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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Just going off what Admin said here.....apparently it's not suppose to be 1...
  2. Santo Domingo didn't pay out 3 this morning only 1 according to the Danes on PvP Global and same with San Juan region as they own both and they are 3 point regions.
  3. They should be a bit hard to get but I like getting them as loot drops.
  4. Is there any way pirates can get some ship that need them in the Pirates Den. The low level SOL permits are nice, but now that I have an Aggy BP that is all I'll spend it on and I shouldn't be going through those to fast. Would be nice if we got a shallow water ships or something 4th rate or below in the shop since we are suppose to be the master of the shallows and light ships. I think the repair cool down is a good step, we might change the time between repairs now since there is a shared cool down. I was feeling the 10 mins was to short with the none share as folks would constantly spam repairs in battle. We will test and give feed back.
  5. And I want to know what a PB grade ship is? We don't have the Heavy Rattler so I'm goign to bet the Mercury will return alonog with the Navy Brig to being port battle ships in shallow waters. Still think the HEavy ratterl BP needs to be in the Pirate Den....lol
  6. What I think is funny the only thing I have said is, "We told them we are taking this port." And we did. If brits attack you we might help, we might not. If ya'll attack us we might take them all, we might not. There is not agreement between us. We only let ya'll know our intentions with those ports and right now all we wanted was Cap Fran. It's even more sad they are so paranoid they have to screen shot every convo on global or what not. I'm a BLACK clan member I'm not the clan leader so I can say many things, that doesn't mean I speak for all of the Pirates or even the clan I'm in. And clan agreements don't speak for the whole nation. I been hearing a lot of chatter that PvP2 guys are telling PvP1 guys what to do cause they want there old carebear alliance back. Sooner or later I'm sure they will get sick of it and do there own thing. Maybe this will start the great US/BRIT war we all been waiting for since Aug last year....lol But I'm leaving this thread alone it's going to turn into the drama crap that it did on PvP2. Notice the same two guys have jump in so fast to start speaking for others.
  7. I would honestly let a lot more low level and new players go with their goods and ship if there was such. I mean I'm a pirate after all. Just pay me to leave you alone. Had a guy offer me 200K to night sink him last night, but am I to trust him to pay me at the closes freeport? Hell no I don't even trust my own more (just joking mom and love you was just getting into char). I still sunk him well him and his trader cause it was empty and I got more from the kill than the capture. Poor guy prob back at KPR broke with nothing else...oh wait he had 200K to give me.....
  8. The problem is that folks shouldn't have to trade to get money. They should be able to loot traders and kills ships to support there econ too. The rewards for PvE and even PvP is a bit to low compared to how it use to be. The way to get rich fast is to do trade goods and that honestly is boring as hell. I spend most my day running around trading and not PvPing like I like.
  9. I don't even remember the last game I actually bought that had a Manual. Hell most of them didn't even have a tutorial. It's like games aren't made with them any more cause you can just go on youtube and get some free walk through on how to start up and play a game.
  10. I think freetowns should be limited to level 2 at the most. Though the point is he got the goods from raiding solo. And what guys don't get is that all you have to do is wait for him to come out and raid him back. We catch traders all the time going in and out of those free towns. They have to get the goods some where.
  11. Why do you have to play in groups? I been solo hunting off hours when most my clan members aren't on and I been getting tons of PvP and trade goods off lone players making runs. You just have to go out there and then pick spots that aren't going to have heavy traffic where they will have back up. I also been getting a lot of solo play in the shallows of the Bahamas. RvR isn't meant for solo players. Any games that have such you will see it's mainly Clan vs Clan base, though nothing stopping that solo player from getting a ton of agro and going to the port battle. Yah if you show up in a crappy ship your prob going to get screamed at. We all ways have about 5 slots open in our port battles that are filled mostly by clanless are small clan players. Not every port battles has to be just about one clan. Get a bunch of small clan members and solo together and flip your own port. If you get all the agro points than you will all get in before any large clan members. Why should a solo player that did nothing reap the rewards that a large clan work did? So you want in than get off your arse and do some agro to flip a port so you have your slot to fight in that Port Battle.
