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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I believe all the woods are the same for each ship unless you do the crewspace for planking. Than you need Oak and a lot of canvas and other things. I looked at the BP and looks like he posted the correct numbers for that build.
  2. M&C is 250 crew, why are you doing them still in a Cerberus? Your doing a level ship higher than the ship your in. Just cause your a that rank doesn't mean that is the ships you will get. Frigate vs something of the MC level can be done. To me by time your Rank 6 in your nation your not a new player any more. I been grinding up my Aggy up today for slots and all I get in 5th rate missions are either 5th rate Endy/Inflatables/Trincs or a Connie once in a blue moon. Been pretty fair match up. These are all Ravager (350 crew or Captain level). These aren't suppose to be easy cake walk missions after all what fun will that be. If your having problems than hit something on the OW that is lower rank than your ship is. Remember fight what your ship can handle not what your rank is.
  3. Best of luck over there in US. They really need some new faces and clans to guide them. I think the biggest issues is the old "ELITIST" clans that keep trying to rule the nation. If it hasn't worked yet it prob won't work still. Again best of luck and sure our paths will cross on the OW.
  4. Yep just checked 26.79 here in the US.
  5. On POTBS there was only French, Spain, Brits and Pirates for the nations. French was pretty much dead on Roberts (EU server). Brtis was the largest nations, but they would try to pull this stuff when we started to bet them in Spain. Even though we where very much out numbers in most of the fights. So what they would do when it looks like wo't win they would throw the fights to be put on the bottom of the list. Well what Spain and Pirates would do is all ways make sure France was on the bottom or one of the two of us. Never Brit. The difference on there was that you got the Conquest Marks for a map win not per battle. Every one got one no matter what nation you where in. Winners got like 3 and the looser 1 and the middle guys 2. So it keep it more balanced and fair on that part. We all ready had this happen on Global. Some US loyal pirates (we suspected for some time back on PvP2 some where US alts) started up a little civil war between them and our clan. Well to make a long story short after 48 hours most of there clan left to join other clans and the problem players rolled to US (now going to GB). Just backing our suspision they where loyal to US any way. The funny thing is they tagged a none clan trader by Mort and that got all the other clans and clanless to turn against them. Luckily Pirates can do there own policing, other nations can't so not sure how that would be handle if they conquered another nation. Again I'm pirate, I don't care about how the nationals think, if they rip each other apart cause one clan can't get along with another or nation than more power for us. We feed of chaos Isn't that what clans can pretty much do any way, what ever they want? That is the good thing about no forced alliances right not. Clan A of the Brits can hate and fight with the Spanish. While Brit clan B might have good terms and refuse to show up to screen or do port battles. Though they will help out Can C in Spain attack France by screening for them. They really should just have the Nations as a guide and make more about the factions within each one clans vs clans of other nations. If you have enough large clans in a nation you can see more of this type of thing. Having total conquer is just really bad mechanics unless map resets. Interesting concept though. Sounds like it would work more on a Clan vs clan bases with just having your nation/faction as a base of the clans home country. What prob should be done is some incentive to play in the smaller nations or allow for alliances if you have less than 5 regions. That way smaller nations can gain up and help each other against larger nations.
  6. Yah you see it more in the bigger ships. We noticed it in the 4th rates and 3rds when we started to build them of different wood types for each clan members that wanted something towards there style of fighting.
  7. Are maybe do a fallback like POTBS did above the basic cutter. Say one you level up a bit you can get a Brig or Cerbus that is a fall back (store stats of Oak/Crewspace?), but you can only get this ship if you have no other ships in your docks. So that way your always in something other than a basic cutter once you rank up. Still have to buy cannons and such for it but it's better than loosing all your ships in a few days and being stuck in a basic cutters. With the added of teh ROOKIE Brig/Snow that could be a way to do a basic ship that isn't just the basic cutter. Very cheap version of ships that might stand up to low level AI, but not to equal tier store bought or player ships. No mods or skill slots for them as they are ment to help you get back on your feet.
  8. Not sure the current stats, but the Cerberus on the wiki has more armor and sails HP than the Rennom. In fact other than the extra 4 guns and more speed the Cerberus is actually a better ship if your going to brawl at that level. So with the higher HP and Armor I would say it would cost more to repair. It just has lower crew though. We also noticed that builds can change the number needed. Some woods need more repairs than others.
