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Everything posted by Liq

  1. exactly, thats the point as to why it's the Trollquin. In your quote where you replaced the cutter by DLC ship; I think the intention was that there was no point in fighting the cutter, because even when sunk no rewards were earned. Pretty sure people would be fine with fighting a properly balanced Requin, that can't just twat off at any point in time
  2. ? You do get rewards for sinking dlc ships; comparison cutter - dlc ship doesnt work Requin is clearly unbalanced at the moment. I don't really wanna fight them ingame atm, because I know, I can't really kill them - they will just bugger off at 15 knots even with a mast missing Hermione for instance would be fine, it's a pretty meh ship, characteristics (not model). I dont like her for the bad upwind and tacking capabilites. But would probably still use her as a dlc. Other than the Requin it would actually be killable pretty easily. And it behaves, well, like a proper ship
  3. Yeah, making such an unique ship with great capabilities a DLC you can redeem every day probably wasnt the best approach. A ship like the Hermione would have been better in terms of the games health. Hermione is somewhat decent in several aspects, yet not the non plus ultra. Id place her between the surprise and belle poule. But I guess the decision of making the trollquin a dlc was mainly $ oriented. And it did the job, the carribbean is crowded with them. I got myself the hercules DLC which seems somewhat okay. But im not supporting the exteme dlc trollboat (and the possible future if it does too well, next up we'll have steam boats dlcs?)
  4. Sounds like Valve; have testing servers for csgo which are supposed to be used to test new maps in order to find gamebreaking bugs / glitches. Yet they are not made use of. Not like there isnt a testbed server for NA, or is there... 🤔
  5. I guess the Trinc is more of a BF109, BnZ, compared to surps / belle poules being more of A6M2 Zeroes Turnfighters. Currently I'm making the mistake of trying to use the trinc as a turn"fighter". Doesn't work out well at the moment, but will learn over time
  6. Watch this, if you didnt think the ship was broken / bugged, it should hopefully change your mind
  7. Been testing the trinc lately, found one odd thing though Trincomalee seems to not bounce as much as it "should", sometimes when passing a ship at a hard angle and get shot, I feel like most of the shots should bounce, though they still penetrate. This happens at pretty ridiculous impact angles. And I'm not using fir. Teak-WO, thickness of about 56. Now my question towards trinc experts, do you feel the same, and do you feel like it *should* bounce more? Feels odd seeing it bounce way less than other similar frigates. @HachiRoku
  8. Easy Chain, kite if necessary, once low enough on sails proceed to seperate the two, hug one and sink through damage; rake and decrew and board the other
  9. Ach gott du bist ja so ein witzbold Der ausschnitt zeigt ich hätte dich viel früher auf ignore setzen sollen O/
  10. bad idea IMHO should have pre-set ships, for everyone the same. just like in NA:L, where all ships were oak wood (well except the slight upgrades you could install) - makes comparing way easier and levels the playing field, for the competetive aspect and disable ship loss. Else people will kite and chain to death in order to prevent losing their shiny gold super modded duel ship.
  11. This would have to go hand in hand with clans being able to cap each others ports within the nation - might aswell just disband nations then and base everything off clans Else, clan A captures one of the few teak ports and dictates the price without the rest of the nation being able to do anything about it. Nation chats should be funny then.
  12. Naja der sinn dahinter, mit leuten im gefecht zu sein, ist pvp zu machen ergo spass haben. Der mittlerweile mehr als zeitverschwendung zu betrachtende aufwand schiffe endlich craften zu können und dort zu haben wo man sie will, find ich mehr mühsam. Müsste eig. Noch viel mehr DLC schiffe geben find ich. Und was kümmerts dich eigentlich wenn die erhaltungskosten für häfen ein wenig gesenkt würden? Hätte auf deine abermillionen sicherlich keinen einfluss Ich spiel dieses spiel aus spass am combat e.g. pvp, nicht um mich durch hirnloses pve / afk hin und her schippern an meinem virtuellen goldkontostand aufzugeilen. Das dann eher im realen Leben.
  13. Ich versteh leute nicht, die meinen es mache ja keinen sinn zu spielen da ja eh alles gewiped wird. Dass alles auf 0 resetted wird ist doch logisch. Bis dahin ist es unsere aufgabe bzw. Unser Ziel, das Spiel so zu spielen und testen, wie es vorgesehen ist. Also Spass haben. Was genau das hin und her schippern und so anschaffen von abermillionen ingame gold bringt, wenn es schlussendlich nur eine zahl ist, ist mir unbekannt.
  14. Go to denmark in summer they said, it will be cool and not hot they said..
  15. A bigger ship doesn't automatically imply more skill.
  16. he actually had to go afk way at the beginning and also DC/d after half an hour but yeha we could and should still have won that
  17. Good stuff.
  18. I feel like chain is still too OP close up and too weak on range. I did about 45% sail damage to the essex in one chain-rigging-rake.
  19. Good luck, would be Nice to see GB rise again and become a powerhouse as it used to be 2 years ago 😊
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