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o Barão

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Everything posted by o Barão

  1. Yes, but I don't recommend doing that, because the AI lines are very limited to transports and applies to all of them: You can see them in the randparts file #,,#tr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 953/tower_main///////,,tr,,,,tower_main,,,,,,-1,1,,,, 954/funnel///////,,tr,100,1,4,funnel,,,,,,-1,1,,,, 955/tower_sec///////,,tr,60,,,tower_sec,,,,,,-1,1,,,, 956/funnel///////,,tr,,1,4,funnel,,,,,,-1,1,,,, 957/special///cargo////,,tr,,2,2,special,,,cargo,,,-1,1,,,, 958/special///cargo////,,tr,,2,2,special,,,cargo,,,-1,1,,,, 959/gun//mg//c//main_cal/tr_rand_mod,,tr,100,2,4,gun,,mg,,c,,-1,1,main_cal,tr_rand_mod,, 960/gun/p/mg2///s/main_cal/tr_rand_mod,,tr,75,2,4,gun,p,mg2,,,s,-1,1,main_cal,tr_rand_mod,, 961/funnel///////,,tr,,1,5,funnel,,,,,,-1,1,,,, 962/gun/p/mg3///s/main_cal/tr_rand_mod,,tr,45,2,4,gun,p,mg3,,,s,-1,1,main_cal,tr_rand_mod,, 963/torpedo/p////s//tr_rand_mod,,tr,20,2,4,torpedo,p,,,,s,-1,1,,tr_rand_mod,, 964/special///cargo////,,tr,,1,6,special,,,cargo,,,-1,1,,,, So yes, it is possible in theory to tell the AI to focus in placing funnels only in the stern, but then all transports would follow that rule (if the AI follow your command lines, which from my experience you are only asking for troubles) "...with no fire control or rangefinding systems, etc. ? " Transports should not have any rangefinder. You can see that in the compTypes file in this line below: rangefinder,$compTypes_name_short_rangefinder,$compTypes_name_rangefinder,$comptypes_category_equipment,"bb, bc, ca, cl, dd, tb",,10,needs_part(tower_main),,,,,,
  2. NAR *let's make UAD great again*-- v1.0.1, for UAD Opt* Cut by half the Z collider modifier value to allow 4" guns to get closer to barbettes. The image above show the minimal distance requirement. This is a temporary solution for the issue.
  3. It is this new value: length_expand_lowcal,0.6,expanding Z collider for lower caliber guns,0.0505,,,,,, (params file) previous was around 0.05 EDIT: this modifier is responsible for not letting small guns come close to main guns. So to not let the main guns firing arcs on AI designs being blocked. But only for 4"? Maybe I can find an improvement somewhere. I will run some tests now.
  4. NAR "let's make UAD great again", part 1 for UAD Opt IMPORTANT! This is a big update that features many changes to components and for that reason it is mandatory to delete your campaign, custom battle and shared designs save files to make it work. C:\users\(user)\Appdata\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts custom_battle_data.bin mission_data.bin save_x.bin Download and install the latest TAF from Nathan: Features: Total war experience. Vastly increased the naval invasion events. Added the minor nations wars changes by the devs in the recent updates and the world is now on fire! (the naval invasion events are now too much IMO, but I will wait for the players feedback to do any changes about this) Colony population will be used for the ships crew. (small%) Thanks to @NathanKell Double turrets unlocked for light cruisers in 1898, year when the Bogatry was launched. The first protected cruiser to use them (if I am not mistaken) Double turrets unlocked for destroyers in 1926, year when the Fubuki was launched. The first destroyer to use them (if I am not mistaken) All towers (main and secondary) for all cruisers available between 1920-1940 had the weight value changed to more realistic values. No more towers on small cruisers with a weight around 2000-3000 tons. Some components added and others removed to improve the ship design language. Late destroyers hull tonnage values changed to more realistic values. No more 5k tons destroyers as an example. All modern TBs maximum hull tonnage buffed to 1350 tons in 1935, and the torpedoes size limited to 21", thanks to @NathanKell tip. The AI will not get any research bonus in higher difficulties, only money. The tension modifier from our allies in relation with our enemies disabled in the mod. With the new Taf changes to how alliances work, this modifier should be irrelevant now. New gun min caliber limit applied to all battleships in game. No more battleships armed with 9" designed by the AI. Most barbettes for secondaries removed from all capital ships (Yamato still have the iconic barbette). This was needed to force the AI to design better ships. The difference is big, and IRL only a few BBs had that anyway (Littorio and the Yamato) Many others barbettes were selected or removed to help the AI to design better cruisers and destroyers. VP from transports losses are now using vanilla values. Added new AI sec lines for DDs. Didn't exist because there are no sec on DDs in vanilla. Now, if there is room, the AI can use those empty spaces for small guns if they are not near main guns or torpedoes. It should be very rare, if not almost impossible to see the AI using barbettes close to the bow or stern in DDs. Many small changes/improvements for some AI styles, as an example: to promote the use of torpedoes only in the middle, a new barbette AI choice logic being used in late era light cruisers to promote the use of more guns. Now small secondaries are forbidden to get close to main guns and torpedoes. This will make sure that we will not see AI designs with the firing arcs of the main guns being blocked by a small 2". This is applied as a global modifier, so both the AI and the player are affected by this change. Added new Chilean ship names. Courtesy from @Maximus Tyberius NOTE: This update is huge and took me many hours, and it is simply impossible for me to test everything and make sure that everything is working properly, so expect bugs or strange things. Also a word about the AI design logic. Where it is possible to see some improvements in some areas, the reality is that it is a nightmare to make the AI to do what I want. In many cases, I still see the AI doing dumb things, and it is a frustrating experience trying to understand why it is so dumb and stubborn.😒 This update does not feature all the changes I want to implement to ships, so expect another major update next month and then if everything is ok to create a ship pack to use the "fast" option in the campaign. For now, all campaigns are limited to the "slow" option. Download all NAR mod files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lgxYZ6NM3NBrLl6sYqOrxVj2ayrkXBBh And please block the steam updates!!!!!!: I don't know when I am going to update the mod again, so to avoid any issues, block the auto updates from steam: Set game to update when start game. Do this in game setting(properties)-> update. Don't start game by steam or steam shortcut. Make a shortcut on desktop from the main game .exe in this location: "....\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts.exe" Start a game from this shortcut. Game will run without update.
