It will help the AI not spending too much money, or fill the port capacity, but when it goes above the limit is only creating new issues with the AI generating ships going above the tonnage limit or too expensive because of this. If you can write a code to allow the torpedoes to be used on hull mounts below the deck, it would be amazing. And if possible, remove the possibility of the AI to use them to place 2" guns, so I can force the AI to only place torpedo mounts. This is special important for the Japanese modern cruisers. As a side note from the latest UAD update: "Fixed shared designs not having a working tonnage limit, fixing case when you loaded a shared design which had tonnage higher than allowed, it would reset to the maximum allowed tonnage and corrupting the save." I always suspected to be a vanilla bug what was causing the issue, so maybe this is the solution. I can use the ship generator later and try again if there is no more issues, but for the moment I am very busy in trying to understand how randparts file work. Sometimes I see good improvements, other times I simply can't understand why the AI doesn't do what I am asking. It is very frustrating and time-consuming.
  11. Upload the file to any cloud you like and share me the link. I will add in the next update
  12. ---mod status update--- Added new AI sec lines for DDs. Didn't exist because there are no sec on DDs in vanilla. Now, if there is room, the AI can use those empty spaces for small guns if they are not near main guns or torpedoes. Also, it should be very rare if not almost impossible to see the AI using barbettes close to the bow or stern in DDs. Many small changes/improvements for some AI styles, as an example: to force the use of torpedoes only in the middle, a new barbette AI choice logic being used in late era light cruisers to promote the use of more guns. Most cruiser towers weight were already rebalanced. I am checking all the hulls to see if the AI can design them without any issues, and how to improve the design process to make it better ships. Some hulls and components were changed to improve the design language. Some examples (AI designs). China new torpedo battleship, now with torpedoes only in the middle to prevent spamming . New design language for the traditional modern japanese heavy cruisers hull. No barbettes, main tower forward and torpedoes only in the middle. Unfortunately, I still didn't find a way to implement torpedoes in the below the deck hull mounts. I know the AI can do it with the 2" guns, so there is probably a solution somewhere.
  13. It should be possible to add them to the end of the list without any issues. But as a tip, it is very easy to reorder the numbers if you are using excel/libre calc
  14. o7 @Nick Thomadis! Sorry for the ping, but if you can give a little help here, it would be much appreciated. ter_cal can be used by the AI for this specific hull mounts below the deck, so I would like to know if the same is possible to be applied for the torpedos? I created this lines for the AI to focus on only using torpedoes in the middle, but still failing to use those hull mounts below the deck. A tip about what is missing, is it possible? 🙏 980/torpedo/p////s//or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),,ca,75,1,2,torpedo,p,,,,s,-0.2,0.1,,or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),, 980/torpedo/////s//or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),,ca,75,1,2,torpedo,p,,,,s,-0.2,0.1,,or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),, 981/torpedo/p////c//or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),,ca,75,1,2,torpedo,p,,,c,,-0.2,0.1,,or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),, 982/torpedo/////c//or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),,ca,75,1,2,torpedo,p,,,c,,-0.2,0.1,,or(tag[Tower_Forward];tag[g4]),,
  15. "shipNames.csv" inside the Mods folder
  16. open "params" file inside the "Mods" folder tr_combat_vp_modifier,0.05,"modifier for vp on TR that are lost in combat (without it, the VP is too small)",,,,,,, tr_combat_vp_modifier_actual,0.125,"modifier for vp on TR that are lost in combat (without it, the VP is too small)",,,,,,, Those are the vanilla values and what will come live in the next update.
  17. ---Mod status update--- I finally found the modifier responsible to prevent small secondaries to come too close to the main guns or torpedoes along the Z line. This change should make it impossible to see AI designs where the main gun's firing arcs are being blocked by secondaries placed in the deck. (secondaries mounted in the towers are ignored) This is applied to both the AI and the player.
