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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. @Ink I kinda been wondering about this. Can you still put them on the ship cause i can put a Bovinewinds on with a Elite British Rig Refit and I done it with other Rig Refits, but I never tried to do two Rig Refits on top of each other. I ask this cause when you listed what couldn't be stacked you said Bovinewinds and all the Rig Refits above can't be stacked. I keep forgetting to bring this up and get it checked.
  2. I'll do a write up today on our part was just in a rush last night and posted the results. I thank @Blackjack McGee (PS I keeped you l'Ocean) from doing it from his point of view and I'll add in the big mistakes we saw in the battle and took advantage of. Poor VCO finally got to hear what our coms sounds like and it's never pretty at the start of the fights so no clan is perfect or battle group, but when it gets time down to do what is needed we do it. I been saying it for over a year, there is a reason I keep saying US and GB should fight. To be honest I think US has the better fighting force cause of all the OW PvP some of them get (speaking of US prime time). While GB has it's strongest fighters in one of the worse time zones for one nation and another to have fighters in. If anything Danes and Brits should be having some fun in that time zone since ya'll have the most AUS/SEA players. Just let poor CCCP know next time. They didn't know about the arrangement with SCAR and ARMED over fighting over ports and was very pissed SCAR didn't even show up. Sadly I think SCAR is pretty much dead right now so it would be more AMRED vs CCCP in any fights between them. Just a heads up there prime time is West coast Aussie prime time if your looking for a good fight. That should match up with @Norfolk nChance times. Not to sound cocky but honestly when have you ever beat us 1st rates vs 1st rates and not counting before patches when server is dead? The only times we have ever lost fights was either none prime times or when server was dead and pop was down. I would love to see a fight where ya'll actually won a 25 vs 25....not a 25 vs 10. Even than we won out number a lot of times. With your permission I'll use the map you sent me. It was handy in making the plans instead of letting @Willis PVP2 do some scribbles on a map for us. LOL ya'll really should see when he draws up the battle plans. It's more out of good fun than actual battle plans cause nothing ever goes the same as you plan once the shots are fired. This is also something I think hurts US they make plans but they don't know yet how to adapt on the fly as a group.
  3. Islamorada SOL port battle: 25 US vs 25 Pirates 10 US ships sunk with none lost on the pirate side. I know we captured a few out side also so more was lost.
  4. Hay now it was only one clan that was pretty much full of US supporters and one known (now confirmed alt as he's in Pirates now fully). For the other clans we have pretty much told them don't do things without letting us know cause we prob won't support you. As TRR is finding out when they went to hit those shallow ports in the gulf. They actually came to me last night asking if they pissed us off and I told them know, but if you run off and do things on your own your not going to get support of the other clans period. But I do admit it does come in handy and I believe another clan has threaten them cause of some of there actions, every nation going to have those trouble makters, just pirates have a means to keep them in line. I would keep the nation vs same nation thing to clan wars of ports only. I don't think it should be an open world thing. Just see how much folks will get all butt hurt over it. Though I'm still all for removing pirates from RvR and making clans have the option to be Privateers for a nation and the clanless can be the true pirates/outlaws. Lets test this on pirates for sure. Hell you never know than you might have a certain Pirate clan fighting on your side or some one else that doesn't want a carebear alliance. I don't know VCO and BLACK had some pretty nastie past and we are now fighting side by side since they rolled over to Pirates. Some folks will just never give up old grudges and others are fine with switching who they fight every week. This is why we keep telling the other nations if they just drop old past grudges and maybe ask us to screen/help them they can get a powerfull clan to back them, but now pirates are evil and they must all die....lol Lets test this on pirates and make them Privateer where clans can enlist them self out for other nations clans as Mercs/Privateers and give us something unique. If you don't want to get involved in RvR part of the game stay solo or not have a contract and than you will be just a pirate/outlaw. If you want to be a part of the RvR than your clan needs to get a Letter of Marque and become mercs for said clan/nation. I would do just like I posted above Mercs have 7 day contracts that you can set to auto renew on MWO. I would leave the auto renew off and just make it 7 days at a time and it cost that nation to hire out the clan for the week. That way they can fight for Brits one week and french the next week and even help fill small nations port battles to help them win some fights.
