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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I haven't checked it with any players yet, but it shouldn't cause it has the cannons on front. The AI"s well they where AI's after all so anything within range keeps them in fight. Though good thing to ask if they keep the 2lb's on.
  2. When I was loading the cannons I thought this too or have the option for either. I did notice that if you get behind a ship it will pen and kill crew, without destroying the rear armor, but if I"m that close I'll just use ball or grape normally. The range on it is the worse part as it's useless past 200M Also the sails only have FULl or none optoin. You can click battle sails but it does nothing. There should be some other options for sails cause it's a pain to stop or slow down the ship. If I'm creapping up on some one I should be able to give the ship partial sails to slow down it's speed if needed.
  3. With us limit to one for right now, give it a week and maybe open it up to shallows. We will do a test of a shallow port battle if folks want. We have several ports with no timers we would be more than willing to do a weekend port battle. Well if I rememenber it was like 25 vs 16 or something....lol We brought almost all Hercs. I know french (EU) lost a few too. They brought two when they attacked our port and one blew up the other had a ball of 6-8 Hercs on it. Though I would love to see an equal number of them fight each other straight up.
  4. I think it would fit in much better as a 6th rate or shallow water 5th rate. I did a few test runs against AI's in the casual users hands it's going to be hard to fight bigger ships. Of course in a Veteran players hands it can be a great solo harasser and hunter. It feels very much like the Niagara on firepower and such. I only ran long 9's on it so far. Hercules was 100 BR before it was released. I strongly think it should go back to this BR. It can be the king of shallow OW fights, but it needs to stay out of Shallow water PB's or make it cost way more even if it can come into them. Shallows are currently 50-80 BR to enter with deep being 80+ (unless that changed). This will allow the Hercules to be in OW and deep water, but not rule shallows. The Le Requin feels like it can fit right in with the Niagara (almost same set up gun wise) at 80 BR. I'm all for this it needs to be at 100BR for sure. I think it's part of the reason many folks don't even look at the shallows right now. They know folks will use it for sure for defence PB"s. I think it's mainly it's rare,, you loose it once it's sunk and well we have a standing order for Defence PB's only. Though we have sunk a few without using other Hercs too. We kinda figured out how to take them down if you got enough guys to team up on them.
  5. So a quick screen for folks this is on my crafter since he has no combat perks and wanted to test the middle ground (he has the most dock space too). That is no guns as Teak/Teak. It's Cannons are: 6-9/4-8 Lower deck 11-11/- Front (swivels) 8-9/8-8 Back Ok guys hope that helps you pick what you want to test. Remember it's a deep water 5th rate so do not open it in shallows unless you want to pay for the tow. It also currently has 80 BR. Store as you can't craft them in the workshop. They should be plenty in just about any port.
  6. It's a 5th rate and is deep water. One of our guys open it on an alt to test and it's stuck in shallow port...lol Any one notice the 11 Rate cannons on front? It has four of the swivels lol
  7. It's a 5th rate so I take it this is a Deep water ship? Just want to know before I open it in the wrong port?
  8. lol I was trying to do my time zone math to see if that might be the problem. Than that means I'll go head to bed and check it out after I get up. Been waiting on this little fellow to hit the seas for a good time now.
  9. Yah only logged in one of the guys but none listed I'll check the main. Maybe have to shut down steam and open it back up?
  10. I have to say a slight ETA date would be nice. While I"m slowly doing this with my gold and silver but we still need some of these mats until the patch hits so we have to produce them up till than. Crap forgot to ask. What about stuff in clan warehouse, will it just convert over to the new resources and the same with stuff in your port warehouse so you will have just big stacks of the new resources instead of the several stacks of the old? While I don't think this is going to be a problem in the clan warehouse, but I can see stack limit and space problems in the port warehouses of players.
  11. Just promise me you improved the sliders of most of the stuff? I know some of them where inrcressed but that was the biggest thing I have hated about crafting since day one. If I have 2K hours I should be able to slide that item and produce 2K hours of it in one motion not click on it 100 times. Even worse I have to click and than hit ESC cause the UI idles for ever stuck on the OK pop up confirmation for most of us on the other side of the pound. Fix those things and I'll defiantly be happy with what ever new UI you give us. We can work on the crafting perks and stuff latter for sure as it needs a face lift as it's very out dated.
