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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. One of the biggest problem with just about every game is you will never make every one happy. I think if they fix combat rewards would help even more. Right now the harvest fee's aren't extremely bad, but if you cut them than what some folks are making off those items will reduce and hurt that market. What we need it means to get other income than just trading. I have gotten pretty much little to nothing most PvP fights I been in. High Risk and little reward when it should be High Risk and High Reward. I can get more from PvE solo than I can from PvP. They nerfed PvP reward down to crap in event to prevent abuse, so now it's not even worth doing it other than for the thrill of the hunt. So now most folks are just grinding PvE instead of PvPing cause it gives the greater reward and that is helping for every one that is cash broke right now.
  2. The last few PvP fights i been in I haven't gotten a single reward cause I only shot at sails to tag the player in and slow them down for the bigger guys. Since I didn't do enough damage to register an assist or kill I got nothing. I go do a PvE battle solo I can make 60K a battle (two 5th rates vs my 3rd). Take little to no damge that I can't just repair back in port and get around 500 or so xp and around 7 PvE marks. The risk vs rewards are messed up. PvP should be high risk and high rewards. Instead it's high risk and almost zero rewards. Most the time we been just keeping the ships cause by time you split the reward you don't get crap. The same with PvE even though you still get a decent split, but that money drops to a third of what I was making solo and same with the xp and PvE marks. So this game is encouraging the best reward is not to play as a group, but to solo PvE. On PvP Global I been in two big port battles. One deep water and the other shallow. Both portbattles we won and got our CM. The actuall rewards in port battle was about 1 PvP mark even though I had gotten a good number of assit and kills in each. That is only 2-3 marks from a big fight. That is way to low of a reward for that big of a fight cause you have to share every thing with any one else that got the kill or assit of each person you did damage with. Not a very good system. Works great in PvE, but not in PvP.
  3. I'm kinda with KoC on this one simply cause they said we where going to get away from the rare gold mod drops of things like Marines and such. They did that pretty much for most things, but some things like the Copper Plating and such should be craftabe not just a random drop. I'm fine with most of the BP's being random drops or bought like they are for the refits but some of these mods that can't be crafted need to be brought into those level of things.3 I also think every nation should get there refits for free and not pay the PvE marks for them. Like Pirates get the Pirate Refit. British the British one, and Fench theirs..etc ...etc. Other nations can still buy them or get them from drops, but this just means every one gets the one for their nation for free. I would make the elite one only craftable by that nation too or rare dropped. This will give each nation something they have that other nations don't have that they can trade with. These are the non-craftbale mods that only drop that I know of. I don't know why we even have two pumps, but these should all be craftable by all players. Maybe give them a crafting rank so you can only craft certain ones at certain levels as you level up. Coles-Bentinck Pump NONE | WATER_PUMP_BAILING | 7% WATER_PUMP | MODULE_BASE_HP | 70% Copper Plating NONE | SHIP_MAX_SPEED | 5% Additional Brake Pumps NONE | WATER_PUMP_BAILING | 5% Sir William Congreves Sights DECK_ALL | CANNON_DISPERSION_PER100M | CANNON_DISPERSION_VERTICAL_PER100M | -5%
  4. It says mostly deaf....Hard of Hearing not that he's totally. Though with that OP it's a good question if you can hear some or will just need typed commands if your in battle with others. As Koltes has said BLOOD is our more relaxed side to let folks level up and for those that aren't as big into the RvR and constant PvP but still want to be part of the group. @Ruthless4u if your willing to switch over to Pirate side on PvP GLOBAL we will be more than welcome to take you under our wings and help you. Oh just to let folks know I'm low tone deaf in my left ear and have over 50% hearing lost in that ear and a good bit in the right. While I can understand most folks say as long as there isn't a billion folks talking at once or a lot of background noise I still function pretty normal for a player. I don't let most folks know this even RL as I don't want i to be a handy cap, but I some times have to resort to reading lips in loud places or turning so I can mostly hear them on my right side. I also suffer from Dysgraphia which is a form of learning deficiency dealing primary with handwriting and finger sequencing (why you will notice I get a lot of letters out of place when I type in game) along with ADD and Dyslexia. So I know how it is to have a disablilites but I have lived a very normal life over the years. So I don't take very kindly to folks making fun of any one with them.
  5. Next time pull the ship out of your fleet, you can do it instead of getting a new basic cutter.
  6. They need to list them like this. PvP GLOBAL - Unrestricted global server PVP EU - Restricted EU port battle timers PVE - Carebear Server No PvP server This will give the Global more chance to get players as many folks all ways pick the top of the list. Maybe turn off the population of server at time part for a while. Maybe and I hate to say this give PvP Global players an Incentive to play over there instead of GLOBAL. It seems there are still tons of players that only staying on GLOBAL cause they have clans that don't want to start over and have to make new. Would be a good way to test redeemebles off some steam codes that they could use for one server or the other.
  7. Since they killed demasting for our main guy that does it all the time he was going to test this but now isn't going to. We do know that armor thickness and HP both cap out at 20%
  8. I did go to pick up a bottle and it was 400 wieght so couldn't get it with me Reno. Will have to go in something bigger now.