  5. I didn't list press K cause several others said that. Though I do think it would be nice if some one did a short video of how to run one. I suck at doing those things..... I don't do the video capture thing, but would be nice if some one did. I have a few mods and ship knowledge on mine to make that thing a beast. Almost maxed out reload with mods to help with the accuracy and rocking of the ship. You have to remember to play with your sails and the wind to get it so the waves don't rock you so much and than once you get targeted in you pretty much don't have to move at all and just click your mouse every time it reloads. I think I had it down pre-patch to taking towers down in the old style port battles to under 20 mins solo. Forts take about 50+ hits to kill, Towers are about 18 hits. The base of the forts (structure bar) can take about 150 hits before it's destroyed so you want to be hitting center and taking away from the bow bar (the fort it self) since it only takes about 50 hits. Each ball does around 400-600 dagme. That is a broad side of most 4th rates. So you hit something with 4 balls it's going to screw up there day big time. The other way to practice them is with team work. Get a buddy that is great at demasting and go do a solo 1st rate mission. Have him demast the ship and than pratice your mortar briging on it.
  6. HP cap is 25% that can easly be done with ship knowledge (planking), or mods (Bridgetown, Elphant etc) so really Floating battery is not really a mod that many would use cause you take such a great hit to speed and well your already cap on HP unless your using it on something like a fir/fir ship which is just silly. Remember you have to add the build of wood types to your % for the cap.
  7. And people still can't get it in there head when I been saying all this time you only been fighting 15-20 guys every time......lol
  8. Yah I hope so too cause we got totally screwed the last time they had alliances worse than the small nations but luckly on our server we had the RvR force to still back it. @admin how about instead of trying to make these small new nations or adding in clans of other nations lets actually give pirates a mechanic of there own. Lets make a Privateer Faction where you can get a Letter of Marque to work for another nation/clan. If your not working under a LoM or your clanless than you are counted as a Oatlaw/Pirate. You can even do it much like Merc units on MWO that get hired out to fight for House Factions for there version of clan wars. You have 7 day contracts and you gain a +30% bonus to credit/xp if you join a low pop Faction or you can get -20% to credit/xp gained if you join a high pop nation. This will help balance out nations way better than other system and lets be honest it's about time we just let the nations be and give some life to pirates.
  9. As I stated before most games have PvP content locked to players and can't even be traded. I'm all for the fact if you wan the PvP content you need to get out and PvP. If you don't want to PvP you still have all the tools to play the game, you just don't get the big shiney prizes the pvp guys get even if this means that content will be locked to that player and only that player. I brought up a way to add this to ships. 5th slot can only be unlocked through PvP xp gained only. You can unlock it early if you only do PvP (xp still goes torwards the other slots). So PvP players are the only way to get that one slot unlocked. If you unlock all 5 slots you get a special paint for that ship to show that it's elite. Than folks will know they are fighting an elite player and maybe give special rewards for the kill/capture of such ships (xp boost?)
  10. Don't see it as a bad thing, we can't please every one and lets be blunt if you don't make some content special that you have to do special content to get than folks won't do it. Every game i been on if you want the elite gear you have to do the elite missions and raids or buy said gear off some one that grinds it. You can't just go hay Dev I want that too, but I"m going to sit over here in safe zone. Hell most games lock the best gear being PvP and such that you can't even get through PvE or buying cause it's locked to your char. Though this does't have to be the best of the best stuff. Paints is number one thing I keep hearing folks saying they want back and I bet folks will pay big for it. Drop it in the PvP marks store and still allow them to drop in shipwreck event chest and maybe random shipwreck bottles. Than pick a few ships that aren't key in port battles that you can only get through PvP. The plain Rattler, Niagara maybe some new 5 rate or even 3rd rate that we haven't seen, but nothing at the top of the port battle tiers. Hell the Prince would of been another good one to have in the shop. Or just give out special skin version of the ships that normal players can craft. Exact same states but the skin is different on these ships. Combat news could be used to announce when you finish the first Hostiltiy mission on a port so to alert folks that it's going up. Though I think a red ping/dot on the map around a port would be good too. You really shouldn't be able to convert something up into another marks. They should only be able to down grand them. Victory Marks into PvP Marks, PvP or Victory Marks into Combat Marks, but never the other way back. If you want something though you can pay for it with gold though and get it from some one else.