  12. The larger group alts or not is all ways going to beat the smaller groups. I think it's funny how much guys freak out about alts so much when they are only a very small part of our actual player base. For ever player with an alt there is prob about 100 players without. Which means there is way more players countering anything that the one guy with an alt might do in the economy and what not. A 100 member clan with no alts will always out perform 5 guys with 5 alts unless they don't work together. Cause there is no way 25 guys will out perform 100 players that are working together. Now the problem is that they don't work together and so they get out performed economy wise by those 25 players. And the Devs have all ready said there will maybe be a premium shop in the future. But remember before POTBS was a F2P game and had Premium shop it allowed alts too. A single player account will never out perform a clan or large group so what exactly is your point? Solo players will never match 5 guy clans, 100 guy clans or one player with and alt or two. If they want to perform at that level they need to join a clan and work with others. Why shouldn't the organized clans that bust there butts not get there 1st rates. Alts or not they are still going to get them before any lazy solo player or an unorganized clan or nation that doesn't work together no matter if they have 1000 players. If they don't work together they won't get a head against 1/10th of organized players in a small nation or clan. Most of the anti alt guys have no clue what they are talking about. Actually having alts is harder in a way. It's more work. Specially with the current patch where it cost more to do things, you have to grind the gold to fund each of those accounts production. Alts are not just an instant click and win. 100 guys will always out perform 5 guys with 5 alts by shear numbers no matter what. I think the Paranoia is one of the biggest problems. These guys want to blame every thing on something else instead of actually doing team work and getting things done. They will come up with every excuse why the other big clans are doing so well instead of actually working on there own clans and getting things done and being like those other clans. Real like there was spy and traitors, we have that in game too. Those spies and traitors are such a small number. We are talking like less than 10% of the player base that might have actual alts in other nations and use them that way. Hell a lot of my info I get from one nation isn't from an alt. It's a player with no alts that trades with me for ships and goods cause his Nation won't help the little guys out. Instead they want to jump at every shadow and think every new player is an alt or spy instead of helping them and getting a stronger united nation. Even if you have 1000 alts you still have 10K players that don't have alts and that will always out perform what ever the 1000 alts will do. Unless they all run around like they are chickens with there heads cut off and won't work with each other and 10K lone wolves will never get the same done as any organized groups. The first ship I ever built was made from goods I raided from traders of other nations when I started this game and was a solo player with no alts. I got the goods way faster than I could of from making them myself. You be surprise what folks haul around escorted. Since I have gotten many traders with every thing to make 1st rates or other big ships in them. Saved me tons of time and resources.
  13. This would be good to know if a hotfix patch note was posted and not 22 pages into a post. Yah we noticed something was odd with the rum after it burnign through a lot while grinding argo for a port. Will let the guys know it's a bug.
  14. AI do not give you a recently killed mark, you have to be killed by a player to get that tag. Well unless it's bugged like it has been a few times for some.
  15. Well you still got PvP didn't you? lol
  16. Really I would say droping CM from 3 to 1 in some areas kinda significant. Though I agree this is prob a smart thing to do, but I'm all ready hearing folks bitching about it. I'm not as spoiled as them and happy with the 2 a day I get (from two regions). To many folks are greedy. Now if I can just have some BP's to spend them on instead of having to bribe some national or alt to get them for me. Like some nice 4th-6th rates the nats don't have....cause I'm a Pirate...that would be nice...hint hint hint. So did ya'll change some of the CM pay out for some regions?
  17. LOL they might not like the PvP they get and be short a ship, but hay they got it. Since patch I lost all my ships in this regions. Around La Tort and in the Mort region. I have yet to loose out side. TO be honest I think it's more dangerous around ones capital than it is if you go out there hunting at some one else.
  18. Hell even if it's just: Patchnotes - Tweeked some data and fine tune prices is better than nothing at all.....
  19. Look in your admiralty shop. can't remember how many, but you can buy a labor contract with them now. 10 CM's for one contract, just checked.
  20. Keep them dirty brits out of our waters.....lol Well it's more the Americans we don't want in them. I kinda wished the zones where mixed up a bit more so it wasn't really just two nations with all the main shallow ports. Though there are a few of them spread out around the map that isn't in Bahamas. Going to wonder what the shallow water main ship will be now that we don't have Rattler or Heavy rattler in game currently. I need to test the crew resistance against grape on a shallow water ships. The biggest problem has all ways been lately is folks go for nothing but grapping in shallows cause it's so easly to do.
