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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. And who exactly told you they won't show up? Prob the same folks that told ya'll we wouldn't show up for a certian other port battle? Did you actually talk to any French clans? That was the exact same excuse US used when they took Texas and LA from them on PvP2. Oh there was going to be no French that will show and it was funny the active french did show up but they couldn't beat a steam roll of 25+ US/GB/Dutch players when they had not been aggressive to the US. Just like I bet ya'll are going to take all the Spanish ports too and not leave them anything to maybe some day grow if some players actually show up in that nation. And I would love to see this screen shot of what I said. I say a lot of things that doesn't mean I speak for every one in France or Pirates or even BLACK. What I did say and we will stick to it is that if they where attacked we would probably (notice the word I use here) come screen for the PvP since they are a small nation and we would prefer to have a passive small nation in our back yard than an aggressive large nation. I do believe we basically told them we are taking Cap Fran a head of time to warn them and told them we won't mess with them as long as they stay out of our back yard. That isn't exactly an alliance or truce. As far as I know any French or Pirate for the most part is fair game for each other to kill on the OW. Why are US and Brit even talking about Truce and or alliances. Each of you prob out number all the other nations combined by yourself. You should be very much at war and drawing those lines, but from past history we know that they tend to turn into a bunch of carebears and maybe trade one port back and forth as they pick on smaller nations and take all the ports until the small nations have nothing but there capital. Prove to us that isn't going to be the case, but throwing out threats that you will unit if any other nation makes any truce or alliance between them selves is being nothing but a bunch of bullies and ya'll talk about fair play? Pirates will attack who ever we want at ports even if it's empty port battles cause we want PvP. If you don't want that than bring a better screening fleet. Some one has to protect the Spanish after all. Ya'll still haven't shown any proof of organized farming of marks. Telling a nation your going to take a region while they are in another port battle isn't farming them. It's called tactics. Even though we didn't pick it to be that way one could see it was picked to attack France and take it when they where busy with other more important things. This means less chance of any one showing up to defend it. Though we where kind enough to let them know that was the only port we plan at this time to take and we are taking it. Most small nations are when they are getting Zerg by larger nations that refuse to fight each other but instead pick on smaller nations that can't match numbers or defend there selves. Honestly I want to grab our few zones around our capital and sit back and PvP in the OW and see what exactly US and GB are planing to do, but with GB/Dutch making an alliance (you can call it what ever you want but it still is one even if just clan vs clan). Than US/GB saying they might make some truce if any other nations make one that doesn't look like a promising thing of ever seeing them do anything other than just flip one port back and forth....which isn't that pretty much mark farming they claim the Pirates and France have done?
  2. Would be nice if you can pick your perks and than see the point count with all them, but they aren't set until you push a button to set perks. That way folks can make sure they use up all there points or pick what they want in game. With the no free reset this would be way better for new players that might not know what each perks or might change minds a billion time while reading them. Than once you set the ones you want you push that button and they are all set until it's reset again by the 50 pve reset token.
  3. One of my best moves to do when out numner is simple. Turn and go right through the middle of the chasing group. Specially if they are a bunch of slow bad turning ships. They will loose to much wind trying to turn and get after me it normally gives me enough head start to get away. I will load chain before I do it and hit sails as i pass them to slow them down. Though with the current repairs and such I think this might be a bit harder to do. Will see if I get caught in a bad spot. Either way I make them run for it and spread them out. Had one group spread out enough I was able to kill there fastest ship/tagger and than escape before the big guys caught up. Though the hulls vs sails have won us many a fights. We still have like 60% sails while they are sinking and we just need to pop a repair and back into the fight while they are down numbers and dropping like flies.
  4. Sad ya'll had to take the hit so early, but I think ya'll might of held it if you had equal numbers and maybe some better ships. It's just so far away for ya'll and so early in the game. You would think if Brits and Dutch are making an Allaince US would take you under there wing and help ya'll. Not to mention now those ports won't prodce french goods. Maybe next time. Good fight over all.
