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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. Le sigh.... You failed to grasp the message that I was trying to convey. My apologies. Maybe one day you guys will learn.
  2. Hey Bud I'll address a couple things here. And for reference I've building PCs for a long time, I started back when you had to solder chips to the boards. Both of these devices will run NA and most esports level games fine. The first link has an outdated video card and processor. You will not be able to run some of the more hardcore titles on ultra like BF4 and Battlefront. the 2nd computer is a bit better in terms of specs, both the processor and the video card are current generations and that video card will run just about everything on ultra just fine if you are running a 1080p monitor. at 1440p it will start to stress it. My only concern is the 460w power supply in the 2nd setup might limit you on upgrading options down the line. If you can afford both the 2nd option is the better of the 2. Ultimately though buying a dell and alienware means you are going to end up paying for more than you should if you were to build a PC on your own. I plotted out what it cost to build this machine from scratch and it's about 200 bucks cheaper to build at home and you'll be getting better parts. This took 10mins of searching and I'm sure a patient guy could do better if they track deals. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/FFBJD8 If you're anywhere near SWFL/South Florida I can help you out. If you have to buy pre-made here are some better options. I kinda like this one for the hardware. better in every way than the 2 you linked and only slightly more. https://www.amazon.com/iBUYPOWER-AM002i-Desktop-Gaming-PC/dp/B01N2RLS05/ref=as_li_ss_tl?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1495215287&sr=1-3&keywords=gaming+desktop&refinements=p_36:120000-130000&linkCode=ll1&tag=3918-20&linkId=40ab0d5ce484647fa58e4fe39f3fe080 this isn't a bad deal. It has an older but more powerful process than both of your choices and has the same GPU as the alpha. https://jet.com/product/iBUYPOWER-Select-Gaming-Desktop-JT104-Intel-i7-6700K-Quad-Core-40GHz-16GB-DDR4-R/393dbfb45d034fb190e191f5c1e24d29 Some other options. Don't buy alienware if you can help it... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX3S3V2/ref=olp_product_details?_encoding=UTF8&me= https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883102284
  3. Dear @admin this is shitty PR and probably the major reason why you have so many negative steam reviews. Please look from the perspective of your average player. You announced a wipe to the servers MONTHS before the wipe happens and an assortment of changes. This makes doing RVR, the highest and only form of "end game" content in your title irrelevant because.....it doesn't matter if a wipe is coming. RVR dies and the server population dwindles. This sat evening I logged on briefly and there were less than 50 people on between both live servers. With no players online, a game that revolves around player driven content simply has nothing to do. So....you announce a wipe that kills your server activity back in March and here it is almost at the start of June and the wipe still hasn't happened. We're bored. WE WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME (with more than 50 people). We understand development takes time, we're not upset about it taking a little longer. Good content is worth the wait. What we are upset about is.... - Announcing wipes MONTHS before they happen. Sometimes they don't even happen. This drives away players every single time. You've done this multiple times now. STOP - Set realistic time frames. We're not mad it's taken this long. We're mad because you first told us it'd be done by 4/22. Then 5/15. Please don't tell us on the day the patch is supposed to come out it's going to take a couple more weeks. You know this beforehand, tell us. Ultimately people are upset because your PR is just terrible. You deflect criticism by bringing up other games and companies. Yes we realize this is early access and of course patches and development never go quite as planned. But you need to handle it better. Anyway, end of rant. Most of us look forward to the patch....I know I'm bored as hell most nights now. Please get it done.
  4. PM one of us on here or find us on the global server when it launches next week (hopefully)
  5. I'd definitely like to see less SOL battles, maybe centered around the capital areas.
  6. I hate the cowboys, but we beat em twice last year and they always seem to implode in the playoffs
  7. some of our frivolities beating the "seabots" a little under the tower action! fleeting up the expert reverse into boarding action!
  8. Clan name - Voodoo Shipping Company [VCO] Server - PVP Global Nation - US Website link - http://www.voodooshipping.net/ (not NA related) Teamspeak, Mumble or Discord - TF TS tatteredflags.teamspeak3.com // ironsides and we use US discord
  9. whoa there....don't go dragging me into this! listen mon amis, come to PVP Global and you can come be my ally. We'll make 1776 great again! Vive Lafayette!
  10. This makes me chuckle. Thanks for the read guys
  11. I think somewhere @admin said it would be akin to a DLC purchase through steam. Price TBD. i dig the name forged papers though, very clever.
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  12. jpjchris getting flipped in his super lynx and Kravin's fireship in one of our Savannah diversion attacks.
  13. In their current live server iteration you mean. Last time I was on test bed they were the same as live. His patch notes hint at redistribution, I'm asking about that.
  14. Hefty looking patch @admin. Looks pretty good. Any ballpark idea how you're going to spread reseources and regional trims around? "Historically" is the term you use and historically live oak was found from NC to Texas.
  15. we'll just stick to flat earth theories from here on out.
  16. yea, 2 largest populations on pvp global can't be allied. We've gotta fight each other to provide content.
  17. They don't have to attack us if they don't want to I guess, but we'll be attacking them. The PVP1 US and Brit players will make sure we're fighting each other.
  18. You are incorrect. The PVP Global US had a meeting a week or 2 ago and it was pretty much decided that for the good of the server we'll be fighting the Brits. We might not like having to fight our one time bae's, but it's gotta happen. Some clans seemed against this at the start, but it seemed like everyone was brought around to the necessity of it. This was also said on the big PVP Global meeting more than a month ago. Stop letting your paranoia dictate facts. Thanks. @OneEyedSnake noble effort. but what it really breaks down to is some EU players just don't want to be on the server with Americans. The day PVP 1 EU got the "EU" in it's name we've been in unwanted waters. They prefer to stay in their sterile EU centric bubbles and I say at this point, let them.
  19. I'd say we have more important things that need to be fixed first, but those don't seem to be a priority either. The patch is going to include everything in it but the kitchen sink, might as well fix the flags.
  20. Successful drama free meeting. good work chijohn
  21. @admin Sorry if this was asked previously, don't feel like sifting through 6 pages. Lets say I'm moving ships around, bringing my 1st rates closer to the front and get ganked. I'm sailing with my suprise and have a VIC (or any PB ship really) in fleet. I get ganked by 3 people and of course lose. Those people will be able to capture my surprise, but not the vic. That will either be sunk or go poof after the battle. Obviously I would be out a victory, but that is better than giving one to the enemy. Would this be correct?
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