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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Yah 2400/25000 is only like 6-7 guys so it's a pretty small fleet unless your talking about shallows. That is why some small elite clans do so well in that range of port battles.
  2. @admin Is there a list of the BR's for ships change? Or can one of you API wizards post up a new updated list?
  3. Toss planking on in one slot and you get some of the HP back. Had a teak/white very fast i liked very much. Even with planking it was fast compared to the others in battle.
  4. Have you never heard of the orders to disrupt or destroy trade? It's a been a long standing war pratice to attack a nations trade line and stop the flow of trade ships. Do you really thingk they brought back all that cargo and ships every time? No they normally load the expensive stuff which is prob in the captains cabin/chest and than scuttle the ship if they can't take it back as a prize. So as @Banished Privateer so greatly adds below the prize is your reward for destroying the ship or the cargo/ship depending on what your actions are and how deep behind the enemy lines. I have sat behind enemy lines for a long time in an LGV before the wipe doing nothing but hunting trade ships and small frigates. I taken a trinc once with that very ship and helped take a Bucc with it. This was all pre-wipe too but also was gold marines days (I used Purple). I didn't use the LGV to carry cargo back I used it to trick folks into thinking I was making trade runs and they would attack me and foolishly rage board me thinking I was just a trade ship AFK sailing. I love traders with no guns, easy pickigns with things like Privateers and now the Prince. Even more when I find they have no repairs. Even the LGV can some times do better than the tug boat Indianman (which I taken with a basic cutter before). Even more love it when they have no escorts....even more fun is when they cry some one sank all there trade ships while they where doing trade runs in PVP hot zones (La Tort?). Honesly you don't get much in marks for trade ships, for me it's more just to get them out of the waters if needed and cheap rewards some times you find something nice on them. Like we caught one with all the mats for a 1st rate and we sailed it back and crafted a free first rate out of it and than scuttle the indinaman. As a hunter we should get to pick what we want, the cargo or the reward for scuttling the ship.
  5. That is actually what we are trying to do with the US, every one farms the crap out of that nation cause it's manily a bunch of noobs. A lot of good players in the training I say. So alot of us vets that just recently switched into the nation are planing to take some of these guys under our wing and start to train them and share our knowledge. Correct knowledge to cause a lot of the info they gotten in the past was from PvE guys that don't PvP. Even worse the PvE ship builders try to tell them what they need and than over charge the crap out of it. Some of the ship builds I seen folks try to say is good for PvP just makes me laugh and they wonder why they keep getting sunk. Hope fully we can do some good for the players that want to learn and grow.
  6. Capitals or shroud for the other nations should be free. He’ll make Shroud free for all too. Than five one free with a crafting mission that sends you to a close port from capital to set up a building.
  7. They need to be special mission praises more than random loot. Us PVP guys that don’t grind ai don’t have a means to get them other than pay out the arse and I refuse to do that and that is why it’s take. Me so long to get them compared to others. That and RNG just freaking hates me lol
  8. I have over 7K hours in game on my main and most of my alts are 3-4K hours. Yes some of that is me falling alseep at the keyboard but the point I"m going to get at is I still don't have the full set for Art of Ship Handling. I have one book. I do have full gunnery set and only have the full Lord of Rings set cause a clan mate gave me the last book I needed since I board a lot more than him. So not ever one has all the elite books. So don't think every one has them.
  9. Your wood trim should dictate most of your ship stats not your mods. They should only accent those traits. So by making mods of the same type not stackable or limit to how many you can stack it keeps the stats more about the wood trim than special mods, that is what you use to round out and specialize things more to your play style along with of course the ship knowledges so I don't see it as cookie cuter. IF they limit the stackign than they can bump the stats back up a bit since you can't put 3-5 speed mods/shipknowledge on top of each other you only would need one or two.
  10. Three spots just means it would stack on top even more. When we do hostility every one pulls missions and we pick the closes ones for where we need to be out of all those missions. So it's not just three missiosn at a time pulled. Just want to add we had the same thing happen with little river flip last week. We where in a mission some one had a mission in the same spot and couldn't join it as both missions where going on at the same time. Once we finished off the last two ships we could see the other fight and join it (had some guys out side trying to join the new one). So they do some times stack and if two are at the same spot it can cause some issues. Maybe color code the boarders of the swords. RED for hostility and black for normal missions. I pulled missions where I had hostilities we didn't use and accidentally joined the wrong one. Can even go as far as make Solo BLUE and FLEET black trim with RED hostilities. Any color could be used, but man in storms or bad weather it's so much a pain to find these things.
