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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. The bad version should be obtainable from combat marks The good version should be obtainable from pvp marks. Give your average player a chance to compete while still making the hardcore players feel special. World of Warcraft has done something similar for almost 10 years now with different levels of the same gear with varied stats.
  2. I unfortunately meant to take a screenshot but forgot to do it. At Somerset yesterday we (Russia) pulled multiple battles and had 2 players join them solo and then we were going to fill in afterwards. Both the missions ended up being right on top of each other and it seemed like one cancelled the other one out (visually). I was able to select the mission with the fewer amount of players, but then ended up joining the larger one everyone else could join. I noticed this one before when doing hostility missions, seems like if 2 are close enough one will cancel out the other visually and others cannot join.
  3. features features features....
  4. https://gyazo.com/e11e9d91dc4b26f8e9edeb20b121bbb0 Graf did well here - no poods were used in the making of this screenshot
  5. From 1 tick above 270 to just about 45 in 3mins. This is not realism. This is mechanics that ultimately decide PBs instead of the people who fight inside them.
  6. I commented to players like @Toto Cabbage why his fleet of screeners decided to jump in a battle for marks instead of making sure your PB was safe to get into battle. Your PB fleet was pulled into battle by 2-3 people. Dear Otto here then just went ahead to call all the SALTYP guys trash and that he doesn't give a shit about you and you're "carebears" A fine piece of garbage some of you have decided to follow in the brit nation. I'm surprised some guys in SLRN and RSC tolerate him.
  7. Weren’t you in Georgetown way back when? I know hachi was. And you guys lost. You also lost to us at little cayman with your troll fleet.
  8. So my issue is this. We spent 2 nights involved with the PB and the grinding. Multiple nights my guys, some EU based, willingly stayed up to be involved. When it came down to doing the PB, it wasn’t RUBLI that beat us (maybe they would of anyway), but it was a map change no one knew about and a wind change that supposably doesn’t exist. Due to both we joined at a location that was deemed suitable for the old map and it turned out it was the further most point we probably could of joined on the new map. If you watched moscalbs stream, by the time we engaged we were already 700-800 points in the hole. A simple “hey we changed a couple maps” on the patch notes would of been more than enough for us to figure out there had been a switch. There wasn’t and we basically wasted our time.
  9. I made a post referencing it. I wanna know how much RUBLI paid for this swap, or is this a special streamer perk. What other maps changed?
  10. Cute, but there are some glaring errors. I am most definitely not der fuhrer. That spot is filled by North. I'm more of a Goring guy I think. Klooth's departure was definitely not a crippling blow. He's more of a Rudolph Hess and fled the ship before things got bad. Much like Hess, he didn't really do anything around here. Spot on with Graf // Goebbels. --------------- But it's all over now. der krieg ist verloren. We'll be following CABAL's lead and joining the most powerful faction in the game and riding rediii's coat tails to victory very soon. See you next week!
  11. Indeed, but they were not OWNED by Poland. Maybe fly the Poland Legion flag under France? And the Tobago ones are a bit of a stretch. Can you find an attempt by Russia to colonize anywhere other than the NW Pacific Coast?
  12. could someone please explain to me....like I'm a 5 year old.....why the aggie has a higher BR rating than the Wasa (which just got a buff)?
  13. How many territories did Russia or Poland hold?
  14. Good. Now go take their ports. I sink daytime frenchies regularly, despite having RVR deals. I’d sink Dutch players too if I could find any. At the end of the day though, you send up that bat signal and they will flock over and help you out on the RVR side of things. I could of course say the same about the Spanish, but the French and the Dutch.... well you know how they are
  15. Laugh. No one believes that there isn’t an alliance going on between RUBLI, Danes, Sweden and lord knows whatever other players you impressed into servitude. I’ll believe the alliance is over when RUBLI sits outside of gustavia sinking your 1st rates. Anyway, the outlaw faction sounds interesting. It would be nice if an area like MT was turned into an uncap region of free towns that formed like a little black zone area. Anyone who dared could sail into the black market to purchase stuff, they might not get out. Give pirates the secret islands for a home base
  16. Maybe so. Prussia seems to be working as intended. but 1/3 of the new nations being successful is not a good statistic. Far better ways to implement that sort of play style than 3 nations where you could potentially lose all of your stuff.
  17. just make sure the other side has cannons......
  18. I was going to make a similar post this weekend about the so called "hardcore" nations, but looks like you beat me to the punch. And please don't take this as merely bitching about the plight of Russia here. We definitely made our bed in regards to our own situation, it is what it is. The impossible nations just are not sustainable long term and the fact that your crafting hubs will always be available for attack is an achilles heel that forces your members to constantly either be doing or have RVR in the back of their minds. As seen in Russia, players just cannot constantly do RVR and still play this game. I can't remember when I joined, maybe late summer sometime...but from that time period on they have constantly been doing some sort of RVR to gain or defend ports. They had a decent addition of players join during the merge, but ultimately for a smaller nation they had the same group of 25-30 people out there grinding regularly. People were constantly burning out and our numbers waxed and waned considerably. Somerset is a finishing move here, but our numbers started to dip well beforehand.... right around the time we took carta. We over extended and over used our members constantly fighting outside the port and defending sometimes 3 - 4 attacks a day. Sometimes people just don't want to do PBs for a couple days and like to go carebear it up. Russia did not afford many that luxury. I'm not advocating for the hardcore nations to have safe zones, but I am advocating that the hardcore nations simply be removed. They have no historical basis for being in the caribbean and to be brutally honest....the only reason they were put into the game was a cash grab to sell more copies. Get rid of the hardcore nations and hopefully the game gets a little less diluted. Prussia is perhaps the dark horse here in the fact that they mainly don't do RVR on a full time basis and simply just PVP and (wisely) defend their small holdings. They could very easily do the same from the pirate nation. @rediii and myself have offered solutions in turning the game towards more of a clan based/alliance format, ultimately if NA is going to survive it needs to drop most of it's nations.
  19. PVP MARKS = PVP FARMING rinse repeat. rinse repeat
  20. c'est moi. Name one against the Russian faction.
  21. What’s funny is 3 of the factions fighting us have actually received some sort of punishment in regards to “cheating”, yet we will get labeled as the cheaters. Despite not having one single successful tribunal against us.
  22. I recall you guys entering twice, getting stomped once. Not to mention a few PB fleets lost in the attempt.
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