  12. Which I think this is funny he say's folks where jumping into there rooms. I remember seeing before they left all the US Clan room had locks on them. (that is when the tag is yellow for folks that don't know). So how was folks jumping into there rooms randomly. Second that is why clans like CSA, VCO and others have there own team speak and we only use the US Nation one for Coastal Patrol and Port Battles. We don't hang out in it 24/7 and we don't cry when folks walk into our rooms. What I think is funny they speak about all the help they where doing...they where in nation less than a month. Really didn't see much help. Yes they showed up to a few port battles, did some patrolling but so did every one else. Try staying a little longer as things don't change over night. CSA been in there for about 4-5 months and the nation still has a long way to being anything of a power house or holding it's own. Seems they give up way to fast, specially if folks aren't kissing there arse and giving the praise they want. Sorry I do things for the Clan and Nation cause it needs to be done not to get folks to kiss my arse or thank me. I also think it's funny Rax and his boys are acting like a bunch of toddlers on here throwing a fit not even a week or two after leaving a nation on pretty much crappy terms blaming every one else except for them selves for there own dang faults.
  13. I'm actually looking at this list and the first thing I'm thinking is, "If they dumb down crafting way to much it's going to make crafting boring for the folks that actually like trading and crafting." You make it to easy you will loose those players. I already think we nerfed crafting a bit to much compared to how it use to be a good job to be a crafter all on it's own. Now any one can craft any thign and don't even have to be level maxed out to get the best ships from it. Really what do you need level 35 (45 for 1st rates) only to get all the ships?
  14. 01-04 is 9pm to midnight for me. That is a time when most of us can be on. Same with the 23-02 and 00-03 timers. Those are all timers in our prime time window so it's not late night for us. Remember US is made up of several time zones. What might be late for one guy another guy is just getting home from work.
  15. 4:54 pm Port Battle on a week day when most US players are still at work are doing family thing. Ever notice we save most port battles for the weekends or later in the eve when folk are actually on. Though main thing is we told the rest of the US even before you left we plan to not defend anything below Cabo. You where telling folks Sunday you where going to lay off the US cost for a week and not even three days later your back to ganking newbs and flipping ports. Shows how much folks honestly believe anything that comes out of your mouth man. Couldn't even make it a week before going back on what you told other clans...lol Also getting aggressive when a server is low pop cause every one is waiting on patches proves nothing, that you can take ports and kill folks when it's low pop. If you really care you would back off and let the nation rest and get some down time until the patch drops, but hay what I know......maybe I'll just run off to French too. Oh wait unlike some folks I promised I won't leave the nation until release. Guess that option is out of the books, really though it be cool to be part of the winning team and all. Any one notice since Rax can be on during all times, why does he never attack any EU ports? I mean the ones that are actually going to be defended and not empty ports with no timers? I mean attack a port that is owned by a EU clan and prove something?
  16. Sir Texas Sir


    The for the most part until you get to 4th rates and above are auto learned as you level up. The rest wouldn't it just be simple to let us earn them again through game play? Some are locked behind PvP and CM's rewards or even RvR so wouldn't you need to do these things again to get the? I don't see an issue with them getting wiped with all mats/gold and resources as I'll just as easliy be able to get them again quickly. The only issue was after the last wipe Pirates was very restricted compared to other nations of what BP they can get in there shop along with permits, but it's not like that any more so it's not an issue. Though Pirate Frigate is still only in pirate den for the BP, but every one can buy permits. I honestly think the Pirate Frigate should be a reward ship like the LVG refit, but you get the BP for unlocking them. Maybe have them behind missions or something. I think one of the biggest problem is that this game has been suppose to release for a good while. Things keep holding it back and well for the better cause it wasn't even close to being ready for release last year. I believe it's a lot more closer and UI patches will bring us that much closer. There are some things that can be finished or added after release. Like finally doing the pirates as an expansion to the game could be a big update after release using the date collected from the impossible nations and impute of what players would like to see in pirates, but we need to get the core of the game done and the UI released before we even think of a release. Though I think the longer it takes and yes it's only been 2 1`/2 years for some and that isn't very long in the game development world, I believe the more folks will loose interest in the game and move on to other things that might come out. Right now there is no other game like this one at present, but that might change 6 months down the road from now.