  18. Mod update: edited all barbettes entries in the "randparts" file to prevent seeing barbettes close to the bow or stern from AI designs. It should be impossible or very rare to see it happen, well I hope. That is from Taf, not NAR, and you can still do that on cruisers, but for capital for the moment this is the best solution I could find to improve the AI designs. There is possible other solution that I will run some tests today, like removing these entries from the "randparts" file: 465/gun/p/c1///s/sec_cal/mount(barbette),,"bb, bc",,4,8,gun,p,c1,,,s,-0.3,0.3,sec_cal,mount(barbette),, 466/gun/p/c2///s/ter_cal/mount(barbette),,"bb, bc",,4,16,gun,p,c2,,,s,-0.3,0.3,ter_cal,mount(barbette),, 467/gun/p/c3///s/ter_cal/mount(barbette),,"bb, bc",,4,24,gun,p,c3,,,s,-0.3,0.3,ter_cal,mount(barbette),, 468/gun/p/c4///s/sec_cal/mount(barbette),,"bb, bc",,4,32,gun,p,c4,,,s,-0.3,0.3,sec_cal,mount(barbette),, 469/gun/p/c5///s/ter_cal/mount(barbette),,"bb, bc",,4,64,gun,p,c5,,,s,-0.3,0.3,ter_cal,mount(barbette),, Or maybe, just limit the zrange from 0,0. I already limited all secondaries barbettes to -0.3,0.3 so it should happen only in the middle. If it works, then I will enable again for the player to use them. Edited: not worth it the trouble to find a solution for this AI designs: Before After, and this is not the worst example. Side barbettes for secondaries on capital ships (only the Littorio?) were very rare, but also makes the AI in this game to make incredible bad designs.
  19. Yes is going to be updated to the new version. It will take some time because hundreds of components' stats are being edited. I am also trying to understand how "randparts" file works to know how I can Improve the AI designs. But to be honest, is also more how not to get crazy with all the frustrating results I am getting from editing that file.😒 I already give up with the idea of creating my own ship design styles, and will instead just be making small improvements. As an example, to edit the "styles" to prevent seeing barbettes close to the bow or stern. (EDITED: already done) A little mod status update: The removing of small barbettes from capital ships, improved a lot the AI design language. I know some players will hate this change, but it is so much better now. No more decks cluttered with many small barbettes placed in regions without any logic. And to be fair, only the Littorio and Yamato class had small barbettes IRL, if I am not mistaken. The Yamato will still have access to those iconic barbettes, and I am not sure if I will do the same with Littorio. I had to revert my changes to the AI using only big guns because it was affecting also the secondaries. @NathanKell maybe it is possible to add this modifier"ai_min_caliber_main"?
  20. Not important atm, thanks. I already discover that I need to copy all the data from a design style and then replace with my values to make it work. A big list, and this will take sometime. Then I can, in theory, use that as a reference for future variants.
  21. Taf dll. 3.4.4 - Reworked barbette patch and fixed crash. Now no part changes are needed; barbettes behave exactly as they used to in terms of hull requirements and what is needed in their mountPoints and params, but they can be placed freely on the deck. The crash with funnels is also fixed. If it's desired to restrict barbettes to the centerline (like the old behavior), put `center` in the barbette's param column. 3.4.3 - [Modder Support] New Feature: when a barbette has `free` in its mountPoints (e.g. "free, si_barbette") then it can mount freely like a gun. Note that it will need excluding from old hulls via adding need/exclude tags to its params.
  22. @NathanKell No barbettes for small guns and a new style created and already look much better. 975/tower_main///////or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,tower_main,,,,,,-0.2,0,,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 976/funnel///////or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,funnel,,,,,,0,0.2,,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 977/tower_sec///////or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,tower_sec,,,,,,0,0.2,,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 978/gun//mc/main_center/c//main_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,gun,,mc,main_center,c,,0.6,1,main_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 979/gun//mc/main_center/c//main_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,gun,,mc,main_center,c,,0.3,0.6,main_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 980/gun//mc/main_center/c//main_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,gun,,mc,main_center,c,,-0.6,-0.3,main_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 981/gun//mc/main_center/c//main_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,gun,,mc,main_center,c,,-1,-0.6,main_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 982/gun/p/c1///s/sec_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,3,6,gun,p,c1,,,s,-0.1,0.1,sec_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 983/gun/p/c2///s/sec_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,3,6,gun,p,c1,,,s,-0.1,0.1,sec_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 984/gun/p/c3///s/sec_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,3,6,gun,p,c1,,,s,-0.1,0.1,sec_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 985/gun/p/small1/dual_tertiary///s/sec_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,3,6,gun,p,c1,,,s,-0.1,0.1,sec_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, 986/gun/p/small2/single_tertiary///s/sec_cal/or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),,"bb, bc",,3,6,gun,p,c1,,,s,-0.1,0.1,sec_cal,or(tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]),, But the secondaries lines are not working. The global values are