  9. To be honest if the maps end up like they did on the PvP1/2 servers again with it pretty much a stalemate and no one doing RvR other than just to pretend to flip ports. We need to have map resets like every 3 months or you will all ways see the same maps over and over. They should do it something like POTBS did and have the weakess nations get a perk to credits and xp and maybe lock out the winner from new folks to join until the next cycle to prevent nation jumping to the winner. Since there is no real end game they need to come up with something for an incentive to fight or change hands of regions or not just pick on the weak nations. Though this brings up an interesting point. How could you sabotage the other nation and when do you become your own nation again. I can see folks being able to force agro on regions to make them go neutral with a cival war and if they win the nation can split back into it's old self and maybe take some of the merged natons with it. They really kinda need some checks and balance since there is no end game or true conquest as the strong will always win against the week. There could be a negative to the nation that has the most regions. Maybe make it so there ports flip more easly cause they are so spread out they gain x2 agro or something. Give the weak nations that are one ported extra credit/xp to help them get back on there feet. I hated that we one ported spain on GLOBAL just so every one can have there dots, this makes it so no one will want to join or stay in that nation so it will never get back on it's feet.
  10. @admin any patch notes for today's update? A good reputation system will fix this there. So that you know if some one is known for sinking one nation over another and such and the reputation can effect your trade status with other nations so that you don't have to use a Smuggler flag if you as a player have good standing with that nation.
  11. Since the patch I been thinking this kinda is a sound way of looking at it. We should have this hierarchy but only give out the Combat Marks (will use CM for these here after). Here is a way to break ti down. PVE<Conquest Marks<PvP Normal PvE still pays out the same in missions according to Assist/Kill with the BR modifier for the groups as is. Conquest marks are a daily pay out of CM's. Every Conquest make is worth 5 CM's so say you have 10 CM's you get a day (think that is what I earn right now) that will mean I get paid out 50 a day just for the Pensions I own for regions I been to Port Battles to. While this puts me ahead of a casual player that didn't make any Port Battles, but he can still grind out AI to get the same CM's. Now PvP is where you get the HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARDS. You take the base PvE rewards and it pay's out 5:1 (even 10:1 but I would start with 5:1) according to your Assist/Kill's and the BR modifiers. This way your rewarded for the good battles with other players and it makes it worth it over than just doing PvE grinding. I think the Refits and books are pretty evenly priced right now, the BP's for ships prob need to bump up cost for them. Permits shouldn't break the bank but shouldn't be easy to get other than a good day grinding for a few hours maybe get you a Frigate permit. The whole concept of the game to get more PvP is to make it easier and more rewarding to get into proper ships for and back out into the fight. SOL's should be costly and take time to get into. We can prob add a few more things in the shop that eat up the Marks. Paints? Where did they take off to? That would be a good soak of extra CM's folks make a day. Maybe have Region degration. If no one attacks a region after a month it stops gaining CM's. Could have other things that take the CM's to get. Have them be part of getting Permits to Open new outpost. You still have to pay for the outpost and to abandon them, but the permits to expand cost CM's instead of gold. Same thing have in the store expansion permits for the Dock space and warehouses so you can use your CM's instead of gold. This will make folks an option instead of trading and grinding for gold to open slots for stuff so the combat guys that hate trading can do the same. They can still cost gold, just have a conversion or permits in the shop as an option. Every thing else about the patch I liked to be honest.
  12. The Endy should keep it's good speed so you have to only put a a speed mod or two and than you can build it out of better wood than say a Coonie or any other ship that your speed capping. They need to bring Mast damage back to between last hotfix/patch and the merge. The whole reason folks where doing so much demasting was it was the fastest way to slow these speed demons down. They where snapping like twigs cause most of them was made out of fir or something else light. I should be blowing the tops of these Surprises and Rennoms mast off while chasing them in my Aggy/Trincs that are only slightly speed fitted to keep up with the pack until the fast guys slow down their fast guys. Though now it's every one speed fits and if you don't have more than a few guys on your team you can't slow down a lone speed ship with the repairs and extra thickness of mast.
  13. Every time I see folks that make post like he did I think, " I bet they are still in light ships and haven't seen how much xp it takes to move up one slot in a frigate or even a SOL."
  14. I think it should be 5:1 for the PvP not 2:1....when it was 3:1 we really wasn't seeing much difference and than they took that away. PvP should be high risk for high rewards and right now 2:1 over PvE is not that.
  15. This is a good thing than, maybe we will see more support in the future. I really don't want to change flags and stuff. Just wish we can have clan flags so you can tell your clan mates from say other pirates in a battle other than looking at there names.