  5. @Peksern and @Dutchy you guys will need to update to the live version. Not only comes with important things added by the devs, but also an important folder with the armor values used by the AI when designing ships was missing in the version uploaded before.
  6. I will do when I release the new update. It is still in the shipyard. Maybe today or tomorrow.
  7. No need, thx. The ship numbers for those countries not at war are good values. The nations killing each other is another issue. Maybe possible to be improved in a later update, or not.
  8. The many wars? Well I went crazy in this update with naval invasion events, but those should not affect the major nations relations. Now between major nations, is well know that in UAD things can snowball really quickly, but you can manipulate the situation to work in your favor. Nathan also added an improvement where it forces the allies to immediately enter in a war state to protect their partners, and this can make the "snowball" effect even more pronounced much faster. There is also new changes by the devs related with ships sailing around and how they impact the nations relations, but I don't know at the moment the impact it have in game.
  9. Custom battles or campaign? Can you replicate the issue?
  10. Thank you!!! Already noticed! 🫡
  11. Great to know there is no bugs anymore crashing the campaign. I will work to implement the remaining features and will go live this week. I don't understand those values. I don't expect to be related to any change I could have made, but I will look again before releasing the new update just to be sure.
  12. Try a new campaign. Yes, it could be an issue with the old shipnames file.
  13. @Dutchy and @Peksern --*let's make UAD great again*-- part 1, for UAD Opt* (alpha) Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lgxYZ6NM3NBrLl6sYqOrxVj2ayrkXBBh
  14. @Peksern and @Dutchy I am failing to see where is the problem. The game is running well! What I am seeing is that maybe I increase too much the probability to see conquest events and now all the time there are wars or landing invasions. Add the new minor wars changes by the devs and the world looks now like a total war game. The last image is a funny situation. Argentina is trying to conquest Uruguay, and so the Brazil by doing a naval invasion. I will upload again the files and will ask to test again if possible.
  15. Even if I could, I would never do that. I think there is no need to explain why. All torpedo boats have a main tower. Maybe you misspelled and are talking about secondary towers? In that case is not an improvement because I would to gave them to all TBs, and the AI is already terrible designing ships so it would lead to more confusions and bigger loading times for no interesting gameplay gains. I am failing to see where is the bug. Bigger populations = more crew available to recruit, simple as that. You can always use the slider to recruit more, but you can't expect to compete with larger nations in manpower just because you are spending more money.
  16. "Major nations can now directly order naval invasions against minor nations that are allied with enemy major nations." Praise the lord.
  17. I already checked the provinces files, and it seems there are some changes by the devs in the recent updates. I will need to look with more time to be sure. I will block the mod files for the moment until I can fix this issue.
  18. Yes. I will update the new names later when I have some spare time.
  19. Uploaded the previous shipnames file. It should fix the issue. Just download and replace that file.
  20. Thanks! I already uploaded a fix.👍
  21. --deleted--
  22. You are going to wait a little longer that I am having issues with the AI in 2 hulls. Não acelera cara. 😁
  23. Soon. Nathan already released the new TAF, and I am atm moment checking all DD I hull variants to see how can I help the AI to get a good result quicker. Maybe today or tomorrow.
  24. The 6" will only be a main gun if it is being used on light cruisers, and in NAR those are unlocked much later. In the next update (coming soon) they will be unlocked in 1898, the year when was launched the Bogatry, a Russian protected cruiser that it was the first to use them, if I am not mistaken. The single 5" closed turret for early years were removed from all nations (at least I think so ). That was made for historical reasons, since only much later we will see closed 5" turrets being used on light cruisers.
  25. A side note: In vanilla game, there is a random year modifier being applied to when some techs are unlocked. Can be sooner or later. So it is possible to start the campaign with some techs unlocked, and in other campaigns you still need to research. In NAR is only one year, I think. I don't remember anymore. But yes, the 6"x2 are there, but they are irrelevant in this hull anyway. You don't have room for them unless you are interested to use only one main gun. This is in custom battles (year 1895) the 3D model was also updated. With the current live version is impossible because TAF wasn't updated yet. Nathan is very busy atm with important work, and so we can only wait. I manage to make it work with with the latest TAF available, and is the version I am using to prepare the next update.
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