  11. They should do a hybrid of the big second circle they had before when it was two circles, but instead of being pulled in the second circle you get a message to instant join when the tag goes through so every one can join from there OW position. Some times that might be a head or behind the other ship. Counter tags are bad cause they can mess up a perfect box in of an enemy ship. This system will stop that. Than have any one else that joins have to do the old fashion join circles. With this system you can pick if you want to get pulled or not and or go after other targets or just leave if your in the bigger outer circle. Nothing is worse than being right on the out side of the tag circle. Not geting pulled and than you have to turn around and go back to the join circle that is against the wind and you might not make it in even though you where pretty much right on the ship at the edge of the pull circle.
  12. are even in battle when you capture a ship and scroll over it's card have an option to show chat so others can see the info. We normally have to screen shot it and pop it in TS and see if any one wants it or scuttle (which we do most ships without rare mods).
  13. Instead of making it a rank how about PvP Reputation. We really could use a reputation system. You can have good and bad reputation with other nations. IF your trade rep is good enough you can even enter the port and trade there without smuggler flag (still need trade ship), but if it's really really bad than you can't even use the smuggler flag to get into ports you done nothing but killed that nations traders. As for the PvP Reputaion if you kill a player with a high reputation yours can go up. Maybe have certain paints and comsestic things unlock when your levels of certain reputations are reached.Just about every MMO out there that has multi factions and RvR has a reputation system.
  14. The only problem is there is no realy time in game as in set day nights that we know of other wise this would be an awesome thing to add in the game that if you scheduled a battle early in game time morning you might get one wind condition and another in the eve, but since we don't have in game actually time I would say stick to the current system but a much slower rotation. If it's going to shift that much have it do it very slowly over a long set of time.
  15. But than most of the players with half a clue of game mechanics can do that too. Man it hurts so bad when you catch some one and they get stuck in irons and can't get out. You almost don't even want to board them or sink them cause you feel so sorry for them until you notice they are Rear Admirals lol I always thought the 5th slot should only be unlocked through PvP. You can unlock it early if all you do is PvP, but than it shows that the person is a mast of there ship if they get all 5 slots unlocked they should have a special paint for that ship they can use to let folks know they have a special master ship. Though making any thing based on in game time isn't wise. You can sit and fish for 4K hours and never do any combat. I wouldn't say unlocking the skills for nothing, unlocking them is the reward in it's self. I'm going to go more with 60% of all players, I seen some pretty bad players from all nations and I know some very very good players that are now in that nation. So I really wouldn't poke fun of other nations. Now if your talking about american players....well seems that is a bit rude and maybe it's the stupid EU server ping but I sank my share of EU, AUS and other national players too so can't say all of us are bad. Hell many of the other national players I sailed with couldn't even figure how to get out of irons. There are carebears and bad players from all walks of life.
  16. I think thre would be more shallow fights if there was better PB timer set in the shallows and most of the ports wasn't owned by some mega clans. They should only be owned by small clans and such.
  17. I get the point, but don't speed advance them. Make it so they have to rank up a few levels before they can do the Master Com, maybe be a requirment to be Lt Com first and of a certain range of xp about to turn Master Com. I do like the ideal of them getting a ship to start with at that level. Like it's a graduation form the small boys of the shallow waters. Now your in the big boy pound have fun. watches them go out and get gank by 20 chars.....he was so brave, that little captain that tried.
  18. Are you phasing out the shallow ships cause folks need to learn those too. I get you want them to learn and get into the action but if you skip to many ships and throw them into the fire it's going to get nasty and they will get burned bad.
  19. There was a Wasa player that jumped in our mission and got sunk while me and another player was sinking the ships. We told him he could join just don't get killed....sadly he got killed even after I told him to run and repair. He was trying to tank the 4th rates like where in our 1st rates.
  20. A simple mention they changed like @Westgate post is all that is needed, that is not holding our hands like toddlers. Second how can we scout something you can't see until the actual port battle? These should be things known a head of time cause they are magical circles that seem to just move around. So how do we scout and where do we get this info if that is your plans? Personally I think with the smaller BR's some of the circles can be dropped.