  5. Balance cause it has way more guns of any other ship of it's class. So its basically your glass cannon
  6. I'm not exactly sure how the numbers work but what they do is take the points of agro put on that port and than divide it up. If the port hasn't been flipped in a long time and alot of points has been grinned on both sides over a long time it will be much higher. I remember the last time Kidds was attacked it was 12K to be the first to get in. That cause we had good counter defense to stop flips until one day they war bombed up while waiting on fleets they had finish to it spiked up so fast we couldn't counter it even with our own war supplies. Cause ever thing been wiped clean that is why we are seeing so low numbers. I think our last two been 350+ to get in cause it's only a few of us that grind and not the whole nation. True and not every alt is abused and such. Though if they trueely wanted to report these actions they should of done it in the proper place to. Oh and BLACK clan members have been spoken to about such actions and aren't to be involved with said player in such actions that might further his alts and what not. He isn't a clan member and we don't want that stain put upon us. Please report any abuse or exploits if you find them through the proper channels.
  7. Repair in battle and it will cost you a lot less, you have 15 mins after the end of the battle before you have to leave for the OW. It's a price you pay if you want to raid away from home. In port repairs will always be the best cost saving way to do them. Yah I don't get why solo players think it's so hard. I did it for over 6 months myself when I was just being a more relaxed player and didn't want a clan or what not and I still was able to buy hand me down ships back than cheaper than new bought one or even one from the store. You will rarely now find me in a ship that wasn't crafted by me or a clan mate though. I think the only time I been in a store bought ship was something fast to make it some where that I didn't have a ship in that area but did have a port and was needed or fireships.....BOOM.....though even now it's cheaper to make them or just use a captured ship for such. Yah those fat finger moments can be a pain. Done the wrong builds or even left off the quilty slid bar (made green ship instead of exceptional) before. Always double check before you build something...lol
  8. The number is for all ports. You can have one port with 20 ships (the max dock space) or 10 ports with 2 ships each or a mix of such. Just a heads up on testbed 17 slots was like 26 millions. They dropped the price a few hotfix back so no clue what it is now. Also to all ways remember your fleet ships count as part of that pool as you have to remove them from fleet to jump to another friendly outpost.
  9. How many ships do you have....he prob has 6 ships and only 5 slots so he can't telport out of that port until he removes one of them or expands his dock space.
  10. No I'm saying I unlock a ship and I give it to you to unlock. Than when you get your 3 slots you give it back to me. Now that ship is unlocked for you and you can move on to the next ship in the tree. That way you don't have to buy and craft a new ship. The clan just passed one ship around so every one can unlock there ship knowlege instead of having 25 pickles you just use one and trade it around clan members.
  11. If your in a clan just trade the ships. That is what most of us been doing with the light ships. I'm sure we will prob do the same with the bigger ones. Trade it, go fleet grinding to unlock slots and than give it back to the owner or for the smaller ships to some one that hasn't unlocked that ship.
  12. Yah I get that part, but was just checking that was the new tree. Cool much better. Might go back to some small ships and grind them now.
  13. If this is the new Knowledge tree it's way better than the old one cause you don't have to master the ship below, just become an expert in it. It's a good step forward from what we had. Still not a fan of having to grind so much on the ship below, but this way better than before. So what I'm seeing is it's only the 3rd slot that you need to unlock something else under it (except the Cerberus) and than the 4th and 5th slot is just grind on that ship?
  14. We got another set of forged papers this morning so this would really be a good thing for folks to check and decide to change nations.
  15. @admin Looks like every one just got another copy of forged papers? Now if we can get a copy of the current server population of each nation so folks can see if they want to change nations. Than maybe another one at the end of the month to see if we can balance them out more.