being applied. Maybe you have a possible solution for this? I think it is possible to fix this by editing the global values zrange for all the secondaries entries, and then create a new hull paramater for all the ships that use 2" guns in the bow and stern. (mostly american ships) or maybe better... and(!tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG]) to all side secondaries lines. Edit Sadly the towers are not placed all the time where I want, and I found what is probably the reason. I am using also parameter No_Barb for this ships, and this comes with a complete design language that is overrind my new design : 205/tower_main///////or(tag[BC_Modern];tag[No_Barb]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,tower_main,,,,,,-0.1,1,,"or(tag[BC_Modern];tag[No_Barb]), and(!tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG])",, 206/tower_main///////or(tag[No_Barb]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,tower_main,,,,,,-1,1,,"or(tag[No_Barb]), and(!tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG])",, 207/tower_sec///////or(tag[No_Barb]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,tower_sec,,,,,,-0.75,0.01,,"or(tag[No_Barb]), and(!tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG])",, 208/barbette//b/main_super/c///and(tag[barbette_need]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,barbette,,b,main_super,c,,0.2,1,,and(tag[barbette_need]),, "209/gun//mc/main_center/c//main_cal/mount(barbette), or(tag[barbette_need];tag[No_Barb])",,"bb, bc",,1,1,gun,,mc,main_center,c,,0.2,1,main_cal,"mount(barbette), or(tag[barbette_need];tag[No_Barb])",, 210/gun//mc/main_center/c//main_cal/or(tag[barbette_need];tag[No_Barb]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,gun,,mc,main_center,c,,0.45,0.95,main_cal,"or(tag[barbette_need];tag[No_Barb]), and(!tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG])",, 211/tower_main///////or(tag[No_Barb];tag[barbette_need]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,tower_main,,,,,,-1,1,,"or(tag[No_Barb];tag[barbette_need]), and(!tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG])",, 212/tower_sec///////or(tag[No_Barb];tag[barbette_need]),,"bb, bc",,1,1,tower_sec,,,,,,-0.75,1,,"or(tag[No_Barb];tag[barbette_need]), and(!tag[NAR_GG_TFT_GG])",, However, doing this the autodesign doesn't use the main tower anymore. I am lost. I will copy all the No_barb lines to create a new one. A big list, and should fix my issues. I hope.🙏
  23. The newyork_style doesn't have a line for secondaries, but it was working well before. As you said above. "Oh hah I skipped those because I thought "small_side" referred to small guns, but it includes 11 and 12 inch guns. Oops! Quite right. " It probably was me that deleted. But it is working well in the upper deck. Strange. I just look the entire file searching for all sec_cal entries and there are many with mount_barbette, or something like that. So I applied "!mount" to exclude all the barbettes, but didn't work. There is something that I am missing. However, I got an idea. Not the best one, but it will work. In the "parts" file, to remove BB/BC requirements for most small barbettes. Leave only the Yamato style, because I know they only can be used in the center. But still, I will use this option only if I can't find a solution.
  24. Also, 427/430, it seems: 427/gun/p/ms/small_side//s/main_cal/and(tag[g2]),,"bb, bc",,4,4,gun,p,ms,small_side,,s,-0.35,0.35,main_cal,and(tag[g2];!tag[NoSideGuns]),, 430/gun/p/ms/small_side//s/main_cal/and(tag[g2]),,"bb, bc",,4,4,gun,p,ms,small_side,,s,-0.35,0.35,main_cal,and(tag[g2];!tag[NoSideGuns]),, Those can be the ones responsible for the side main guns looking at the rangeZ modifier. But I still didn't see any related to G3/G4 ships, and that is puzzling me.😒 Bingo!!! Now I need to apply this new parameter to the vast majority of all capital ships. But now, the autodesign refuses to place secondaries in the lower deck near the main gun, strange... 🤔 That was the first though I had when I was looking to all those lines of code. If we already have ship design styles to tell the AI what to do, why are these being applied global? Strange decision. Apart from some Italian BB, I fail to see many more examples where they are interesting to see. And taking into consideration the way the AI applies them, makes it more interesting just not to use them. Those are specific modifiers. g2, russianCenterline and side barbettes. I can be wrong, but I am almost sure those are not the ones I am looking for, well the G2 is important. I will test those with a new parameter, "NoSecSideBarbette" In the file I sent to you I am using a low value. I was using the ship pack in the test campaign, so this change makes sense. I will revert to vanilla values in the next update for the moment. Thanks for all the great tips!
  25. It seems it removed the possibility of seeing side main guns near the bow and stern, but is still happening in the middle. I also applied your instruction to another 2 lines, and from what I'm seeing this is related to "G2" ships, so there are probably many more similar lines where I need to apply this rule. Also, a "BIG" improvement would be to also remove any possibility of using barbettes for the secondaries in the sides. If you have any tip, it would be much appreciated. I will upload the files and DM. I tried playing around with this modifier "aiShipbuilding" in the aipersonalities file, but it seems is been applied during the campaign, not when the game starts, which can be already a good thing. Also tried increasing the budget, but I didn't notice any major difference and ofc now I am creating an unrealistic economy value for one nation. Creating a new problem. I will send the British 1890 campaign. Just open the shipyard and look at the CA design.
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