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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. It's weird how these old "attack everyone" privateers here posting about no ship names and more "immersive" game play very rarely pop up on combat news with kills. Funny that. As with the removal of ship coordinates, hardcore grinding and even more hardcore ship knowledge tree, often suggestions by these veteran players who feel like they need to relive their first months in naval action and all it's immersive newness.....just seem to affect the casual player base and keep diminishing it further. A player base that is is sorely needed and makes up the bread and butter of MMO style games. More often than not these players suggest hardcore features of the game, enjoy them for a time and then piss off to other games while still suggesting further inane ideas that further remove ever slimming category of features this game has that fall under "quality of life" perks. Honestly it gets old. The removal of ship names isn't a huge change, but it's a change that only benefits a small amount of veteran PVPers who didn't really give a shit who they were attacking anyway. rediii and his gangbang fleet of swedes that have been roaming the PVP patrol zones en masse this past week are going to attack that one pirate or prussian regardless of whether or not they can see his name. I find the removal of something as trivial as the names of ships as another kowtow of the admin catering to this small base of PVPers that have been trying to steer this games development into a game they want to play rather than a game that will continue to grow and most importantly, add new players. Removing quality of life features, regardless of how big or small, only really hurts the casual player base. A base this game seems to constantly be losing. A quick glance at the negative reviews will tell you that most new players find this game difficult to pick up, find a very steep learning curve, it's UI lacks intuitiveness and the game lacks basic quality of life features that are found in most MMOs. For some reason all that negative feedback is dismissed as being "haters' and we just keep steaming on with development that plows forward in a direction that most players who have purchased the game.....don't care for. Removing ship names is just another brick in a ever growing wall that new players need to hurdle in order to acclimate to this game. but ya know what, screw the haters right. Personally I've enjoyed the game less since the removal of ship names. I like sailing around and selectively solo hunting. I like to know who I'm sailing towards and I like them to know who is sailing towards them. I like to o7 a friendly or cordial face I see on the water and then decide to not tag them or run into a dude I haven't talked to in a year. I don't like to attack everything and everyone, I don't like sinking new players. Maybe I'm out there to just sink a certain brit clan I dislike while letting other clans go. I like having that option. Now it's been taken away from me because all these "hardcore" pvpers think it makes the game more immersive, despite most of them are only hardcore on the forums it seems. Most of the players I talk to hate the change. Unfortunately most of them are not active enough on the forums to get their voices heard. If a perk was created that allowed players to see names and enhanced ship stats on the water I bet 99% of the players in the game would use it. Why not give us a choice? Hardcore players can make theirs and the rest of us can keep on playing how we want. Call it Sailing Master or something.
  2. Excellent fight with the brits tonight at Road Rocks. Ninja Princes & Clutch Demasting - US Win. GF brits.
  3. gotta adjust the goal down man. Figure like 2 guys coding for a couple hours is like 500 bucks right?
  4. I heard those were a flat rate per ship basis. Like 100-200 bucks a pop. Not a significant expense.
  5. So there’s not enough money to produce more game features. Is that what I’ve read here? Lets do some ballpark maths here. 110k copies sold (actually more) at an average of $30.00 on stream. Yes some at 40 and some at 20. Minus steams cut at 30%. 2 coders salary for a couple of years. Let’s say 80k * 2 for 3 years (most likely lower since this is Kiev and not California). Minus server costs 25k. I’d estimate about 2 mil in profit before admin takes his cut. Perhaps more. We can’t afford more features because......? Some might say we’ve already paid for them actually
  6. I think they are needed. it's basically a ganker's paradise now with an ever shrinking circle and the ability to not leave. get rid of the basic cutters in the shallow and chop the mission XP in half for the shallows as well.
  7. Actually Louis people would fight you if you and your group didn't roll out into the PVP zone with overwhelming numbers and ship rates and basically just gank anything that moves. Out of the 10 or so of your group that I saw the other night, you were the only one in a 5th rate. Everyone else was 4th or above. If you muscle out all other competition..... you won't have any competition. Best part is my group of 3 in junky surprises and store bought frigates prolly ended up with more marks than you.
  8. Ability to clan tax. Logs. Different ranks within the clan. This shit is MMO basics 101 man.
  9. I mean it's a numbers game right. 700 people online MAX lately. 11 nations to fill. Not enough people to fill them. Everyone's had a cup chicken noodle soup that was mostly water and noodle...barely any chicken? It was lousy right? That's NA right now. We're testers. It's hard to test RVR. economy and PVP if some nations have a max for 20 people on at a time. It's just common sense. Trim back the nations until release, if we need more when it launches when introduce them.
  10. Too many nations. Not enough players. At the height of prime time today we cracked 650 for the first time in a long time. Divide that unequally by 11. the amount of factions water this game down way too much
  11. Hence why I said everyone but you’re own nation. You should keep your nation flag also.
  12. All battles should be OUTLAW battles. Open for 30 mins and anyone not in your nation you can kill.
  13. Can't beat em, join em. If multi flips are good enough for CABAL and Sweden, they're good enough for little old USA. I was thinking about going 100% in on the CABAL method of playing NA and just joining the best nation on the server, but moving all my crap down to Sweden was just too far. It's easier to go from Dutchland over to Sweden I hear, all the cool kids have been doing it. You should be thanking me honestly, If I am to blame for the current iteration of the timers. Those evening ports that you took off the dead horse known as VP with a remarkable display of strength and power wouldn't of happened without this new timer system. You're welcome. Anyway lighten up buddy. All your posts on the forums are so salty. It's just a game.
  14. RIP my beautiful L'Ocean. I only just got to know you...
  15. Even better, Only purple and gold ships with random attributes can be crafted in non safe zone ports.
  16. I like the idea of ports costing more, but to offset this more ports need to be more valuable. there are FAR too many ports in the game that are essentially useless for generating cash. All this patch does is ensure more ports go neutral. We need a reason to visit them. More copper ports. Create a mod that is similar and place it somewhere on the map making that port worthwhile. Increase the amount of teak/lo/wo ports.
  17. He logs in once or twice a week to do senate meetings and talk about his importance
  18. Just trashy leaders trying to hold on to pixel badges and feel important. The whole senate/president thing is just an excuse for useless people to hold onto fictional power. Now that a couple clans joined the US that actually fight trash leaders feel threatened my involvement with Draxx was to inform him of the plan the night before and then watch him take credit
  19. Doesn’t surprise me.
  20. Well... I guess gank groups will be camping here instead of outside the safe zones.
  21. Devtrash?
  22. As the one true Trashlord-in-Chief of this operation, I take full credit for Operation Octaflip (except the name, that was Cornelis Trashcan). @ScipioTrashtuga also was involved in the planning of this trash heap of a plan. TrashiRoku had zero involvement in this operation, much like the US president Lord Draxx who has already tried to steal the trash can right out from under me and claim success. The Night King becomes.....The Trash King.
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