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Everything posted by Liq

  1. Hartmann did have excellenct statistics going for him, yes. 352 confirmed kills, at first glance you think - wow. However, if you go any deeper into it - which I did, in a project i did a couple years ago - you will soon realize that he actually wasn't all that great you thought he was.. Most of Hartmanns kills on the eastern front were on, due to the lack of experienced pilots, poorly trained pilots flying very vulnerable IL2's... Hartmann would just do what he did best.. get real close up and unleash a quick deadly burst, without them ever seeing him coming. Some sources claim that he got as close to 20 metres before pulling the trigger. So yeah. He did get a lot of confirmed kills on vulnerable IL2's not even seeing him, unable to do anything about it - and not on p47's, p51's, well armed, protected B24s etc. on the westfront. I think, though, the analogy is perfect. Hartmann scored 352 kills. If you didn't go deeper into it you'd think he must have been a great fighter pilot (He surely was a great pilot, not denying that), but once you go deeper into it you'll see the truth. Ingame we got about the same happening. Requins camping spawnpoints of inexperienced, vulnerable newcomers lacking the experience to even realize what's coming at them. But seeing it as Skillful..... Don't really know.
  2. Lol i find it funny how players are feeling the need to justify themselves here for not being on the leaderboard Jeez take a chill pill, its a game, you got othet Stuff to do in real life is totally fine. No need to prove anything to anybody Besides, that board has very little to 0 meaning since it doesnt show the battle circumstances. Probably better to not have such a leaderboard ingame in an MMO surrounding. Promotes players needs and desire to advance in it by any means, alias enforces ganking and Running away for one's life. Leaderboard in a tournament (e.g. duel tourney if its ever gonna happen?) could work tho
  3. should make the difference between Patrol RoE and regular OW point of Patrol Zone is getting fun balanced fights - pleases the instant pvp action crowd whereas the motto of an open world in general should be "gank and get ganked, deal with it" - pleases the sandbox lover crowd
  4. An individual number for each player in a battle (1 - 50), showing on map, scoreboard (tab) aswell as in the battle itself above the ship next to the name Makes it a lot easier in comms talk.. Especially when the target is from a different country with a hard-to-pronounce-name.. "Focus that Niagara NE of me, LeChatDeBlablabla" *WHERE??* *WHO??* Instead just call the number, ez
  5. *bump* +1 Edit: Ops, didn't see the comment by Styles which has an answer to it : "yes. Thank you for the suggestion - we will give an option for a 2d back paint instead of the 3d port. we will start working on it in 2 weeks - so holdon."
  6. Can people please stop refering to dubloons as DABloons? Keeps reminding me of that
  7. What kind of battle was it? If it is random 0 - 3000 dubloons for the same battle result, that then isnt a very Good game design imho
  8. my rig is okay ish, gtx 1070 and i7 6700k game runs fine on one client only
  9. Can we please get the option to cut FPS when in port, just like we get the option to cut max fps in battle / OW ? Only one char was in OW, rest in Port. RIP my cpu
  10. I guess we'll see a fair amount of tribunals in the near future, focussing on complaining about small ships ninja stealing loot
  11. As far as I know it's supposed to be a sandbox? Doesn't say "go get a group to gank with" Right now it's either go gank or stay home. Oh and by the way https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_single-ship_actions
  12. I'm more worried about this Change also applying to the patrol zones - hoping the RoE will somewhen be fixed Safezones should be safe yes, but pvp zones should also be pvp zones Also there: if you get a nice balanced 5 v 5 in a potentially fixed patrol zone, if its properly balanced it should result in something like 1-2 ships remaining alive on one side. But only those remaining players get rewards? The other side gets nada. Message for new players: dont go for PvP Looting marks should get removed. System we had before was way better and encouraging also new players to try themselves in pvp; get some marks even if they sink
  13. So basically in this patch ganking gets encouraged even more? Pre patch, if you fought 2v4 you perhaps Managed to sink one or two and get some reward for it. Will still most likely die in the end though, but you got somethinh out of it. Now in this patch, even if you sink 3 out of 4 and loot them all for a couple Thousand dubloons - if you die to the numbers gank in the end, it was all for nothing? Message here being: only attack when absolutely 100% positive to win, dont take any risk, especially do never go fight at 1:1 odds Great Stuff
  14. in my eyes it technically is not p2w since what defines p2w is paying real $ to unlock content you cannot possibly get in another way ship slots you can still unlock normally p2w would be a dlc which upgrades your knowledge slots from 5 to 8, which cannot be achieved by grinding ingame (or just an uber op ship (alias hercules / requin? ))
  15. I kind of can see both sides here. Multi Repair in smaller, especially even battles, can be a good thing and reward agressive play. However, as battles get more ganky, the more the unbalanced-ness gets amplified. 6v2, 6 ships recover 600 hp in the time 2 recover 200. But in the end I like it better with multirep (given we now have shared cooldown between hull and rig reps, which gives it another tactical dimension).
  16. Bei kleineren pve gefechten kannst du eig in 90% der fälle stumpf drauf gehen eine seite des gegners auf 0 zu kriegen und die andere nicht mit einer breitseite anzutasten, sprich wenn du nicht auf der schlechteren seite des gegners bist versuch dahin zu kommen und dein schiff falls notwendig anzuwinkeln und nicht unnötig schaden zu kassieren. Die andere seite auch noch ein bisschen zu beschädigen bringt nichts.
  17. Does that mean all flags will be in 1 Dlc for say, $15? IMHO it would be better to make smaller packs. Per nation or even 1 dlc per Flag, say $1 per Flag. And im voting for blue
  18. actually topspeed is 15.5 knots alias 28.706 kp/h and a battle instance can theoretically last for 105 minutes - 90 min + 15 min after "battle over". so that would result in 50.2355 km max range.
  19. ^^ this is why a remarkably higher invis and speedboost is a must
  20. Could probably do that with 5-6 well trained 1st rates (and captains), since ai are so predictable But i do think everyone should do what they prefer to do. PvE server has a right to exist.
  21. ? Just choose a server and hit select
  22. Thanks Just another note: After rewatching it a couple times, I think it was in fact my ship that teleported and not the enemy. (Wave shapes before and after; the Snow was closer to me after the TP and still had a clear shot with his chasers)
  23. Ok so I had that glitch / bug again and got it recorded this time. (Had a stream running in the backgorund, that's the noise) My ping was fine. @admin
  24. Maybe rethink your officer management Game mechanics are pretty clear. Once an officer, unlimited access to the clan warehouse. Thus, IMO making every new player an officer after 30d kind of is doomed to result in occasions like this one
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