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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. This thread is for discussing PVP global battles and political situations. No airing your personal salt. Go away child. @The Red Duke can we do something about this bad hombre disrupting our thread?
  2. If you keep the ship, sure you can get the cannons and the loot. Which you can't do because with the abundance of revenge fleets everywhere you'll never make it home. Or if you keep the ship you get no PVP marks which is the universal currency needed to keep making the replacement ships you lose to revenge fleets. So essentially what you've done is turn PVP into something that used to be fun into something that is just another farming grind.
  3. Happy and SAFE sheep = unhappy wolves
  4. I don't understand why this games development always goes from one extreme to the other. Demasting is easy....now it's impossible. I mean historically masts would not survive heavy cannon fire, so while I understand masts being too weak previously (for the sake of PVP)....you gotta at least make it so they do fall down occasionally. Now we're back to the incredibly boring chain to 60% game. Except by the time you get them to 60% they can repair....and then by the time you get them to 60% again...they can repair again...rinse repeat. I N C R E M E N T A L changes please.
  5. Good question. It'd be nice if all the clans worked together towards a common goal but we have too much of an ego turf war going on. maybe when we give the pirates enough conquest marks for a full ocean fleet and we lost most of the coast people will organize.
  6. We had 2 brigs and a snow join. People join alll over the place. One guy actually started sailing away from the fight at first. Not everyone was on TS. Zero thought was put into actually using the circles to win. Then we tried to brawl them with people in brigs and inferior store bought ships and got slaughtered. Poor planning leads to poor results. The leader of the battle holds himself accountable, but really that fight was lost when we decided to run up a port battle we were not ready to fight. Clan leaders need to hold their members accountable for bringing the right ships and being at the right place at the right time prepared. People didnt even show up to the meeting place with repairs. Basically it was the lack of organization that cost us the fight and we'll continue lose until some of the more established clans take port battles a bit more seriously
  7. You're bitter... Why? LV kick you out of sorry or something? Lighten up or go spray your salt on a EU thread. No one cares about you here. mods can we get this angry guy kicked out of the thread please. Doesn't belong here.
  8. Always nice to meet another fan. Who are you again? Went in despite my better judgement. Poorly organized, idiots not the right ships and zero strategy. Luckily I forgot to record sound. It was not pretty. GF pirates.
  9. the LGV won't be a problem. LGV + an escort however....
  10. It's not the size of the warehouse, but what you do with it!
  11. France had ample opportunity to sail up to New Orleans and start pushing the gulf, we would not of stopped you. You chose not to. For a non-Zerg nation you sure seemed willing to snap up all the ports on your side of the map quickly, including just about all of Sweden. Currently the US doesn't even have the opportunity to fight anyone other than the Pirate and empty Spanish ports. We couldn't even fight the Brits and the Dutch if we wanted to. To get to Brit areas we need to move down towards the fight, which means taking more Spanish ports. Any thought of the US and Brits fighting each other is simply moot, we physically can't. Get over it. We do have a pretty good idea of what is going on. Farming alts for marks on a vast scale. Pirates escorting US alts into PBs. Until we see the French and the Pirates attack each other's ports, we won't be attacking the British ones.
  12. good idea
  13. Honestly when I see his font I stop reading, it's unpleasant to the eyes. I also heard a rumor that SORRY was behind 9/11. Confirm or deny?
  14. Port Swapping was deemed legal by admin. Farming players inside the battle was not. Welcome to the new Naval Action.
  15. To be fair, I think admin has mentioned on these forums that if you want free speech go to reddit, this is a development forum...not a PR one. Though I agree, moderation should be fair and equal. I don't see a disparity between who and what has been moderated lately. I've had a few posts deleted as well, just as I have had over the past year or so. Such is life. I would like to direct you to the numerous reviews on steam that feel that has been heavy moderation of posts in favor of the EU player base. Perhaps what you are experiencing is an adjustment to something more fair? Regardless some points here are correct. National news should stay just that. I'll keep my nose out of your affairs, I hope others reciprocate.
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  16. why not x4 Before you quit, give global a shot. The french over there do currently hold Bridgeport (Bridgetown?) and there's plenty of british for you to hunt. If I recall from previous conversations you're based in North America and our timers would be better suited for you. Plus...VCO misses hunting the great EL LOCO!
  17. Now sure if this is already implemented, delete if so. Perhaps have a warning pop up when you tag another pirate saying "this will generate a free for all pirate battle" or something to that extent. Similar to the warning national players would get when they tag a player of the same nation "you will turn pirate". Then in the battle screen have it say something like "This is a FFA Outlaw battle, no loot or xp" whatever.
  18. No joke sir. Bragging about global server numbers on day one and posting discouraging screenshots. Why? to pay us back for night flips? How petty can you be.
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  19. You guys simply don't know how to handle fair moderation do you? You've had it so good for so long.... - I for one appreciate the mod/dev team for keeping an eye on the global naysayers and attempts to diminish our population. Good on them. Players like @Jon Snow lets go, @Cornelis Tromp and @Pablo Frias have attempted to sabotage several of our global recruitment efforts and discourage members from joining. Here are few choice examples. https://gyazo.com/08348de89a15d34161802bb1c047ac64 + an assortment of various other posts that were deleted and Tromp's rants on discord as the numbers on EU ticked up that will remain there. I'm no snitch. The amount of gloating here is sickening. Please note the usual suspects on all the likes. These are players that want the global server to fail at all costs to pay the US players back for their attempts to seek content in their timezone (aka night flips). Players like @Cornelis Tromp revel in the disparity of the population numbers, openly brag about the "failure" of the the global server and frankly should be removed from these forums for their damaging efforts. Their labors on the first couple days of the patch to turn away users simply cannot be quantified. How many more players could we of had if @Cornelis Tromp wasn't posting multiple screenshots on the forums bragging about the numbers or constantly posting updates on our discord every time EU gained 20 more people that first day. His damage alone to the chances of the global idea is staggering. Can this be a tribunal offense? Again we global players appreciate the mod/dev team for fair moderation and removing damaging posts from these obviously bitter and game disrupting players that just want to see the global server fail. A post like this shows they just don't get it and want no one else to enjoy the game the way they want to play it. Thank you.
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  20. This game needs something new. Right now we have a revised crafting system and are still getting to that "end game" stage. Once we get there....the game is the same as it was 6 months ago. Players will eventually leave because of this.
  21. I kinda get what you're saying, but frankly if a new player can't immediately pick up this game and figure out the the general basics to get going...something is wrong. Naval Action should be easy to learn, but difficult to master. And to master it, the community is there for help. If you rely on the the community to teach new players the basic ins and outs of your game, you'll end up with one that has sold over 100k copies and only has 2000 active users a year later. Only 2% of the people who purchased this game seem to still be playing it. Not good. I mean lets look at the cannon purchasing thing. 2 weeks after the patch has come out and we still get daily questions in nation or global asking why they can't equip just 1. And this is from players who aren't new. The game simply just is not friendly to inexperienced people and unfortunately the population numbers reflect that. Anyway I don't revel in the bad reviews, but I do understand them.
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