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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. The game currently does not have enough people to properly split between 2 servers. This is a fact. Most nights there are more people on PVP1 at 10pm EST than there are on PVP2. People left this game for a number of reasons, chiefly among them there's just not enough people to make the game interesting. This solution won't fix that, people won't come back. I'm not certain the devs would actually pull the trigger on something as monumental as this. It would alienate a US player base on PVP1 that is arguably larger than the PVP2 and earn then a lot of negative reviews and a lot of angry US players when it comes to NA2. If game labs wants to continue in the US market it would be advisable to perhaps not piss off those potential buyers. This is a testing server right? They could perhaps TEST a couple systems to see what works. The production team is either lazy or focused on other things. Maybe both. I really liked your idea the other day, think the devs actually read it? I got my moneys worth with the game should they decide to change things drastically and they'll just end up getting another bad review with 2k+ hours on it.
  2. You never know :-) In all seriousness though, I personally like the aspect of the global sandbox server idea and that's the primary reason I play this game. I am perhaps more hardcore than some though and my playing habits are not always going to match everyone else. As long as the 2 servers are TRULY set to the time zones....aka setting battles later than 9pm EST and having the server shut down at like 4-5am, then it should assuage some of the hurt feelings. I don't necessarily trust the Devs to do that properly though. We still will run into the issue of having not enough people in total to split between 2 servers and I don't think you EU guys realize just exactly how many American based players there are out there. This is only ever going to be a niche game and I'm not sure it will ever have the population to support 2 robust servers, but we'll see. The devs have a proven track record of favoring the EU based players pretty much always, so as I said with the amount of whining being done this was inevitable. He did say it was not set in stone, so we'll just have to wait and see. I don't think we can expect anything for a few months, which still leaves us PLENTY of time. :-)
  3. We've been digging it for months. It was inevitable
  4. Please note Ink said it wasn't 100%, so we'll just have to hang out and wait. Until then, I'll see you bright and early :-)
  5. Don't worry, he says nothing about region locking servers or if it actually is going to happen. If it does then they'll have another couple hundred negative steam reviews and they'll piss off a lot of potential buyers of NA2. Remember when dev said that 40/50% of the purchasers of NA came from the USA? Imagine what would happen if they region lock the game. Adios Game Labs. I dare them to do it. Anyway, it sounds like our night flipping operation might get cut short. Better make hay when we can.
  6. I'm sure everyone loves hearing from me at this point, but I'd just like to point out that in the US fleet yesterday we had our allies from the EU stay up extremely late to help out the cause. We had some guys from Italy, The Netherlands, UK, Germany as well as our usual US contingent group from 3-4 different time zones. The night before we had a couple Dutch, a German and even an Aussie show up. We also had Airwolf...I'm not sure what language he speaks, it sure isn't English. This isn't just a group of salty US guys, but a proper coalition of players from a global server who make the commitment to show up. Timers are going to always be inconvenient for someone. I won't like being online at 8:30am this coming Sunday morning, but I'll be there. Grow up and stop whining.
  7. I knew you were a flat earth theory guy deltonos
  8. yea I screwed that one up. hitting brace TANKS your prep. Then I had a brain fart and thought I could win that one until I got raked for 80. At least I capped a dude before I went out :-)
  9. because they're actively working on NA2. It might make sense for them to keep potential buyers for their next release happy?
  10. Didn't the dev say something during his Q&A about how US based players make up something like 50% of the game copies purchased? Maybe it was 40%. Sounds to me like keeping US players happy would be profitable.
  11. How would it be throwing that community under the bus if ALL OF IT merges into this server. Or vice versa.
  12. Please take no notice of me fat fingering the brace button while I was trying to prep for Kerip..........that was not good. GF Spain and Allies. Thanks for coming out.
  13. There are still a considerable amount of US players on the server now that have been playing since before this server had an EU label. They've built up friends, clans and a rapport with the community here and like to call it home, should they leave? I personally enjoy the global aspect of the game and if they bring back timers then so be it. You won't find many US players complaining either way. We suffered through a lack of content during the old timer system and are currently enjoying the ride now for as long as it lasts. Just because things don't go our way 100% of the time is no reason the drastically change the game. Or maybe it's because we don't want to play on a server with half the population, even if that means we're short of players during our prime time throughout the week. There's usually enough battles over the weekend to make up for it. We're adaptable people. For my part, I don't really care if timers come back or they don't. Dev has pretty much said he's in favor of the global aspect of the game and won't region lock servers, so I'll still be here to keep you company until the game shuts down Rediii :-) PS if you want an example of the EU centric bullshit I referenced go read bearwalls post on the previous page. US players constantly have to put up with trash like him, but yet it's me ruining the game right? laugh.