  16. I'll be happy if this is just a skin/paint that only folks who have all 5 slots on that ship can put on it. It kinda a way to let folks know your in an elite ship, but you don't have to put it on the ship if you don't want to. Hell just giving the options of the paints would be nice for that ship. So if I want one type of paint for my ships I have to unlock all five slots and than I can pick from a list. Though think of the Naval Renommee Frigate having bow Chasers if you unlock the 5th slot and it gets a special skin for only that slot. A good reputation system would be nice, but your going to get folks to farm stuff no matter what. This just means you have to actually grind like crazy for what you can get more of by PvPing. Hope there was a bit of a bump up in credits and xp for PvP too. We lost a L'Ocean this week cause two guys where out grinding fleets close to Mort, though more closer to Pitts. They almost captured the second one....oh and it was the AI in the fleet that sunk the ship not the swarm of Surprises so it's not NONE RISK. We use to catch 1st rates all the time like this back before patch. We keep telling guys to stop going out on there own, this isn't PvP2 any more, but no they won't listen lol....we also lost two permits for l'oceans last night (same char that lost the 1st rate) in the same area. You think they will learn to get escorts or call out for help when moving things like that. Yah the true PvPers won't care about the rewards. I'm more seeing this as a way to get more folks out and on the OW. point on.... Yah I figured you and the other JG14 guys are more like that minded, but it does make it easier. I was having a hell of a time getting PvP marks cause of group sharing as I only been out in light tagger ships and it's bassed off assit and kills only and than you have to share. Same with port battles. So now more folks will get them and can trade me for ships I craft for the Clan and Nation. It was easier for us to get Aggy's than Connies before today. I do agree there needs to be something for the PvP players that do mostly that. A good reputation system will work for this. Where you can buy some items only if you have the right reputation with that nation or level or PvPer you have done. Even make some off trading for the tradres too.
  17. Really your desire was only for the marks? Mine is the thrill of the hunt, but i was getting more rewards from doing PvE than PvP cause of having to share with any one else in the group. Now I have a better chance to get more reward than I did before and it's not special PvP only items so this encourages folks to get out and do more PvP and PvE (isn't these the guys we catch half the time any way?). Yah I didn't like that most of the knowledge books where locked behind one type of marks. I can see a few special rewards but not that much content. Now ya'll can get a few books and knowledge and work on there one fav ships and enjoy the few hours here and there casual players have to play compared to the hard core players. (which I'm one of those). Get more casual out in the OW and you get more targets for us PvPers. This should make every one happy.
  18. Wait we can change the local files so we can see flags we want? Man this means there is hope for maybe game mods. Though would love if it could be clan flags and not just the whole nation.
  19. From my testing just now it's Trader Brigs and Trader Snows. I just had a Rookie Snow and it had 65 crew. Still had the side guns, as nothing fired for or aft, but with the smaller crew. My privateer got pretty beat up by it, but I boarded it and won. Kinda interesting way to add a little change to the low level missions.
  20. Yah quality is better than quantity any day. It's like I moved from PvP1 to PvP2 so long ago and happy that while GLOBAL could use some more players, but I"m glade we are not over over populated too.
  21. I would say give us a raid system that helps for agro and you will see more port battles for sure. Well more fights in the OW and such. Some regions are a bit to big and I think they could prob had split the Bahamas up to make one extra region in that area if not two, but for the most part they are about the right size. The problem is more folks that just want to camp on there marks and not risk lost or gain. Loved that old Land Grant concept the devs mention a few months back cause it means you get the rewards of that region over others for doing the fighting.
  22. Cause the majority hated it. I"m going to bet your not that far in the trees or still in the low level ships? Cause with the math you would hit RA going up one tree only before you got to the second slot of the Connie. That is if you did't try to go up the other SOL tree too. You would max out in the game before you even got into the 4th rates. Which is way to much grinding. I should not have to master some ships I don't want to be in to master one I do.
  23. Are they more putting the right ones? We have captured traders with both Stubbing and Staysails mods on. Though pretty much harm each others states and make you sail worth. That and as stated above don't put it at 100% cargo and get a dang escort either your own ship or a buddy. Remember safety in numbers. Like the other day when my trader was out running your group. It was completely empty trader brig though with no guns. If I was loaded ya'll would of had me dead for sure.
  24. On GLOBAL we have a DANE clan CN/CCCP (CN is old clan, CCCP is newer one) that is mostly SEA players. I can tell you for a fact they could get way more players to join if it was localized into Chinese since that is where many of them are from. They said that many of the more players that would join would make other nations grow as they would want to fight each other in there own time zones to so it would add to the SEA/AU time zone of players. The only thing is they can't really play on EU cause of the Chinese firewall kills there ping big time. @chailang and the rest of his clan mates could speak more about this. Great guys we have had a pleasure to work with over the last year. Even if some times we both had to rely on google translation to speak with one another. I know they have volunteer to help localize the language and I'm sure other clans for other languages have or will do so when the game gets closer to finalize.
  25. Yah was going to ask if there was any ETA on the upgrade of engine but figured I prob wouldn't like the answer. Just want to see some of the small ships back that they keeped out.
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