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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. There is a hold fire button so you can wait for better shots and also try aiming instead of just shooting at the target. I found doing that makes rakes very effective.
  2. I had no problem solo using my Christian that we got. The issue that others found was more the getting jumped while fighting an elight type ship or coming out of the fight with a wounded ship and one in tow and having to face one or more folks in PvP ships (not tanked out AI grinders). I got tagged twice last night but lucky the players let me go (one I was out runnning his L'ocean any way). I know some one that lost a couple of ships during the event and didn't get a single note and ever ship they fought was crap builds (non season woods and bad combos we wouldn't normally use). Isn't the event over with? Ops just looked and it says morning of the 11th. I could of swore it said he 10th. Guess I might have one more day to try to get some decent build ship that isn't complete crap build after all.
  3. I think port owners should be able to adjust the BR up or down from a set starting point but fleet make up is going to have meta killer set ups . Though some ports could have eating caps like 4th rates and below or 3rd rates and below would be the only thing a clans can set fleet wise to keep it fair. That way say a clan had a lot of mid level players they can set the BR up and have the port 3rd rates and below. 2 extra ports: every one gets capital for free. The three nations without capitals get shroud cay. This can’t ever be dropped as it’s a free port. Once you make max rank you get your 10th port for free as a reward. This along with the other 8 can be any ports they pick.
  4. I actually like this. Make A the big circle and worth the most points to encourage the big fight to be there. Side circles worth less and could be smaller. Even make it that you might need frigates for B/C and SOL for A to gain points. 1st rates BR should be twice that of 3rd rates to encourage bringing more smaller ships. as for the LRQ would love to see a trade version but he does have a point. The other strong up wind ship is way weaker so folks don’t use them. This ship honestly should be a 5th rate like the herc was bump up to and have bigger BR. We should also have a way to boot alt and dead clans from a port in same nation. Some way to have AI port battles and make the port go neutral. That way if they can defend it they can keep it. I would love to see more shallows sections in port battles. Not just the coast line limiting ships by depth of the water and maybe having some circles that require smaller ships to capture cause of water depth.
  5. Yes it's Naval Action, but that still doesn't change the fact it's still an MMO sandbox game. You have even stated that elite ships have rewards, but we are stating these ships aren't giving the correct rewards for the risk. I don't care how rare a ship is, if it's crap it's still crap and folks won't sail it. Specially after you fought something that wasn't crap. This has been a long running problems with the devs they don't understand risk vs rewards and think the way to balance a games AI is just make them tuffer and harder to kill. Instead if I have to bring a tricked out Season wood ship to fight an AI and my reward is something lesser, than I won't want to do it. It's the same problems epic misisons had, you fight epic ships to get chest that don't drop rewards for each player, but instead you have to split it in an uneven manor or hope that you can trust the other players that loot the chest. Cause no one can see the loot except the guy that opens it. On traditional MMO's they will do a loot roll and you can down or up grab the items you want. While this game is not a traditional MMO it still is one and needs to follow some sort of system of risk vs rewards. No one is saying they don't want to fight these ships, they just want the rewards to be better than they are. Your the only one saying that we want super deck out ships, but if I have to bring one than my reward should be something worth that I want to keep or replace something I all ready own. Getting rig repairs and a common book drop I all ready have and a very bad wood build of common woods is not a reward that you should get from an epic fight. It's a reward I would expect from just a normal AI ship in the OW. Last night @Robert Lance one of my clan mates was hitting several ships and he was getting nothing but green, shabby builds and no note drops. The other rewards weren't even worth it. He lost a L'Ocean to being ganked by Russians so after a long night of grinding he lost a good build ship and got nothing of worth to show for it. That doesn't encourage gamers to come back and play. Just like most events they come up with. It just encourages folks to gank solo players and get easy free kills. The treasure chest/sunken fleet events are like that so rarely folks go out to them cause all the loot is gone in the first few mines any way. These devs just don't understand how to do proper loot vs reward for the risk of a fight. How is two nations handicapped, just about every one I know had to sail some where else to get random ships. Those two nations can do the exact same thing as others did. You think I'm sailing to the area where Dutch (the nation I play) and French ships are near me? No I'm sailing to another area that gives better odds of getting none Dutch ships.