  21. 50 PvP marks each time you change it after the first time? I kinda like that. 1 million won't work cause that is chump change for most players currently. Though I'll be nice and say we can even lower it to 25 PvP marks just to make it so it's not a nightly thing to avoid a port battle. I mean we are happy to do the port battle at any time with this port, but it takes two days to flip and do a port battle and you have to get every there for both days. Hard to do when you give folks a set time. When port is captured it should be auto free to set every thing. Though Not sure I like having all option lock to once a week. You should be able to close and open you port any time you want, they closed ports down all the time for storm and wars in real life. It's the dictating when some one can attack you that is being abused. That the whole point is make it insanely expensive so they can't abuse the system. Not to mention what you care aren't you like anti-clan or something and I'm pretty sure you know what port I'm talking about too.
  22. The first thing I found out back on GLOBAL when I switched my old Dane alt to Prussia to test out the new nations was.....I couldn't get a perk reset cause we didn't own any ports yet. So I had to get my main to buy one and meet it in a free town so I can reset my perks. Little things like this are what new players need in an Admiralirty shop along with buying any of the common books as you stated. I kinda feel Shroud Cay should have a shop for any of these three nations if they where to be keeped around. Oh wait they are suppose to be extrem hard mode....which means Noobs shouldn't be picking them than. Which is why I think they should be removed, the only extrem hard mode should be pirates and even than I think that should be a nation you become in game not at start chargen
  23. We really should have fog of war until you map out the game. Just show the capitals of regions on your map until you visited that region. It would give folks more reason to explore. With that being said yes but what about the second, third, 100 times...need to have things in game where it keeps those folks interest and giving more nations options for new player and spreading them ll over the place isn't going to help keeping player pop up in certain nations. We need less nations not more. Also incentives to join each nations. Maybe each nation should have it's own player perk for the members of that nation. Kinda like the Nation Refits we had in game but make them a perm thing of either the players of that nation or ships made in that nation (that would just get abused by alts building ships in other nations to get perks). France more accuracy, British Faster reload, Pirates boarding perk or more crew, US maybe HP/Thickness (good old iron side) to 4th rates and below....etc etc. that only the players of those nations gets for playing that nation. That would give folks more reason to play diffrent nations. When I joined I joked about some guy in a white uniform told me if I signed i get to go to Disney Land.....I didn't know it was going to be Tokyo Disney land.....forward deployed in Japan I got to see a lot of water...lol I only found 1 and that aws Vieques, but it was held like for 4 years years 1689-1693 which is out side our game time line. Why are we depending on port owner ship out side of the time line of the game set by ya'll? Also if you go by that than Scottland owned the same island to for a short time so whey don't we have a Scottland nation? I'm part Scottish so I demand a Scottish nation....see where I'm going with this? Next you will have like 100 nations to please every one. Those areas in the shallows should not be about ports for small nations, they should be ports for small clans. Think it's funny majority of them are owned by the two largest clans in game (well port owner ship wise) so it makes it very hard for any small nation or clan to take any of the shallows. Hint the reason we need to have dedicated ports for small clans that big clans can't own if they have to many ports. Thuse keeping the kiddie pool as some like to call it for the small clans/nations to play in and keeping the mega big clans out of them.
  24. Thanks but still would been nice if Devs released this with the patch notes as it's important info to know. Also would be nice if BR's where listed on the ship card in port. I hate having to go to sea to check my BR's out every time. The problem is not every one uses that key load out, so if I go one way my BR should be higher, but I go another way than it should be lower? So my Renno with all 6 lbrs will out DPS a 9 lbr Renno so it should have a higher BR cause I have lighter guns? I don't get this thinking. Yah it needs some tweeking along with the Port BR rating if it's going to stay close to this list. Maybe just maybe we might get the Aggy's old stats back? If she had her old stats back from when she came out she could fall under 3rd rate again with the Wasa lol Well in some cases the Carros or lighter guns are better, but should be the norm. IF they are going to do this than BR should have a range on ships and it is adjusted by you gun lay out so a ship that normally has 250 BR can have like 225-275 according to guns. I'll discus it when it's in game, so far we are seeing nice place holders, but I want to see it in game first. I don't mind testing new things, but I think most of us feel it's not the correct way to figure out BR for ships. The listed needed to be adjusted and so does port BR's as it seems the fleet is getting smaller and smaller for them which actually has turned many folks off when you can only bring 5-6 ships instead of say 10-12. I know folks that stopped playing cause we never see big 25 vs 25 fleets any more. Some key ports should have the BR limited high enough to still have these big fleet battles. Maybe you can only bring 10-15 first rates, but you could also bring 25 4th rates at Cart or something like that. The battle maps of PB's are a bit to big to make it 5-6 ships to attack or defend a port.
  25. If I can remember right didn't they have a big PvE/carebear problem though at one time right after the new nations came out and that is why many left and have recently return?
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