  17. Aww another prime example is he wanted to give the US a week break I heard on Sunday. Well it's not even Weds and he's flipped one US port and started to flip another one and said he's doing it cause we are attacking ships by NO's? Maybe cause folks are sick of the ganks in front of CT we have decided to go find better fights on there own coast line. It's only like 2-4 guys too over there not a whole clan or nation and it's spread out through the day. I bet they lost one trade ship and that is why he's ragging on the coast line today. Every nation does this, they kill folks and hunt when they can so it's nothing new, but don't freak out when it's turned on your nation cause your doing the exact same thing all day long yourself folks. Oh and we will not be Defending San Sabastion. If UWS wants it so bad they can have fun fighting AI as it will be Neutral in the morning. Until the patch comes and players numbers go back up CSA will not be attacking any ports and will only defend stuff in the shallows and Cabo and above for now. We will continue to PvP in OW though where ever we want. That includes the coast line of NO's or any other nations coast line. If they want to farm our noobs all day long than fine we will go farm their care bares and traders instead. It's not like we don't have three or more nations doing the same to us right now, so one or two on your coast line isn't going to kill you.
  18. Sir Texas Sir


    rookie, I got all mine when the game was on steam sales so around 20-25 bucks...lol
  19. Yah but even MMO's have epic events and missions you can do with your friends. We have a few Epic Fleets that are kinda bland and the biggest complaint is you have to spend all day looking for them as they move around a bit. Even than if some one else beats you to it than it's gone for the day. I would love to see more events and missions to do in game that you can team up to do. Also achievements that gives rewards in game. Things like: Visit all ports in game. Explore the whole map (still think the map should be fog of war other than capitals until you visit them). Kill so many Enemy's of said nations (can have one for each nation). Travel over so much distance in game (for the world explorers). Capture so many ships (for the boarders) You know actual missions and achievements to give folks goals to do while they play the game.
  20. It was changed yesterday I think....it's why you should check the patch notes pages. Though they could be a bit better on the updates of hot fix at times. It was posted after all this morning by @Ink
  21. But the fact was I still got stuck behind them map. For all I care make the unstock button a once a week cool down or even once a month as folks don't get stuck that often and it will solve any of the abuse telport for game play issues. As for reason AFK sailing you ever made that trip it takes for ever lol I'm not going to sit and stare at the monitor for 2 hours. If I got caught I got caught, but that was back in a days we didn't have better wood options for speed builds and such too. Hell I don't even know the last time I used cedar for anything.
  22. @Storm Crow put some tags on your post so the Devs will see it. Yah it's kinda a pain when doing things so the spaces would be nice. Though they could limit ports you can keep certain ships at. Like no war ships keep in freetowns over 4th rate (meaning if you telport to a new port). 1st rates can only be keep in regional owned capital ports. Stuff like that would limit the number we see along with actually making ports BR limited ship wise. Actually have ports that are 4th rates only no matter what your BR is for the port. Other ports 3rd rates and below, or 2nd rates and below. That means you have to fill it with more lower tier ships than as many big ships as you can.
  23. Empty hold on tow is bad cause the one time I got stuck behind the map I was AFK sailing with a load of Bermuda Cedar back to the US coast and got stuck behind the north side of the map. I couldn't teleport cause back than you had to have an empty hold. Instead I had to spend an hour and half trying to back track behind the map until I found the open to get out. Other wise I would of just used the tow feature. Make it so that if your in a regions it takes you to that region capital even if another is closer on the other side of a map. So in this example OG posted it would send you to Pinar any way even though your closer to the Havana capital side.
  24. Most of use never see this cause we are maxed out level. Though it does help for grinding out ships, but how much was it to much? The other thing @Ink why does sail xp for OW not go to ship experience? This way trade ships that travel a lot can slowly open up there knowledge slots on LVG's and Indianmans along with any other ships.
  25. Maybe don't do your PvP in front of capital waters and you won't see them over and over again. Most the time it's cause they are able to get back into port into a new ship and back out into a fight.
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