  6. I take it you never played any MMO's? When you fight an elite boss you normally are rewarded with some type of elite rewards. While it might be random or some games tailyor towards your char, but your getting something worth the fight your doing. Instead here we we are fighting elite bosses and getting crap. If it was just a normal AI fight I wouldn't be complaining, but when I have board mods, 300 more crew than the ship and more muskets than they have crew I should be doing some hefty damage to them. Same with bring in a 2nd rate to fight either the 5th rates or the 3rd, when a broad side does more damage than your own and they seem to be out fireing you too even if you took out a good number of guns something isn't right. Than you should expect epic reward for the epic fight, but instead we get pretty much garbish loot drops and ship builds nothing close to what normal players would use or what you just fought. About all I can use that ship for is grinding normal AI's for 5th rate missions. Cause it can't be used in PvP or RvR with such build unless I was going to fireship it maybe. I was running marines, Sea Muskets 1777, Boarding Axe's and Hand Combat (I can disengage in one round). Along with Reload and Pen mods for my cannons. The SC I hit mast for 55 hits at close range after getting the sales down to 50% and it was still out turning me and the mast wouldn't snap. So I just pushed it into the wind and boarded it instead. That fight was a bit easier cause I had twice the crew but if you slip and did the wrong thing than it would hurt still.
  7. Thanks for the stats. As always it just seems RNG Gods hate me and I always end up with the crappy luck of the draw. im going to try for anouther tonight after work. It’s just getting off 12 hour shift sailing all the way to the zone hopping to not get ganker and getting crap luck runes ones interest in events like these.
  8. Well this event kinda sucks. I finally find a AdR and fight it with my Christian. Dang he's hitting hard and out DPS me even though I taken out 20 of his cannons. My stern racks do little to his crew and so I go to board since I got marines and 300 more crew then him. I'm Musket build and use that with the attack, last moment switch thing (cause Broad side did little). He's out firepower me with 100 crew (had more marines than crew than him).....really need to stop over modding your AI elite or not....or here comes the kicker. The ship is a blue ship, no perks no port bonus and it's Oak/Sabuci. All that and the loot is a Boarding 1-3 book and some rig repairs. Wasted hour of my night when all I had time to do was sail out to find one, fight and than sale back to port to head to bed. Real if your going to make a freaking ship an elite ship the loot/or ship reward needs to be elite. Last night I did a SC and it was a shabby green ship, but luckly that dropped a note so the reward wasn't to bad. Still elite ships should be giving something better than no perks, bonus or decent woods. Specially when it's so hard to kill them in equal or close to equal ships for most folks. Well off to bed as I feel my hour and half to play tonight was pretty much wasted.
  9. And I agree shouldn't get them for the missions, just the travel from one port to another goes to what ship you have. Even if they only do it after you max rank would be better than nothing. The other thing they could do is give trade ships XP boost in combat since they normally don't do a lot of damage or fighting, but what little they do they get more xp than one would normally get in a war ship.
  10. I still have a few. I might just have to send a char out hunting. @admin make sure they respond through out the day so all folks get a chance at them. I’m still working crappy hours but want to try this event. Also don’t have all in big fleets so folks can solo some of them.
  11. Because this game isn't about only fighting. It's a crafting, exploring, trading, fighting, etc.....not every one wants to just fight all the time. So why try to take something away from there play style? Have you even tried to grind slots on a trade ship? I bet you haven't. Even if you just attack other trade ships you do so little damage you get so little xp that it takes for ever to open slots. I actually run with combat fitted trade ships and rarely get tagged in my Indanman, but in a trader brig your pretty much sunk in the first broad side by bigger ships. XP is off damage done not off survival or escape. When trade ships rarely do damage they don't get xp. Unlike your combat ship you prob have all your slots unlocked on and a bunch of good mods on.
  12. Xp for sea travel needs to go towards ships too. Never understood why this didn't happen as it was very little xp, but that would add up for folks that use trade ships in the long run.
  13. I said this many times, make permits available in the Admiralty shop for VM's or other goods so they have more use like CM's and doubloons. Keep the random drop in loot tables as a free way to get them. You will see a lot more of the rare ships pop up if you do this. I'm with others out of all the chest I open I gotten few permits and never the ones I wanted. I have to buy Reno permits cause I never get them in chest. I love having loot, but I hate having things locked behind the LUCK of RNG cause RNG GODS hate me. I'm the guy that all was will roll a 1 when I need a 20. It's gotten even worse since I become a casual player cause of my current work hours (basically working 7/12's). So what little time I get on I don't want it to be chasing the luck of RNG or grinding trade runs to make money. I would like it to be out hunting/fighting and having fun.