  21. I still think they are hiding in the GoM making there Iron Armada and when they finally decide to strike back they are going to crush us all...lol Do wish they had more players and could take a stand.
  22. And ever time the get tagged and cry in National char we say, "DID YOU BRING AN ESCORT?" ....yah most of them don't and that is why they get tagged in that area. That is where I lost one of my Trader Brigs and than a Surprise trying to help some one early after the patch. Lost another trader brig to the same French Privateers out side of Ocean Brites. All pretty much in our own waters. So it's not just the pirates that do the hunting, got some good players out there on all sides.
  23. Right now with all the traders we are running very speedy taggers for the most part. I took an indefatigable from the US last night in that same area. It's nice hunting so that is why we are there. As to why we actually defended the port too. As I mention in the other post some of these guys are so predictable you can be half a sleep and still get them.
  24. We have 1st rates? And I"m not talking about me trolling Global and telling folks I have a Bucc or Joba saying something about a 1st rate he doesn't have (oh and he's not in BLACK and hasn't been for some time). These guys believe anything they hear in Global chat or that some one tells them. Yes we have some 4th rates and maybe a few low SOL's but they are ones we can get the permits from Pirate Den. The Aggy, 3rd rate and Bellona we can get the permits from in the Pirates Den now, but we don't have the BP's. So the Devs expect folks to buy them from other players or trader them. Alt use for that isn't abuse or against the rules. We did buy the BP's and permits when the patch allowed you to get them for PvP marks. We pooled all our resources together and got them. Cause we know we prob wil be far behind on the Conquest stuff and we don't even want to own much other than a few regions around our capital and other spots to use for raids. You don't need spies or alts to know where folks hang out. You go to KPR hang off to the side and watch them come and go without escorts. Than you go in for the kill. Every trader gives you 1 PvP mark. You get something bigger like the Indefatigable I got last night and that was I think 2. He was caught in the Keys heading towards the Gulf I assume for the PB's there as US expands. I have caught a lot of traders in that same area buying pirate goods to sale in free towns. I sale the goods and chunk the ships to get the PvP marks. One guy even had a bunch of PvE marks in his ships. Another clan mate caught some one with a bunch of PvP marks in his ship. We don't have to cheat, the US and Brits feed us. The majority of the players I kill are not new players. It's RA's that been in the game for a long time. They are so predictable. Lets take when the US had most of Bahamas. They would get Silver out of Sandy Point. We would pretty much sit out side the port and capture and kill them over and over. They had half a dozen other silver ports to use in there alliance but they keep using that one. So we would just head up there and kill them over and over. Though to them it was more profitable to maybe get your cargo out half the time than to move further away. If you know where some one econ is and major resources it's not hard to find you some victims. It's called working smarter not harder. While most of the other nations are rushing to get dots on the maps we have been killing the crap out of them and taking their goods and some times ships. TEAM WORK is why we are so effective. The big nations spend way to much time bickering and fight with each other and who is boss or king of the nations or thinking every new player is an alt of some one that they are doing more damage to them selves than we have ever done. I mean look at the past it was only 15-20 guys that took one of the to biggest nations on PvP2 down to 11 ports and the other to 1 port. I really don't joke when I say it has all ways been 15-20 guys. Just look at all the battle screen shots and you will see it's the same names over and over.
  25. This would also be a good reason for the Pirates to have shallow water ships in the Pirate Den that other nations don't have since they don't have the Aggy and SOL BP's Niagara Rattler Rattler Heavy All would be good ships to pick, even though the Niagara can't go into shallow water port battles. Pirates should be the masters of the shallow waters and light ships, while the Nations the heavy and SOL's. It would balance the shop a bit more fair like. Nationals can still get the BP's and Permits by trading or capturing the ships just like how pirates can get the Aggy and SOL's. Pluss what the hell happend to the Ingermanland? I get the Wappen and SC are special ships, why are all the others removed with no replacements? And sounds like this only rewards the big nations. Small nations with less land will never be bale to have the big ships to compete with the bigger nations in any battles.
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