  11. This info would be usefull so we know what has changed. Thanks for the update on the patch though. Keep up the good changes.
  12. It's only 4 missions unless you do something stupid. Ask folks how fast we flipped Islam last night. We had two groups. One with 15 SOL and one with 8. Our group killed the first mission in 10 mins and the second group was half way through theirs. We finished our second one as they where just getting into their second one. All in all that was 4 missions in less than an hour. I don't think ya'll could of even got ships out there fast enough to stop us other than the Reno and Basic cutter that showed up in the last mission. 10 Victories goes down fast when you have all PB 1st rates (we did have a Connie or two in those fleets) that focus fire. Same goes for the Aggies as we tend to flip those with 1st rates too. Now the Merc's in the shalllow water depends if you can get them in deep water. Than we tend to use 4/5th rates. On average it's taking about 1-2 hours to flip a port.
  13. No one said it had to be a monster.....they could of gotten eaten by a storm. Again sea story's where always made up as to reason why things disappeared and such.
  14. It has way more history than some silly movie as being a sea monster that has taken many ships. Though I think it was more the storms that took them than sea monsters.
  15. I also joked that if I was a DEV I would put put in that like every million times it's pushed THE KRAKKEN would come out and eat your ship. No matter the ship it's lost. Though I wouldn't tell the player but if they returned to that location they get a wreck with a chest with a special item that only folks that have been eaten by THE KRAKKEN get like a paint or sail mod or even special skinned boat like the yacht or something lol
  16. Maybe you just have the bad luck of RNG like I do. I did have my baby rat up at Kidd's Sunday night picking up bottles. I did 5 of them and got some decent loot per say, but no mods. I have clan mates that gotten good mod stuff and mats for them. So yah it's just RNG Gods prob hate you like it does me. On going joke we troll in global chat is that is how the pirates Activate there pirate hacks. I'm pretty sure some folks believe it's true, but than again they believe a lot of stuff we troll in Global at times lol
  17. I would say only do this with the lower level missions. First three Ranks should stay in capital safe zones. Anything bigger should be in the regional safe zones. I'm sorry it should not be all the coast line it should be only the capital region zone. You can still keep non captureable ports along the coast of a nation, but only capital regions should have the reinforcements zones. That and some resources should not be in the capital zones. I get you want to make it easier but now coal is every where. some of the woods are in zones too, along with Spain has one of the rare refits item in one port. Things like this should never be in the safe zones, but if it makes the other 90% of the players happy than so be it. The boost in production now gives folks reason to not use the safe zones to do productions. There should be other incentives too. A lot of us mention bring back things like Paint chest for port battles and maybe put it in a PvP shop. Sorry you can't make every one happy and if they want those items than they can just buy them off the PvPers. I don't think they should be RvR only items (except PB rewards) so a PvP rewards shop would work out great. Safe zones are fine, but give us a better incentive to go out and risk the ships than a boost in CM and such, which tends to be lower than doing a few missions cause we have to share the rewards.
  18. Exactly so the only way folks are going to know you got sunk is you smack talk in Global about it and @Slim Jimmerson your one of the trolls in game and on the forums that does a lot of your own smack talking so if your upset you got sunk bring a bigger fleet or keep fighting and getting better. Though I would love it if it announced where agro is getting put. Like when you get out of the first missions it should post something like, "Nassau is being attacked by CKA or GB(clan would be better than nation)." Type of thing, is there any way to do this @admin to better let folks know what area is hot? Cause some times the only way to know is you have to keep refreshing your map while doing other things.