  9. Are 10 other friends in the same dorm as you that have the game and some of them might play other nations. IP address aren't locked to one person. I remember in the past one game did this and they lost a lot of players cause the majority of the players where college kids living in dorms and such. So they had to take the restrictions off. Back than I would play other factions so I could fight against my friends instead of just being all ways on the same team.
  10. We just want them to have to carry them so we can loot them.
  11. I wouldn't want to haul all those to any port I want to attack or defend cause of the weight. How about a better solution......make them so you can't trade them with other nations and than decrease the weights so you can hall more than a couple at a time. That way you can bring in a few trade ships full of them escorted. Drop the war supplies and get out of there while the rest of the team begins grinding.
  12. I know many of the refits need them (silver coins at least). Though I would love a break down option for some mats so I can just break them down if I'm not going to use them. I have only used silver coins for refits, but have yet to find a use for the gold coins.
  13. How now I shower when it rains or the waves splash on me..... Though really it was more something fitting for the arena game and not an Open World Sandbox. I'm sure the other game will have an option to set up them.
  14. Have ya'll looked at the PvP Global times, the window for no port battle needs to move up 2 hours. It was never changed from when the maintenance down time was moved forward. Right now Port battles can be scheduled when the game is down for updates and there is a big 4 hour window before down time you can't do them either.
  15. Yah I don't get them, prob cause they have never used it properly or keep hitting the V key and or switching into it by accident. I use it all the time when I strip down some armor and going broad side to broad side. I found that if you use Random I get more crew/cannon hit box than the other two. Maybe it's just blind luck with RNG or something, but I use it just as much I use the Foward and Back modes.
  16. You where suppose to do all that before the patch. If you have not been in game for a long time or not every made a char on that server you won't get any of your old XP/Rank. What server did you play on before?
  17. Have you seen the new Mechwarrier and Battletech games suppose to come out soon? I still play MWOL ever once in while cause I have so many mechs, but it's just a kill a few hours here or there thing not something I can just sit and play all day. No story, but the two new ones I'll prob get for sure.
  18. If it's just these arena matches it's going to get boring as hell. Though if they do an open world and you can make clans and fight each other other then in these events than I might pick it up on sale or something later just to have a side fun game. While I liked most Ubisoft games but I tend to get bored of them fast after beating them cause they are so repeative and lack actual story to them. Love the open world fighting stuff and all, just not doing the same type of mission over and over.
  19. I do think this how the Devs have answered such things like this. There where spy's and traitors in every nation. As long as you don't kill your own atls or other members of your nation alts to gain the hostility it's fair game play and as Hobo Said it only brings it up to 50%, you still have to grind out the rest and that gives the Defenders time to respond and stop you if they want. And remember it works both ways. Up to 50% for the Attackers, and Down to 50% for the Defenders. Even with the 50% help it's still a bitch to grind up certain regions as there is some area's very few fleets. We where doing the Spanish and it was like every thing was French or GB but not Spanish in the areas so we started to just War Bomb them to start them out and get flipped when we wanted to. Never used war supplies before other for defense, looks like we will be using them now though.
  20. I know your problem....you need to return to the dark side....lol Yah with the mast changes I think they need to bump repairs back to 15 mins cool down. Every time I gotten some one mast down or just the tops they where able to pop a repair and have the sail back. With the Meta being fast ships sails are what folks go for and why there was so much demasting in the past. Even knocking down one or part of a mast some of these speed ships will out run a lot of tanky ships. We have guys that refuse to play speed ships and I don't think they have fired a shot against another player cause either us fast ships get the target down and fight over before they catch up or the one being chase gets away. In Light ships the snow is the only thing with chasers to it's pretty much the only hunter ship that can keep folks int he fight unless they are slow as hell that ships like Privateers can keep in fights.
  21. Yah that would be the Niagara or the Heavy Rattler (give every one the plan one and let the pirates have the heavy). This will make pirates the Master of the Shallows and the other Natiosn can have there SOL. Keep all BP's/Permits tradeable and ships able to be capture and that means if you don't have it in your shop you can trade for them or capture. I all ready have some one in a Nation contact me to make them a Pirate Frigate. I gave him a very steep price but he said he will get back to me when he gets the cash or the PvP Mark trade I told him. I listed the PvP Marks as a very low amount to as we aren't hurting for them as other nations are. If you want one of these ships from me atleast your going to to pay for it. Hell I haven't even built one for myself as I need to unlock up to the Frigate first.
  22. That is a little better cause it means you can be an expert of a ship, but if you want to master it you need a bit from the other. Though I would say keep it to the third slot of the ship below it so that you don't have to do ever ship below. Lynx would still need Basic Cutter 3 but instead it's at the 4th slot. Privateer needs the Basic Cutter 3 but instead at the 4th slot Mercury needs the Privateer 3 slots to unlock the 4th slot. and so forth. So you can have a three slot ship without unlocking something below, but you want to become a master of it you need to have 3 slots on the ships below it.
  23. Yah been sine patch though not every 30 mins but been 3 times since servers came back up for me that I got to go under the sea.
  24. Your a nat. I'm a pirate PVPER that likes to raid all over the place. To do that more effective and do my econ as I'm a clan crafter than yes I need more than one outposts. The outpost isn't the money sink, it's the dang dock space. 5 fills up real fast and the first one to unlock is 250K. I would love to see how much the last one was compared to testbed was over 26 million (17 slots open).
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