  14. Are you sure it's my posts and not the night flips making the US the most hated nation? Maybe both? My tone will change when the EU players whining about night flips and begging the devs to kick the US based players off the server stop. The Eurocentric biased posts, comments and general attitude that seems constantly exist on these forums and in game is far more damaging than my troll post declaring victory. US community destroying NA? Get the hello kitty over yourself. Ironically the US is a pretty homogenous place to play right now. Our daytime flips have players from every time zone and the same goes for our night flips. We even had a couple europlayers burning the midnight oil last night in the battle.
  15. I was there too tittybaby.
  16. It was conveyed to me that they were looking to dump France or Spain for the US. Probably France though. They of course had no idea this was going on. This was right around the time they lost Castries and feelings were a bit sour towards them. I thought to myself, well if they're willing to kick one ally from their side to the curb...what would stop them from doing the same to the US should we outlive our usefulness? One of the many reasons we didn't go for it. I still question whether or not Spain would of gone for the whole thing so who knows.
  17. Actually it has everything to do with GoT, but you can choose to believe what you want. I don't think you'll find a post of me referring to you guys as tacos or whatever, but I haven't seen any shit talking between our nations in game/battles other than your guy Guzman talking about how inferior Americans are in global every day. Actually I think there was a little salt in either Morgans or Puerto Plata the other day and I shut it down immediately. Since you referenced them, I do like tacos. Corn tortillas are better than flour of course. Have we ever conversed in battle before? I certainly don't remember it. Spain refused to negotiate with the US well before I started shitposting on the forums..or even the game for that matter, but If you want to go ahead and blame me that's fine. Realpolitiks and Bismarkian though? Stop trying to verbally punch above your pay grade. I'm more blunt than sinister anyway. You find my posts distasteful? Good. The art of the troll post is lost on some. As I mentioned to Anolytic on another post today, nothing I read or write on the forums is to be taken seriously. The community on here went bottoms up long before I started posting and with idiotic posts like this one and the locked thread by Celtiborofrog, they don't seem to be improving. Im sure your decision to not join the US was 100% because of me right? Laugh. I'm glad you didn't. We don't like whiners. The majority of our side of the alliance dislikes the constant whining about night flips, removal of US players from the server and just the general EU superior than thou attitude that is ever present on here. How many posts referring to trump do we need to see? I don't think 20mins goes by where I don't see those idiots Lars, Guzman or Torbsomething posting bigoted anti-US rhetoric. Don't like my GoT reference? Grow up child. See if you in about 10mins
  18. Didn't we just take a port 2 days ago, fully defended?
  19. I expect nothing from you. You guys are the ones complaining about night flips and creating posts about them. I'm telling you why the night flips are happening. I don't care if you flip our ports during the day. Both Ays and MB were flipped at least once before 7UP switched nations if I recall correctly, could be wrong though.
  20. True. Another loss LV can shrug off as "not his fault"
  21. Just saw your edit on here. The RUS/RDNN clan will back me up in saying this, the US has been used as diversion targets quite a number of times against them. We're ok with it. Santa Domingo also had more US players in it than brit. Your alternative facts again are wrong. Stop trying to drive a non existent wedge between our 2 nations for your own benefit. It's not gonna happen. PS - I was presented with this interesting screenshot today. SORRY fleet utterly destroyed by US players at Salinas Point. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/495771087097070304/3DA54DF67670A2EECAFC87261BCCDEC2133263C8/
  22. Must not be much of a GoT fan I guess. Why would a US attack on a dane port that was defended by the Spanish during a 5-6 multi pronged attack convince us that we shouldn't night flip? Because we can win during the day too? If your side could win during the day and the evenings you would be taking full advantage of it. Perhaps if your side would just admit that EVERYONE is going to attack at a time when it's most advantageous to themselves maybe we could move on from the night flip day flip BS. As I explained in my deleted post that we made an attempt to back off our evening activities and limit them to once a week or thereabouts and the favor was returned by multiple flips in the late morning/early afternoon of the US work day. We were content to fight over Islamabad and the Gulf ports. You guys didn't seem to notice the gesture. I don't begrudge the Spanish waging their war at a time of their choosing, but if you're going to attack the US during the weakest time period of our day, be prepared for when we do the same thing to you. Up until about 2 weeks ago the US was not able to defend itself adequately during the day without help from our allies and your side took full advantage of that. At least at night you have the option of staying up late to come to an attack. We have to miss work. I took off work last friday to run both the Ays and Morgan's Bluff battles. So did a lot of US players. No one forced me to do it. The things we do for video games huh? As I detailed in my Chijohnaok post a month ago we view the US areas above Cayo Bisc as our home waters and repeated attacks against those will result in repeated attacks in your home waters...aka Remedios. If VLTRA or whomever is running Spain these days would like come to some sort of agreement I'm all ears. Until then we will match hostilities during the day with attacks during the evenings. PS we've had a solid bunch of battles lately between our 2 nations and they've been nothing but civil and good natured. Lets keep it that way
  23. Was Chijohn's alternative facts answer constructive enough for you?
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