  16. Since I don't play on PvE you might want to make a thread about it and gather some info and date. Not many of us on PvP servers are in SOl's yet so we haven't really tested them much. There could be problems with the BR match up. I'm sure the Devs would love this data gather for them to help out if any thing needs to be tweeked. It might help us on PvP servers by time we get up into the big boys. You know since we actually have to craft them and not capture. Kinda would like to see what those capture ships builds look like from the AI's.
  17. NOOBS? Really 99% of the folks I seen in basic cutters trolling are Rear Admrial rank not some one that just started the game. Those where the folks that abused them over the past week or two. Not the new players just learning the game. It was old time players that where maxed rank or close to it trolling other players in a risk free high rewards ship.
  18. Before patch they have all ways spawned 2-3 more ships than your side had. The thing is your side AI was removed and they are meant to have 4-6 players in them. So if you go in with one ships than they are going to have more ship than you. I'm sorry if you can't sink like AI ships in a battle with 1-3 more ships than you, maybe you don't need to be in those ships. IF you have 4 1st rates and your matched against 2 1st rates and saying 2-4 2nd rates you should still be able to wipe the floor against AI. If your having problems with those odds you might want to take a step back and down grade to a lower tier ship and or look at the builds of your ships and how you have your perks and gun set up. My clan has solo fought those mega fleets of 25 on open world with 12-16 1st/2nd rates and no ship lost. That is almost a 2 to 1 odds against us. This was almost an instant 50-60% agro for a region and flip for port battles. Now we don't have that many SOL's yet but I would say with current combat changes and ships builds I wouldn't try that odds just yet. Maybe ya'll are just biting off to much than you can chew. Stop going in there with just a few guys. Get a full group of 4-6 guys or even 12 and do them.
  19. When they had the treasure fleet events this is kinda what we where expecting. An Epic Fleet with some Indiamans or LGV's in them that have loot for you to capture. Now with the cargo loot thing it could work but they need to not allow us to over stack a ship so you have to bring a Trader with you in these events. It could be a cool way to make Epic Events Epic again.
  20. And this is something we seen in the past with certian nations that are some of the biggest wonder why they struggle so hard. They don't help each other out and they are so quick to stab each other in the back. If they would help each other out and the new players they would be in way better shape. Don't blame others where you are't willing to help your own nation.
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  21. Sounds like a bunch of pirates being pirates. Maybe you need to get some escorts and help protect your waters?
  22. It doesn't send you into the port. You are telported to the front of the port on the OW. Just like the return to capital. That port might just not be friendly. It's suppose to be means to get unstuck if something goes bad not some free telport back home.
  23. Burningsails says that trip should be 3.4 days (1 hour, 8 mins est) @ 19kts. So even with the round trip that is two hours. No one said you had to make your cannon production in Belize and or main econ port being KPR. Move to a port that is more central for all your econ. We went over this before when you where complaining about coal and other things. Pick a smarter location to shorten your trip between all your resources. You don't have to make that trip every day too. If you get into a bigger trader or bring more than one with some clan mates make a big trip once every couple of days. Make sure both ways is profitable for every one. Work smarter not harder....
  24. Which is still sooner than many games allow. Many of them won't let you do any PvP until you have level up so many levels (something like level 10 our of 50). So if you want to get into PvP there is the Cutter and Lynx of that level that you can get into or other ships as you level up. Love this change as it stops the troll abuse by folks all ready maxed out level. It wasn't new players using them for PvP it was maxed out Rear Admirals using them. Good job and thanks for the quick fix tot his problem.
  25. You apparently didn't read the patch notes we posted did you? Hell you guys keep twisting crap and not reading it. Go read the past patch notes and stop believing every thing you hear on global or in chat. LOL just cause I say I have a Bucc in Global doesn't mean I have one. We can troll the crap out of ya'll cause y'all seem to believe every thing that is said on global. or that some one else tells you. Don't trust anything unless you see it your self or have first hand experience.
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