  19. I'm a bit confused on this as to why didn''t the guys that joined on the US side kill the Brits and the guys that joined the Brit side kill the US? GREEN on GREEN is still GREEN on GREEN if your on the same side no matter what side you where chasing. I even talked about this the other day about joining both sides if the US and GB ever fought each other and both teams cleans up the other side. If there was actual green on green you need to take a screen shot of the battle log that shows some one on your side fired at you and report that. Just telling folks to do it isn't against the rules. Tagging other nations and not firing at each other isn't against the rules. It's the same thing as us pirates tagging each other. It's not against the rules as any one can join that fight and still kill us. Though I actually think all battles should be joined by all like pirates vs pirate and no sides but that just me.... I'll talk to clan [BLACK] members and make sure they know in this situation they can not do green on green and just needs to join one side or the other or both and kill them that way.
  20. Nassau shallow water port battle: 14+ pirates vs ZERO GB Well seems CKA didn't show, we had way over 14+ ready for this. Great turnout by just about every pirate clan. Word from TRR was they where over helping MARS grind up Las Sabina (shallow water in GULF). If that is sow than would been nice if they let us know they weren't going to show. If this becomes a habit from CKA we will start flipping only there ports and ACTUALLY SHOWING UP TO THEM.
  21. I always seen the ELITE on GLOBAL as those nerdy kids that are forced to play in Gym class and you have to pick them any way for your team but you might as well use them and let them play to take the brunt of the hits. Though they might get crushed every two seconds they still got hear and keep coming back for the ball. We all had that one kid on our team and we know who they are. That is our good fellows over on the GB side in ELITE clan. Even when out number and out gun and in crappy ships they will storm right at us and try to fight it out. If they lucky they might even scratch some paint. I did have tea once on Norfolks ship, not sure he invited me or not but I helped my self, along with all his gold and goodies too before I left, such a good host he was to his guess, why yes he was.
  22. Remember you have a min and max range. The best thing is to get a trader and tag it and than go into battle and pratice on someting like a fort/tower even if it's a nuetral one that doesn't fire. It always starts with the mortars facing you Starboard (right) side so remember that. You can't fire to forward or after as your mast will get in the way. You basicly want to be 90 degrees form the target for best shots. Currently we are missing our red aim dot so it's a lot harder to hit Forts on land and even some of the towers cause you can't see your aiming circle.
  23. You pretty much summed up what needs to be done......with a few tweeks as we go but it's the point and direction.
  24. I can grind out 4 line ship hostility mission with 3 other plaeyrs and we all have 1.6 million a piece. We can do the SHallow water ones in 3/4 rates and make around 100-500K depend how many of us show. I solo them and a killing. I have made trade runs with goods on the way back of dropping off mats at ports we have some things set up at. Bought up what will fill the empty space of what I picked up and heading back with and made 100% profits off those goods. Enough to pay for the Teak I picked up after dropping something else off for a player that was set up there in our clan. SO your saying you can't make money? Try leaving the dang port. Hell even in PvP what little we have gotten since the patch we have gotten decent rewards though do think XP needs a better boost in PvP. Happy with the CM level and such. OH and when I do that grind for a 1st rate port I make around 300-400 CM's. I been sitting on 1K combat marks on most my chars (not counting the crafter....that lazy baster never leaves port.) More has he even logged into the game. I found folks that make these commets don't even do anything. They log in sit in port and complain. Bet that is why he's not making money. Or leaving port?
  25. And I want to thank those of VCO that showed up for La Navassu as it was early and they where still switching over. We sent some guys to Cart to help (not that we expected any issues other than screeners). There has been bad blood between VCO and BLACK in the past and we are making sure to drop all that and come together to help the nation. If we can do it than any one else can do it.
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