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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Next some one is going to actually tell him he has to leave his port to fight battles....lol
  2. You keep wanting to do things about RvR you want to know the first step of how you do RvR? ATTACK PORTS. When was the last time Brits really attacked a port that wasn't neutral or Polish? But if your really into RvR than I guess I'll see you at the port battle later this eve?
  3. I gotten two bottles in the last week, one was even while going to pick up a wreck. Does feel like it's drops less, but than I wasn't getting many dropped other wise. With the current loot I expect them to drop a lot less. Oh the three wrecks I picked up this week I got some pretty good mods that I needed for upgrades or clan mates needed so I'm not complaining.
  4. New players should be learning the game to be honest not jumping into RvR with no clue how to get out of irons or anything else. Not saying they can't learn, but I think OW fights is better for that than PB's specially with the majority of them being low BR so your very limited on how many can get in and you normally going to want your "A TEAM" not you newbs. Actually it shouldn't. I spend my first 3-6 months learning the game and avoiding clans and RvR when I popped on. It wasn't unitl I made Master Com and a old friend talked me into joining his clan that I tried RvR. Even than it was mainly the shallow water PB's not the big ship ones. Some folks want nothing to do with RvR and it shouldn't be forced upon them if that is what they want in the game.
  5. I always love it when folks we never seen in game or post come up with big changes to make the game how they want it to be, not knowing a lot of that stuff has all ready been tested and didn't work. This is not a simulator, you have to make it enjoyable for players. Again it's not a simulator and this game is no where as arcadie as some of the other options out there for Age of Sailing games. Find one that isn't like some cross of Disney show or so out of date I could play it prob on my phone? I bet you can't name any.
  6. Remember when you do your count to add in wood types too. A lot of folks forget this and wonder why they can't hit the cap or worse they put a bunch of mods on that put them way over the caps. Woods effect not only HP, Thickness, and speed, but also effects the turning.
  7. Exactly his point, it failed so why are we trying to make the OW like that too? I have no issues with the zones myself, but I think it was stupid to bump up the rewards to some insane numbers before any ROE/BR limits was put into place cause all it did was encourage more ganks and uneven fights that you have no hope to escape cause no one can leave the fight.
  8. You don't have to go to every event every day, take the other days where it's not close to you to do other things like OW PvP, PvE, Trade, Pick your nose, pretend you have a life....you know like other things. Are you can bring your own when the patrol zone isn't there and stock up? A lot of ports have them but they burn through really fast, though I do think they should bump up the port drop of them for those ports either way. The issue though with that is folks will just buy them and then repost them for higher price so your better off stocking up and keeping your own supply on hand.
  9. As long as we can get them in game too through other means like PvP chest rewards. While I'm back to working, but it's peanuts compared to what I use to make so can't just blow money on stupid things like coke and hookers or paints for ships.
  10. As a teaser ya'll should like accidently drop a paint chest in every ones redeemables...or should of did that the day before this patch....lol It's boring only having the white Bellona and the Endy paint. Though I do like the Endy paint it's very nice but i don't use that ship yet (grinding slots out on it).
  11. I actually had folks pull the cord to try to DC in battles before I could cap them cause they weren't going to escape, so I honestly never trust some one playing the "I DC" card. It's almost as bad as the guys that auto surrender instead of trying to fight. At least now we can get one of there mods off the ship before scuttling it. As for this tribunal maybe he needs a slight chat ban for acting like that maybe a few days to cool off. Good job on the other guy keeping his cool in the convo.
  12. You have 23 hours to do the missions from start of server from down time. What you do in that 23 hours is up to you. It's based off the game time of the day and not yours. If you want a full 23 hours than be on the game when the server comes back online. If you can't than just get half the reward instead of all of it. Hell it's prob easier to do it half way twice than to try to get the full 50K in one sitting/day. You can actually get 20K damage twice that way and get 60 marks instead of 50 your way. YOu have all the OW to do what every you want and tag who ever you want......these are event zones, you don't like it than don't go into those zones. With the rewards the battles need to have some balance or it will turn into nothing but gank fest (which it has all ready) and folks will stop showing up at them. Don't tell me you like to only win by ganking with numbers and unfair fights with higher BR only? Than fine you can do that any where else other than that small area each day that moves around the map. I really was hopping they toss a few more paints into the game either in the epic event chest or PvP rewards or something. Every thing still looks way to much alike right now.
