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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. I don't think I've seen anyone here asking for a lobby based shooter. They are asking for reasonable solutions to make the game more playable, which does mean you might have to sacrifice realism for game play creature comforts. Carting your resources around for hours isn't going to bring people back. No one quit the game because small battles were a problem. They did quit because it's boring. Forcing people into the OW in a game that is mostly empty will help no one
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  2. Great so now there are still 2 live oak ports in basically the same area AND we're going to have to sail them a couple hours each time we want to bring them somewhere meaningful. Sure is gonna be fun sailing a first rate around to get to port battles.
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  3. I didn't know we ran the show.
  4. Not really, vodka and I were screwing around.
  5. kinda boring day. 1 cap, couple brits and a dane sunk :-(
  6. If that was the case we would of been night flipping Castries over and over again, but we didn't.
  7. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking or accusing us of here to be exact. - No it wasn't 5 night flips in a row. - the US nation player base attacked at night because we had 25 at night. Up until 7up came over we were lucky to have 10 people on during the day. Even with 7up we did not have a full US PB during the daytime. We had Brits/Dutch to help fill the battles. - Majority of the US players were on in the evenings, hence the night flips. - The Brits have a fairly decent number of US players that play within the nation, including a fair amount that play during the day. The US lost a lot of players to brit/pirate back when we were 1 ported a couple of times. - This server screen shot is of the past day or 2. Last night I saw 26 people online around 11pm US time. Pretty much everyone has given up playing. - I think you're under estimating just how small the US was. We were the smallest or one of the smallest nations shown on the charts Admin posted a couple weeks ago with a very small RVR to Casual player ratio. Unfortunately due to our times most of us cannot do RVR on a daily basis and don't bother. So again, what exactly do you want?
  8. I heard Liquicity found this guy today and thrashed him. It's always fun watching the fleet noobs lose.
  9. yea unfortunately that one was too early for most of us.
  10. I require proof of life
  11. Could be. I also remember a Spanish member on here taking about night flipping us on global server. I also wanna say some Coriolanus guy saying the same thing in global chat one night. Anyway you guys are welcome to find the posts. My point being this is a two way street
  12. Please provide references of western alliance players talking about sabotaging the EU server or is this just idle slander? Ive seen a couple replies taking about logging on global and night flipping us. Feel free to look for them, I'm not shifting through 30 pages. I've also seen the same comments made in global. Happy hunting.
  13. No it's ok, he buried the hatchet.
  14. Funny you should say that. In fact I've only seen Eastern Alliance players talking about coming onto the global server and triggering early port battles just to screw with us.
  15. Griefing? We can only attack late at night in our prime time. We have no other option. You choose to attack at 15 00 because we can't be on and it's too early for our allies. But we're griefing? I'm ok with the server split. It's a bad idea, but hey more battles for me right. See you guys back soon anyway. In the meantime come sink me tomorrow. I got something special for you.
  16. So today the game is a sand box I see. Tomorrow? Who knows... Well we tried to make more content in the evenings by attacking ports....look how that turned out. It's only a sandbox when it fits within some people's narrative.
  17. bye felicia!
  18. To piggy back off of John Snow's (your old name was better) bounty thread found here: I've decided to throw a bunch of paints, labor contracts and notes on a ship and sail around encouraging everyone to try and sink/capture their favorite American captain. I'll of course announce in global when and where and stream my progress. Type of ship and build will of course remain super secret. This will be done most of the day Saturday and maybe Friday night. I'm shipping more stuff down now, sweeten the pot a bit. To my special snow flake friends, time to sink the guy who everyone hates. Come find me. https://www.twitch.tv/christendomul Shout out to Pagan Pete would who do this a while ago. PS - please note the proper PVP1-EU server designation in the thread title. So Simple! Much WoW!
  19. Nah most of PVP1 US will be putting our money where our mouths are and moving nations to help rebalance as best we can. I have no desire to be in the big mega nation or alliance. Who knows, maybe the 2 of us willwork out an agreement and split up the US coast 50/50 ?
  20. I was told my the US on pvp2 that they would stay allied with the brits because they were afraid you pirates would 1 port them again. No joke.
  21. We shall call it "Pax Christendom"
  22. yea, so basically impossible
  23. See @admin, we finally did it! Can we not break the game now! PS - @Keirrip. Please note the [PVP1-EU] in the forum title. So Simple! Much Wow!
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