  14. It's in alpha man, and they have done a bunch of patches since than. Might just be best to start over as a lot has changed. I have old saves that I can't play cause of this which I just deleted and started a new play. I would more worry if something like this happened after release of the game, but the game is not released. We are here to test the builds as they work on them.
  15. @admin once mentioning they where think of a way to allow Nations to take care of alt clans, dead or just bad clans not helping nation. The easiest way I can see is a vote system where so many clans vote and than something happens to the port. Like lets do an NPC raid on that port. If it's a dead clan, clan that has one member or alt clan that doesn't have enough players to defend than they loose the port, it goes neutral and some one else can pick up the port. Again the only way to activate this is it has to take say 5-10 clans voting (maybe even doubloons payment from each clan). The clans will need to be restricted to maybe land owners or over so many members to keep from random alt clans from doing this or clans that been in a nation for a certain amount of time. Since there is no timer on that port it could be raided at any time making harder for the clan to get support to defend it. Active clans can get timers and support to stop a raid if it's used as a means of inter war between a group of clans against another clan. I bring this up cause a lot of the ports dutch lost since release where ports that didn't have timers or was held by inactive clans so we couldn't put timers on them or change the list of defenders. It really hurt us on the front line loosing certain ports (along with the fact you don't know the two ports they can do hostility on).
  16. I wasn't the only one having problems. Though others where US based such as me as it was during US prime time, but since I don't have the IP of the server I can't do a trace route to see if there was an issue between me and the game server. When I gave up it was 10pm CST which would of been around 4-5am server time.
  17. Well my game pings been around 300-900 and I keep getting dropped. So much for playing on my one day off. I'm going to give up since got work tomorrow. Figure might as well since it keeps dropping me while I'm making a run.
  18. I always open my chest in a ships hull so they don't get mixed up with my warehouse stuff. Though tonight the servers are being really laggy for me so that could be the issue that it's lagging the results. Oh and mission chest don't give doubloons, only mods. The mission reward would go into your chest though, make sure your not maxed out as you can only hold 10000 doublons in your portable chest. That could be the problem to so check on that.
  19. Servers have both been very laggy tonight with ping going from normal for me 120-130 all the way up to 1300. It seems to be effecting some players and not others. So don't know if it's something between the US and the server or if it's the server it self doing it. Figure I drop a post for others to post if they are affected.
  20. The scaling still seems off. I lost two battles and said screw it. Might go back and try easy again but I shouldn't be force to play in easy. And I'm not running around in 3rd rates as this was just the 3rd and 4th UK missions. I'm getting out gun and crew by the ships it places no matter if I bring one 5th rate or 2-3 7-6th rates. Which I don't get how a 9 lb Cerberus frigate is doing more damage than a 12lb Herm in broad sides, but they are melting my armor and they have more crew so I can't board them as it's 280 crew with ai board mods vs my 270 and no boarding epuiptment (can't afford it).
  21. Only clan creator and Diplomats can do it, so you need to have trusted officers in those position. The reason for 4 folks total is cause Clan leaders have gone MIA and some of us have real lives so can't be on all the time. If you don't have folks you trust in those position or in your clan than you might want to think about who all you let in. Than again there is a reason I have an alt clan to store all /MY/ stuff in so if some one was to sabotage a clan I'm in or lead of we have back up. Than again I don't let any random person be officer but I also don't keep it so strict no one can get into the clan warehouse either. If one of the Diplomats set it to neutral than they have other issues in there clan to worry about.
  22. They need to have another option to lock investments flat out or lock to clan only, but still allow friendly clans to use the port. Cause destroying an accidental investment isn't exactly cheap either. Though I also agree there should be some sort of log of who invest to help clans give credit to those that help or to see who is putting stuff in that doesn't need to be. The problem with that is that any friendly clans can't use the port if you set that. They should have the two seperate options of friendly clans that can use the port but can't invest cause you have it locked to clan or officers only.
  23. Maybe keep dlc traits random but allow players that craft ships to pick the perk they want with a chance at the normal or better. Cramp vs very cramp. Fast vs very fast.
  24. Wrong alts are nothing more than multi players of the game. Me and my 6 chars aren’t doing anything 6 well organized players can do. Except I can’t fight with all 6 of my chars at the same time. Done 2-3 before but that was a pain. If your getting your arse beat by one guy runing more than one char I hate to say alts isn’t your problem in a game where skill does matter.
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