  13. You don't get any rewards cause the battle is reset and your sent back to OW or port. IF you lost a ship or used stuff in that battle you get it back as if it never started.
  14. The only thing I think I would change is make it where certain upgrades can only be crafted in home ports. Not freeports or open to all ports. That means you go into an open for all port like Copper or Cart and buy it, you have to sail it back to one of your NATION owned ports to craft it. This would put those items in the OW to chance capture. Other than that I never seen an issue with the upgrades chest. Yes I know some one can still buy the goods with an alt and than trade it later, but not every one has alts. Yah if it was removed I think a lot of folks would have a hissy fit including myself. I keep pretty much a good stock of the common mods I use in mine so if I loss a ship I can pop these mods on the ship and be back in action if need be. The rare more expensive stuff is keep back home where i build the ships at on my crafter to install when the ship is built.
  15. But but but a teaser? You gave us one with the last couple of patches.
  16. Your not suppose to get the maxed out ever day. DO your grind, get your reward if you lucky you might get 10+ marks. Only the die hards will ever reach that max pay out and I don't see it happening without a lot of hours doing it.
  17. Suppose to be Aves too but some odd reason it hasn't popped yet that I noticed.
  18. Prob got to sign/leave your mark on half a dozen pieces of paper work and all lol
  19. Yah, but prob should of waited until it was ready. I'll just avoid that are until than. It was fun when we had some 2 vs 3 or 4 vs 2 but this 12 vs 2-3 guys got old real fast with every one joining one side.
  20. They use to have some of those in some of the battles back after the wipe if I remember right. It was right before they took the Rattler and Niagrars out of the game.
  21. Without the new ROE or BR limits ya'll talked about this is only going to encourage big gank squads to just roam around and destroy every thing keeping the little guys out of the play. We all ready see it in the events the last week just like when we had the PvP events in the past now it will just encourage it even more with those rewards.
  22. Honestly it took me a week to get all but the SOL bps back and that was mainly only cause they where locked out to pirates. It’s not like we will be crafting 1st rates on day one lol
  23. There is NA:L if you don't want the RP/Diplomat part of the game. Again it's an open world sandbox with multi nations, if folks want to RP and have friends in other clans or nations they can do that. If you don't want to do that than kill any one you see. I have no problem fighting fights, but I also hear complaints of folks that don't want to fight cause they have no clue what they are facing. We just started to get the US courage to come out and fight, you know how we are doing that? By getting them to attack ports and actually teach them proper builds. It's bad enough ya'll camp the newbies along the US coast, but it's hard to get them encouraged to come out and fight when all they do is get slaughtered by the vets. Sounds more like the wolves want to hide the fact they are wolfs so they can slaughter more ship.
  24. Still not the same types of games. This is an MMO that has char progression and ranks. THose games don't. They would be better compared to CoD or even NAL. You die in them you make a new char, gather gear and than die and start over again. You don't do that in this game. ANy other MMO that has char progressions I have never seen them hide the Rank, Player name and class of the other factions/team from you. Yes you won't know the exact build of the char, but you know those main facts. In those games listed other than maybe gun you currently pick up every one has the same stats. This game is more like any of the Perfect World MMO's, SWTO, GW's....I can go on and on other other char progression games and they all show you those details when you PvP or even meet other players in PvE zones. You can't compare an arena death match game to something that is more an open world sandbox with char progressions.
  25. Not an MMO, that is another arena base game. So far both games listed you don't loose anything it's just cycle and repeat combat. That is fine hiding players names when there is no cost for your actions in a fight where you die you just make a new char, gather gear and jump back into the action. This isn't PUBG after all. As for PVP going up that prob has a lot to do with the PvP events more than names or no names. Specially the shallow one where it's cheap. Though I get a feeling the numbers in those events is starting to wear thin by the day as it looses it's shine and turns more into just a gank fest. Hopefully new ROE mechanics helps with that.
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